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  Monday, December 18, 2006

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December 18, 2006
Ontario Helps Hunt Camp Convert To Solar Power - #970033

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Highway 69 Expansion Program Reaches Milestone

Event Photos From MNDM

Friday, November 03, 2006 - Celebrating the achievements to date on the massive Highway 69 four-laning project between Sudbury and Parry Sound are members of the CRASH 69 Committee, from left, Ron Henderson, Lorraine Dupuis, Minister of Northern Development and Mines Rick Bartolucci, Jack Braithwaite, Mike Quinn, and Ron MacDonald. Bartolucci today announced a new $58.2 million contract award for the four-laning of a further five kilometres of highway, bringing to $150 million the total amount invested by the McGuinty government in the 12-year project in this year alone.

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2006 News Releases

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Minister's Columns

Columns Published by Minister Rick Bartolucci

December 11, 2006 Ontario’s Mineral Industry Cluster Ensuring Sustainability
November 17, 2006 The NOHFC – a driving force in the growth of Northern Ontario
September 25, 2006 Building on the Northeast’s Proven and Potential Strengths
September 25, 2006 Building on the Northwest’s Proven and Potential Strengths
July 24, 2006 Working to Ensure Ontario’s Mining Future

Minister's Speeches

2/25/2005 Launch of Grow Bonds Pilot Program
6/10/2004 The Northern Prosperity Plan
4/22/2004 Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (Sudbury Branch)
12/9/2003 Ontario Prospectors Association Exploration and Geoscience Symposium
11/26/2003 Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund Business Awards Dinner
11/5/2003 Visit of South African Delegation

Other News

October 11, 2006 STATEMENT TO THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE - Northern Prosperity Plan in Action
June 20, 2006 STATEMENT TO THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE - Construction Begins at Ontario’s First Diamond Mine
April 11, 2006 STATEMENT TO THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE - Northern Ontario School of Medicine Bursary Fund
April 05, 2006 STATEMENT TO THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE - Recent Northern Accomplishments
March 01, 2006 STATEMENT TO THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE - Ontario Welcomes International Mineral Development Conferences
November 16, 2005 STATEMENT TO THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE - Mining Thriving in Ontario
March 01, 2005 STATEMENT TO THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE - Launch of the Renewed NOHFC - Launch of Northern Development Councils - Launch of the Northern Ontario Grow Bonds Pilot Program

Last Modified: 04/28/06

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Last Modified: April 28, 2006