The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE)

Since its formation in 1986, CONAIE has led the Indigenous peoples of Ecuador from relative isolation to a position at center stage of Ecuadorian society. CONAIE is the representative body that guarantees Indigenous people the political voice that has too long been denied them, and that expresses their needs and goals within a rapidly changing world.

Visit CONAIE's page at

Urgente: CONAIE Convoca a Levantamiento Indígena

Chibuleo rally during the last Levantamiento(These documents are also available in English.)

Information on CONAIE / Información sobre la CONAIE

News from CONAIE / Noticias de la CONAIE

Indigenous Culture / Cultura Indígena

Mapa de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador
Map of Indigenous Nationalities in Ecuador

Related web pages / Otras páginas web

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