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canadore 2012

Canadore College will lead in student success. We will provide a superior working environment for our faculty and staff, and through them, an exceptional living and learning environment for our students and clients. Students will be attracted to the challenging yet supportive experience we create.

Canadore College will provide high quality programs and services that will contribute to success in tomorrow’s workplace and society. We will work in collaboration with our communities, and optimize the unique relationship with our university partner, as we focus on excelling as a community college.

What we mean, and how we measure our success
Measure of success
"lead in student success"
As the College strives to be "student-centred"
and "learning centred", the ultimate goal is results in terms of student success
Success depends on students’ and
clients’ achievement of their goals
To "lead in student success" reflects Canadore’s aspiration to establish a reputation for student success
Graduation rates
Graduate placement
Graduate satisfaction
Employer satisfaction
Student and client satisfaction with programs
Reputation and profile for achieving student success
"a superior working environment"
Canadore provides a collegial and supportive
environment with the resources that employees need to succeed
The College emphasizes training and development to that maximize employee potential and performance
Employee satisfaction with the working environment
Employee participation in and satisfaction with training and development
"an exceptional living and learning environment"
The College and our faculty and staff are committed to providing an excellent environment
We focus on both student life and the classroom experience
Our environment is welcoming for students from diverse backgrounds
Student and client satisfaction with facilities and services
Student and client satisfaction with the learning experience
Aboriginal, francophone, international and special needs students’ positive evaluation of their college experience
"attracted to the challenging yet supportive experience"
The Canadore philosophy is a reason to choose the College
People in and beyond the North Bay region are attracted to Canadore for this reason
Comments on the reasons for choosing Canadore
First choice selection of Canadore
Enrolment from outside the area
Partnerships from outside the area
Achievement of enrolment plan
"high quality programs and services"
College programs strive to achieve the highest academic and professional standards
College services are modelled after the best practices of leading service organizations
Innovation at Canadore is focused on quality
Graduate placement
Graduate satisfaction
Employer satisfaction
Student and client satisfaction with programs
Student and client satisfaction with customer service
"tomorrow’s workplace and society"
We orient planning and programs to the future
We provide programs that combine breadth of opportunity and depth in specializations relevant to the region and its economic development
We focus on graduates’ success in a diverse society
Program review, focusing on vocational and general education components
Graduate placement and perceptions of their success
Reputation, relevance and attractiveness of programs
"in collaboration with our communities and … our university partner"
The College will be an active community partner in North Bay and Northeastern Ontario
Canadore works actively and effectively with Nipissing University to provide a breadth of educational opportunities
Canadore works actively and effectively with other university partners, colleges and school boards to provide a breadth of educational opportunities
Community perception of Canadore as an effective and responsive partner
Number of joint, articulated, or collaborative arrangements
Number of students taking advantage of these arrangements
"excelling as a community college"
Primarily focused on the programs and services associated with community colleges
Consciously and purposely a "college" rather than an Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning (ITAL)
Faculty and staff awareness of and support for college mission
Community awareness of and support for college mission
Public reward and recognition of the accomplishments and achievements of students, employees and partners