Indigenous node of the
World Wide Web Virtual Library

[Alphabetical ||  WWW VL database]

The Center For World Indigenous Studies (CWIS) and the Chief George Manuel Library are pleased to support and contribute to the development and maintenance of the World Wide Web Virtual Library. This site is maintained in conjunction with the Australian National University's Aboriginal Studies WWW Virtual Library, containing links to Australian Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander resources, and the Circumpolar WWW Virtual Library, containing links to Circumpolar Indigenous resources.

New The Robert Harper Gallery is up @ Indigenous peoples from Guatemala, the Kiriwina Islands, Mexico, and Papua New Guinea.

Virtual Library Resources


CWIS Education Programs

If you wish to register a resource with the Indigenous Studies WWW Virtual Library, please use our Site Submission Form

Center for World Indigenous Studies
The Center fosters better understanding between peoples through the publication and distribution of literature written and voiced by leading contributors from Fourth World Nations.

Chief George Manuel Library
Our goal is to present the online community with the greatest possible access to Fourth World documents and resources

Fourth World Journal  
The world's leading publication for ideas and analysis about and by writers from some of the world's more than six thousand Fourth World nations.

Center for Traditional Medicine
Coducting research, education and clinical treatment drawn from the universal knowledge and traditional systems of indigenous healing.
Health Alternatives, LLC
Culturally centered holistic approaches for the treatment of chronic disease focusing on pain, the addictions and mental health.
 General Resources
Arctic & Circumpolar
 Asia & the Middle East
 Central America, South America, Caribbean
 North America - Canada, Mexico, U.S.A.
 The Pacific - Melanesia, Polynesia, Micronesia
 Other useful information resources
 Other World Wide Web Library Sites
 Searching the net for other resources

Created on 3 July 1996 / Last updated on December 08, 2006
© 1996-2006 Center For World Indigenous Studies

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