Center for Traditional Medicine 

Center for World
Indigenous Studies

USA 1(360)586-0656
PMB 214-1001 Cooper Pt. Rd. SW
Suite 140
Olympia, WA 98502


The Center for World Indigenous Studies is a non profit 501c(3) research and education organization
Access to indigenous peoples knowledge and ideas
Conflict resolution based on mutual consent
Protecting the rights of indigenous peoples
Robert Harper Gallery @ CWIS NEW 

The Center for World Indigenous Studies is pleased to share a portion of the works of photographer Robert Harper (1931-1993). We have been given the privilege of sharing his world of indigenous peoples photography: photos from the Kiriwina Islands, Papua New Guinea, Mexico, and Guatemala. The photography ranges from the 50's to the 80's.
Chief George Manuel Virtual Library open to researchers

The Research Branch is an online database of scanned documents, reports, publications and  image resources held in the Library Archives in hardcopy form. Collections include documents, essays, manuscripts and records in the fields of Traditional Healing Arts and Sciences, Fourth World Geopolitics, Holistic Environmental Management, Fourth World Studies, and Consciousness Studies.
 News and Research   » FGE News           

December 5, 2006
A New UNPO for the Challenges of a New Century
The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) has held its VIII General Assembly (GA), and deliberated on organizational reform to strengthen UNPO and its upcoming activities around the world.
November 14, 2006
Basque Observatory of Human rights bulletins page
Basque Observatory of Human rights web page can be viewed in English, Euskara, French, Italian and Spanish.
November 2, 2006
Yakama Nation Seeks Public Comment Regarding Hanford Facility Natural Resource Damage Assessment
Toppenish, WA – The Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation (Yakama Nation), as a Trustee for Natural Resources, is seeking public comment on a Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) report for the Hanford Facility.
October 24, 2006
Tribes seek greater clout
Based on 1855 treaty, Tulalips assert rights to plants, environment
October 23, 2006
Imprisonment and torture of Chief Ralph Uwazurike
President Obasanjo and the federal government of Nigeria is torturing Chief Ralph Uwazurike the leader of the Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB).
October 16, 2006
Statement on the 'Wake up Igbo Lions' protest in London
A report from BiafranLiberation with a message of importance about demonstrations that are planned in the streets of London in October '06.
September 22, 2006
Volume 7 of the Fourth World Journal (FWJ) is now available online and as a downloadable Acrobat pdf. This issue features CWIS Associate Scholars addressing a wide range of subjects in the realm of traditional knowledge and the resolution of confrontations between Fourth World nations and states' governments. 
September 22, 2006
We are also happy to release a new issue of Fourth World Eye pointing to the escalating Biafran confrontations with the government of Nigeria. While the nascent Republic of Biafra struggles to resume its role in the world, our informants inside now reveal painful escalations of violence perpetrated against Biafran citizens (Igbo, Ogoni, Ija and others) by security forces, police and army personnel under the control of the Nigerian government and some major corporations. Read Fourth World Eye for penetrating and immediate commentary on events involving Fourth World nations.
September 13, 2006
NIH-NCCAM awards CWIS research supplement
Center for World Indigenous Studies Chairman Dr. Rudolph Ryser announced today receipt of a $58,797 research supplement grant from the National Institute of Health - National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NIH-NCAMM).
August 20, 2006
CWIS Holds it's second three-day Salish Culture, Food and Medicines Workshop
at the Quinault Reservation.
August 15, 2006
Puyallup Tribe of Indians Gives $15,000 to CWIS
The Puyallup Tribe of Indians awarded the Center for World Indigenous Studies a grant of $15,000 on 15 August 2006 in support of the Center's work to advance traditional knowledge through research, education and public policy analysis.
August 8, 2006
Right now the Australian government wants to pass a Bill to pressure Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory into giving up their land for the next century, in exchange for securing basic services (such as housing and schools).
August 2, 2006
The 2006 Inter-Tribal Canoe Journey runs from July 31st to August 5th. For the first time in Canoe Journey history, the host tribe will be the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe of Auburn, Washington. CWIS staff visited the event on opening day and would like to share some pictures with you.

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 CWIS Biafra News  
The Biafran territory is currently part of Nigeria. Our main focus is to provide news related to Biafran self-governance.
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 Fourth World Journal  
Fourth World: Journal Vol.VII: Lukanka by Rudolph C.Rÿser  - Sept '06
In this issue of Fourth World Journal we benefit from the work of CWIS Associate Scholars around the world undertaking independent research and applying the results in concrete a measurable ways for the benefit of Fourth World more
 Fourth World Eye  
Issue 18 - September 2006:
Chronicles of brutality in Nigeria 2000-2006
Note: This article contains graphic content
In the past 6 years, there have been gross abuses of human rights, extra judicial killing and other abuses suffered by members of the Movement for the actualization of the sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) at the hand of the police, SSS and Soldiers in Nigeria. This paper documents 6 years of killing and abuse in Southeastern Nigeria.

 FWI / CTM current classes calendar


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  CWIS Bookstore  
Compact World Map
In addition to conventional political features- every country and key city- the map also features over one hundred prominent indigenous nations (e.g. Palestinians, Inuit), cultural regions (e.g. Bali, Québec), and sites of special interest (e.g. Great Wall of China, Panama Canal). The map also indicates territories and active border disputes.
visit The Exploration Company
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