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Indigenous Affairs Resources

Commonwealth Government Administrative Arrangements for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs
Commonwealth Government Programmes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
Indigenous Issues
Parliamentary Library Publications and E-briefs
International Resources


Commonwealth Government Administrative Arrangements for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs

Department Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

Council of Australian Governments trials

The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) is sponsoring trials of a whole-of-government approach to Indigenous services at eight sites around Australia.

National Indigenous Council (NIC)

Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Indigenous Affairs

Commonwealth Government Programmes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People


Department of Education Science and Training (DEST)

Employment and Economic Development

Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR)


Health and Ageing


Department of Family and Community Services (FaCS)

Environment and Heritage

Department of Environment and Heritage

Land and Native Title

Art, Culture and Languages

Department of Communications, Information Technology and Arts (DCITA)

Australia Council

Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)


Australian Sports Commission

Department of Communications, Information Technology and Arts (DCITA)

Law, Justice and Human Rights

Attorney-General's Department

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission

Social Security, Families, Women and Children

Department of Family and Community Services


Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination

Torres Strait


State and Local Government


Australian Local Government Association - Indigenous Issues

Government Indigenous portal to Indigenous services and information sources located on government internet sites.


Directories of Organisations, Commonwealth and Businesses




Indigenous Issues



Language and Tribal Groups

Land and Native Title



Policy and Research

Reconciliation and Social Justice


Parliamentary Library Publications and E-briefs

Identifiable Commonwealth Expenditure on Indigenous Affairs and portfolio/program rearrangements, 2001 to 2005 Not available outside the Parliamentary computer network

Indigenous Broadcasting E-brief

ATSIC Review: Complex Challenges, No Simple Solutions Research Note 5/03-04

Make or Break? A Background to the ATSIC Changes and the ATSIC Review Current Issues Brief 29/02-03

Defining Aboriginality in Australia Current Issues Brief 10/2002-03

Indigenous Flags and Days Research Note 4/2002-03

Mabo: Ten Years On E-brief

The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia and Indigenous Peoples 1901-1967

Indigenous Socioeconomic Indicators, Benefits and Expenditure Research Paper Online

The Definition of Aboriginality Research Note 18/2000-01

Mandatory Sentencing links and chronology from the Criminal Law Resources page

Aboriginal Tent Embassy: Icon or Eyesore? Chronology 3/1999-00

The Protection of Indigenous Rights: Contemporary Canadian Comparisons Research Paper 27/1999-00

Indigenous Religion in Secular Australia Research Paper 11/1999-00

From Dispossession to Reconciliation Research Paper 27/1998-99

Indigenous Affairs in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United States of America, Norway and Sweden Background Paper 15/1997-98

The Origin of Commonwealth Involvement in Indigenous Affairs and the 1967 Referendum Background Paper 11/1996-97

International Resources
