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Ministerial Direction (employment)
Employment Register package 06-07
Employment Opportunities
permanent positions
fixed term positions

Stolen Generations Bill
Eligibility Policy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Specific Programs and Services (63K)
Aboriginal Housing Services
Indigenous Family Violence Report - ya pulingina kani (682K)

 Tasmanian Legislation

Aboriginal Lands Act 1995

Aboriginal Lands (Settlement Point Cemetery) Regulations 1999 (S.R. 1999, No. 28)

Aboriginal Lands Regulations 1998 (S.R. 1998, No. 61)

Aboriginal Relics Act 1975 (No. 81 of 1975)

Burial and Cremation Act 2002 (No. 4 of 2002)

Children, Young Persons and Their Families Act 1997 (No. 28 of 1997)

Coroner's Act 1995

Living Marine Resources Management Act 1995 (No. 25 of 1995)

National Parks and Reserves Management Act 2002 (No. 62 of 2002)

Nature Conservation Act 2002 (No. 63 of 2002)

Youth Justice Act 1997 (No. 81 of 1997)



The Hon Paul Lennon, Premier of Tasmania handing over the Draft Stolen Generations of Aboriginal Children Bill 2006 to Annette Peardon, Heather Brown and Eddie Thomas at a ceremony held at the Launceston offices of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre Inc. on 18 October 2006.

The Hon Paul Lennon, Premier of Tasmania handing over a copy of the draft Stolen Generations of Aboriginal Children Bill 2006 to Annette Peardon, Heather Brown and Eddie Thomas at a ceremony held at the Launceston offices of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre Inc. on 18 October 2006.

Contact Information

Greg Brown

Office of Aboriginal Affairs
Department of Premier and Cabinet

6th Floor
144 Macquarie Street

GPO Box 1156
Tasmania 7001

Phone: (03) 6233 3671
Fax: (03) 6233 4506

Office hours are 8.30 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday.
Written publications, reports and other material produced by the Department are available from Central Office or the Office of Aboriginal Affairs, or can be mailed in response to telephone.

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