NOTE: Please excuse the abberations you might experience on this site for the next few weeks. I not only changed IPS, but have changed my web authoring program to Dreamweaver, and that means some pages will behave very differently than they did under the Netscape system. I will do my best to discover and correct them all a.s.a.p. Thanks for your patience. - Martin F. Dunn
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Info on Métis Peoples Everywhere in North America
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NOTE: Please excuse the abberations you might experience on this site for the next few weeks. I not only changed IPS, but have changed my web authoring program to Dreamweaver, and that means some things will behave very differently than they did under the Netscape system. I will do my best to discover and correct them all a.s.a.p. thanks for your patience. - Martin F. Dunn