friends of Peoples close to Nature
Dec 09, 2006 - 01:57 AM
Our Polls

Should fPcN look for ECOSOC consultative status with the UN

  • yes, this is a good idea
  • no, they are not in our line
  • well, maybe, if it really helps tribals

[ Results | Polls ]

Votes: 21

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Wednesday, November 29, 2006 - 07:47 PM


EURO-MPs are to call for the EU to intervene in forcing Indonesia to respect human rights in West Papua – and grant the province a free and fair referendum on independence – in a Written Declaration launched this Friday (December 1st) to coincide with West Papua Independence Day.

The Written Declaration – the European Parliament’s equivalent of an Early Day Motion in the House of Commons – has been co-sponsored by Green MEPs Caroline Lucas and Jean Lambert, Plaid Cymru Euro-MP Jill Evans and Italian liberal MEP Luigi Cocilovo.

Thursday, November 16, 2006 - 08:17 AM


ED. Lost to broad public attention is an insidious epidemic of pig tapeworms contracted by humans sweeping across West Papua and Papua New Guinea. A horribly pathological infection known as cysticercosis in humans has been running rampant for over 15 years in West Papua. Cysticercosis in humans comes from eating worm infested pigs. Although pigs have been a part of Papuan culture for thousands of years, the disease has never previously been anywhere on the island of New Guinea before 1970.
Note: David C. Hyndman
Department of Anthropology and Sociology
University of Queensland
St. Lucia Australia

Thursday, November 02, 2006 - 10:55 AM

Akha An Akha woman who was trafficked into Singapore, returns to marry and is jailed for one year. Escaping her agent and getting her life together, hope for the future, crushed.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006 - 10:33 AM

United Nations by the General Assembly

Chairperson of UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and Special Rapporteur appeal to Members States

New York, 17 October - Indigenous peoples´ representatives from all over the world are attending events this week at UN Headquarters to celebrate the recent adoption by the Human Rights Council of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006 - 01:46 PM

Announcements Organizations from eight different countries are requesting the Forest Stewardship Council –a labelling scheme that certifies good forest management practices- to withdraw the FSC certificate awarded to a number of companies in Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Ireland, South Africa, Spain and Uruguay. The challenged certifications in all cases involve large-scale tree plantations which the organizations point out violate the FSC’s mandate of promoting “environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests.”
Note: And now fPcN interCultural adds it's name to this list.

Thursday, August 24, 2006 - 12:13 PM

Bad Religon Ranchi - Jharkhand tribal leaders and priests want immediate stripping of reservation facilities of past members of their community who are now converted Christians.

The tribal group, known as Sarna, has demanded that the reservation facilities provided to tribal Christians be stopped immediately.
Note: Ranchi - Jharkhand tribal leaders and priests want immediate stripping of reservation facilities of past members of their community who are now converted Christians.
