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Strategic Plan 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07:
On the path to Canadore 2012

From 2004-05 to 2006-07, Canadore College will undertake the first steps towards our Canadore 2012 vision.  In this initial phase, we will create the foundation for leading in student success.

Our strategic activities will focus on 16 objectives that form the means to achieve four goals.  Each year, measurable results will be articulated through the President’s Annual Workplan, which will in turn, be supported by divisional annual operational plans.


The four goals are:


1.   To enhance program quality, currency, and responsiveness to student needs;


2.   To develop a highly collegial and supportive learning and working environment;


3.   Through collaboration with our educational and community partners, to improve and expand educational pathways which support community sustainability and economic development in northeastern Ontario; and


4.   To strengthen Canadore’s institutional viability and its position as a community college.



Goals and Objectives


1.0        Enhance program quality, currency, and responsiveness to student needs

1.1      Provide program content, delivery methods and academic support for faculty and staff that respond to learner needs and employer expectations.


1.2      Continue the program revitalization process, including evaluation and feedback from a range of sources.


1.3      Develop and implement a comprehensive Human Resources plan, to include recruitment, professional development, retention and succession plans, that ensures qualified staff and faculty are attracted to and remain current in their respective roles and disciplines.


1.4      Ensure that curriculum and delivery respond to the needs and aspirations of aboriginal students, international students and students with special needs.


2.0      Develop a collegial and supportive learning and working environment

2.1      Develop the internal relations, decision-making processes and communications that are associated with a superior learning and working environment.


2.2      Establish an ongoing renewal process that identifies and acts upon specific priorities for improving the physical learning and working environment.


2.3      Develop comprehensive, multi-year technology, equipment, and facilities plans and implement the first phase of these plans.


2.4      Identify and respond to immediate priorities for service improvement while furthering the application of the Service Excellence Model throughout the College.


2.5      Assess and improve selected college policies, procedures and processes toward the Canadore 2012 expectation of excellence in student support.


2.6      Create and begin to implement a plan to expand services, resources, and activities that enhance student life, selecting priorities that will address students’ social, emotional, recreational, housing and financial needs.


3.0       Through collaboration with our educational and community partners, improve and expand educational pathways which support community sustainability and economic development in northeastern Ontario

3.0      Develop and implement widespread mutually beneficial agreements to provide students with the means to move effectively among education, business and industry opportunities.


3.1      Implement active partnerships that meet the needs of northern community sustainability and economic development.


4.0      Strengthen Canadore’s institutional viability and its position as a community college

4.1     Communicate the Canadore 2012 values and aspirations to build support for Canadore and enhance our reputation.


4.2       Achieve enrolment targets (ensuring that programs provide excellent opportunities for graduates) and achieve revenue targets that contribute to Canadore’s fiscal health and institutional viability.


4.3       Implement rigorous analysis of costs and benefits associated with current and proposed programs, services and ancillary operations and make operational decisions on the basis of the analysis.


4.4       Establish fundraising targets and strategies that support the College’s goals and objectives.


Approved by the Board of Governors

April 20, 2004

Res. #46-04