The International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - IWGIA

Facts about the organisation

IWGIA is an independent international membership organisation staffed by specialists and advisers on indigenous affairs.

Aims & activities
IWGIA supports indigenous peoples' struggle for human rights, self-determination, right to territory, control of land and resources, cultural integrity, and the right to development.

* IWGIA collaborates with indigenous peoples' organizations all over the world.

* Documentation about indigenous affairs is an essential part of IWGIA's work. IWGIA publishes books, periodicals and a yearbook about indigenous peoples.

* IWGIA holds consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and is an observer to the Arctic Council.

The basis for IWGIA's activities is an integrated approach which aims to combine the key activities documentation and publication, human rights work, political lobbying and projects. IWGIA's work is primarily funded by the Nordic Ministries of Foreign Affairs and the European Union.

For more information download IWGIA's introduction folder (PDF):

IWGIA Introduction Folder