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‘Tis the season to be healthy

The Board of Directors and staff of the National Aboriginal Health Organization (NAHO) would like to wish you and yours a very happy (and healthy) holidays.

To help keep you safe this holiday season, NAHO has assembled a list of online resources, available on the Canadian Health Network Web site, with information about some common holiday health hazards:

drinking and driving
Drinking and driving  
pot and driving

Pot and driving (information available in Inuktitut)  
Holiday hazards (available in English only)  

health canada

The National Aboriginal Health Organization gratefully acknowledges the core funding support of Health Canada.


NAHO is proud to be the Aboriginal Peoples
affiliate for the Canadian Health Network (CHN).

Updated December 08, 2006

latest news from naho

Special E-Bulletin: Governor General Honours Aboriginal Role Models

nov 2006

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Extended Deadline


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Politicians and native leaders renew commitment to improving native health

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october 2006

NAHO e-bulletin Fall 2006 (7mb)

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