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Disability Access and Inclusion Plan - Community Survey

We are reviewing our Disability Service Plan and want to hear from anyone who would like to have input into the review and the development of a new Plan. Download the survey form here (large print format also available).

More information: Contact E-QUAL (disability consultants) on (08) 9385 6666 or 1800 648 021 for country callers, or email The consultation period ends on Friday, 15 December 2006.

Bungarun conference bookings

One of the State's most culturally significant facilities is opening its doors for conferences, training, team building and school camps. Bungarun, once home to hundreds of Indigenous men and women who suffered from leprosy during the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, has been expanded and renovated to provide quality residential training facilities. Call Harry McFadyen on 9191 1907 to find out more or download the Booking Form.


The government and private sector can now receive wide recognition for projects that promote understanding, acceptance and respect for Indigenous culture and heritage by applying to use the ENRICH signature, part of an innovative reconciliation branding program launched by DIA. Find out more.

Enrich Walk Trail

A trail of Noongar heritage sites is to be created in Perth's central foreshore area in a plan by the DIA to showcase Perth's Indigenous history. The Enrich Swan Foreshore Walk Trail concept was unveiled at WA On Show. See news.

Enrich Walktrail Project

The walk trail is the premier project in the DIA's Enrich program, which promotes reconciliation through projects that increase understanding of Indigenous heritage and culture.

Please read our Statement of Commitment to a new and just relationship.

Bilateral Agreement on Indigenous Affairs

The Bilateral Agreement on Indigenous Affairs was signed by the State of Western Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia in July 2006. The Agreement establishes an agreed framework and priorities for intergovernmental cooperation and enhanced effort in Indigenous affairs.

Click to download the Agreement and attachments.

Caring for Country campaign launched

Indigenous Affairs Minister Sheila McHale has launched the DIA's Caring for Country campaign, which encourages visitors to WA's remote areas to respect Indigenous heritage sites and the land. Click on the links to watch the Caring for Country adverts.

Sly Grog Hotline

Enough is enough West Coast Eagles footballer Ashley Sampi is the voice of the Sly Groggin' strategy which urges people in the Kimberley to help stamp out illegal alcohol sales in Aboriginal communities. Hotline: 1800 500 815. View news and poster

Easy Call Line - 1300 651 077. Dial this number from anywhere within Western Australia and you will automatically be connected to your regional DIA office for the cost of a local call.


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PALS Awards

Visit PALS to find out how your school can contribute to reconciliation and win prizes.

DIA Newsletters

In the News

Minister launches Caring for Country campaign

PALS Schools Reconciliation Awards

PALS winners shine at Wardarnji

PALS art and projects on show in Port Hedland exhibit

Pilbara Aboriginal rock art graffiti results in prosecution

DIA Library Collection:

Indigenous Artwork
Indigenous Artwork

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or a Website Questionnaire, 3 questions only.

Indigenous Artwork
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W.A. Department of Indigenous Affairs
PO Box 7770,Cloister's Square, Perth, WA 6850, Australia
Telephone (08) 9235 8000 +61 8 9235 8000
Fax(08) 9235 8088 +61 8 9235 8088

All contents © State of Western Australia – Department of Indigenous Affairs