FNCPA News & Events


Register for the Law Enforcement Aboriginal and Diversity Conference

Successes in the Community

FNCPA Executive to Speak at Aboriginal Policing Forum

Law Enforcement Aboriginal Diversity Network

Check out Training Opportunities with the Canadian Police College  www.cpc.gc.ca

Please welcome the new FNCPA Executive, recently elected at the June 2006 Annual General Meeting.


Left to right:

President Brian Rupert, Chief of Treaty Three Police Service

Vice President Gary Reid, Chief of Police Wikwemikong Tribal Police

Secretary Larry Hay Chief of Police Tyendinaga Mohawk Police, 

Treasurer Stan Grier, Chief of Police Tsuu T’ina Nation Police Service


Past PresidentGlenn Lickers Chief of Police Six Nations Police

More about:

Brian Rupert, President

Gary Reid, Vice-president

Larry Hay, Secretary
Stan Grier, Treasurer

Glenn Lickers , Past President
Dale Davis, Executive Director

A Human Resource Study of First Nations Policing in Canada

Une Étude en Matière de Ressources Humaines sur les Services de Police des Premières Nations au Canada