Ak'Tenamit Sponsoring a child with Ak'Tenamit is exceptionally rewarding.

The Project
Sponser a Child
About Us
How to Help
Mayan Preist

Asociación Ak' Tenamit is a non-profit Mayan run organization working to reduce poverty in the rain forests of eastern Guatemala.



Sponsoring a child can save a life. By providing each child with an food, medical care, and an education we not only saving lives but we are also giving the child a chance at a future. Unlike most sponsership programs we are strive to not just care for a child but provide them with an opportunity for a better life. Please consider sponsoring today. Many international development agencies offer such an opportunity but few give 100% of your money directly to the child. Because our program is supported by volunteers, relief organisations, reliefe organizations, and donors we can give one hundred percent of your donation to a starving child.