The Shundahai Nework Logo Shundahai
Over a Decade of Resistance - Dedicated to Breaking the Nuclear Chain
Shundahai is a Newe (Western Shoshone) word meaning "Peace and Harmony with all Creation"

Protect the Great Basin!

Action for Nuclear Abolition
Nuclear Free Great Basin
Environmental Justice Now

We are always updating our issue pages. Please check back regularly.

Shundahai Network
PO Box 1115,
Salt Lake City, UT 84110
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Nuclear Weapons Alert "Bombplex" Promises New Cold War Scale Nuclear Weapons Industry Take action!

Nuclear Power Alert: The waste produced by the expansion of nuclear power affects us all. Please assist our friends at Atlanta WAND and participate in the NRC comment period for the Southern Nuclear Operating Company's proposal to add 2 reactors to the Plant Vogtle site. The deadline for written comments is December 4, 2006. Please read the alert and take action!

Yucca Mountain Alert: The U.S. Department of Energy has issued a call for public comments on Yucca Mountain. Add your voice and demand responsibility and accountability from the U.S. government to protect the environment and honor the human rights of the Western Shoshone Nation. The deadline for public comments is December 12, 2006 Please read our alert and take action!

Nuclear Waste Dump No Longer Threatens Our Homeland; Private Fuel Storage Dump Defeated! Press statement by Margene Bullcreek, Skull Valley Goshute Reservation, Utah

Divine Strake: New Mexico Out; Nevada most likely site for test explosion

A victory! PFS is all but dead Shundahai Network statement 9/11/06

Divine Strake: In alliance with four other key groups, Shundahai Network has helped form the Stop Divine Strake Coalition.

July 2006 E-Newsletter |  April 2006 E-Newsletter


Shundahai Network
and allies in the news

Pete Litster joins an NPR discussion

November 23, 2006 Native American fights corporations - For more than 30 years, Carrie Dann, a native Shoshone American, has been fighting the US government for her people's rights to their ancestral land. Read more >>>

October 17, 2006 Congratulations to our colleagues in the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability Tri-Valley CARES and Nuclear Watch of New Mexico. They have just won a court battle to require the Department of Defense to consider the effects of terrorism on the proposed biodefense facilities at Lawrence Livermore Lab. California media covered the victory here, here and here.

October 17, 2006 Shundahai Network responds to residents near the Dairyland Power Cooperative in Genoa WI, regarding a LaCrosse Tribune article mentioning PFS and other waste options.

October 16, 2006 Shundahai Network responds to NRC Commissioner Dale Klein’s comments about the future of nuclear power in a Nebraska article.

October 12, 2006 Shundahai Network joins the dialogue with Dave Kraft from NEIS on in the debate over whether the La Salle County Generating Station (IL) should be re licensed for another 20 years.

October 10, 2006 Shundahai Network responds to Kennebec Journal article. Ratepayers in Maine are happy that a judge has awarded compensation to the owner of Maine Yankee, because the Federal Government has not taken title of the waste stored there. We respond with an alternative plan to the Nuclear Waste Policy Act.

September 14 , 2006 - Shundahai Network responds to Reuters article. A Reuters article posted by Monsters and Critics paints the decisions against the PFS facility as environmental racism; as like the treaty violations of the 1800's. Shundahai Network has responded in the"Talkback" section at the end of the article.

September 7, 2006 - Shundahai Network joins the Nuclear Security Coalition in signing on to the "HOSS" letter, Urging members of congress to implement Hardened On-Site Storage procedures at nuclear power plants.

August 28 , 2006 - Shundahai Network Signs on to NIRS Letter opposing the proposed infrastructure improvements and enhancements at Yucca Mountain.

April 10, 2006 - Margene Bullcreek Speaks at the Chamber of Commerce Press Conference  Margene Bullcreek, one of the leaders of the Goshute resistance to the proposed PFS facility makes her comments at a press conference to urge the public to send comments to the BLM opposing the proposed right-of-way. MP3

April 4 , 2006 - Western Shoshone Defense Project and Shundahai Network release joint statement on "Divine Strake"

March 14, 2006 - Shundahai Network publishes Op-ed in Salt Lake Tribune on the drawbacks of nuclear power. A longer, footnoted version is available here.

March 10, 2006 - Western Shoshone Victorious at United Nations In an historic and strongly worded decision by the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) the United States was urged to "freeze, desist and stop" actions being taken or threatened to be taken against the Western Shoshone Peoples of the Western Shoshone Nation.

Latest nuclear news:

Nucnews - daily article updates on nuclear waste issues


Shundahai Network is dedicated to breaking the nuclear chain by building alliances with indigenous communities and environmental, peace and human rights movements. We seek to abolish all nuclear weapons and an end to nuclear testing. We advocate phasing out nuclear energy and ending the transportation and dumping of nuclear waste. We promote the principles of Environmental Justice and strive to insure that indigenous voices are heard in the movement to influence U.S. Nuclear and environmental policies. All of our campaigns and events incorporate the values of community building, education, spiritual ceremonies and nonviolent direct action.

We maintain three main programs

Environmental Justice Now directly assists indigenous communities affected by nuclear issues, ensuring their voices are heard on the national level.

Nuclear Free Great Basin fights the dumping and transportation of nuclear waste in the Great Basin bio-region by linking communities, businesses and activists in a common strategy to stop the construction of nuclear waste dumps.

Action for Nuclear Abolition works for complete nuclear weapons disarmament and closure of the Nevada Test Site to all nuclear programs except for containment and clean up. To this end we organize educational gatherings and nonviolent direct actions increasing public awareness and involvement.

Shundahai Network opposes all nuclear weapons research, development, testing and production. We actively seek to close down the Nevada Test Site to all nuclear weapons programs except for radioactive contamination containment and cleanup. Shundahai Network also opposes all nuclear waste dumping on indigenous peoples lands. We are fighting to halt the proposed high-level nuclear waste dumps at Yucca Mountain and Skull Valley Reservation. We work to educate about the dangers of radioactive waste transportation and promote a safe and sane energy policy based on conservation and renewable resources. To this end, Shundahai Network organizes and participates in nonviolent direct actions, demonstrations, workshops and conferences.

