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Alaska Native Language Center

Established in 1972 by state legislation as a center for documentation and cultivation of the state's 20 Native languages.
Alaska Native Language Map
 (c) 1982 Alaska Native Language Center


Announcements (updated November 28, 2006)  
ANLC Archive Collections now searchable online!

Alaska Native Language Manuscript Collections held at the ANLC Archive are being catalogued in an online searchable database. To date, 14 of the collections have been described and catalogued, including the Aleut, Central Alaskan Yupik, Deg Xinag, Dena'ina, Gwich'in, Han, Holikachuk, Inupiaq, Tanacross, Tanana, Upper Tanana, Upper Kuskokwim, Comparative Eskimo-Aleut, and Bergsland collections. The Inupiaq and Central Alaskan Yupik collections are only partially entered to date. The database is being edited and corrected daily for errors. The website includes user information, finding aids, and searchable catalog of manuscript holdings; the audio collection may also be searched, although many recordings have not yet been entered and no finding aids are available.

Haida Dictionary published

Cover art by Robert Davidson
The Haida Dictionary by John Enrico is as complete a record as is possible of the language. Haida is spoken in two major dialects: Southern and Northern on the Queen Charlotte Islands in Canada, with an Alaskan variant of Northern at Hydaburg and Ketchikan. Published in two volumes, this definitive work provides full coverage of the vocabulary, including variant forms, word class, and examples of usage. Appendices offer detailed information on phonology, semantics of verbs, meanings of classifiers, numbers, and kin terms. An English-to-Haida index with about 7,000 items is a ready tool for finding specific Haida words with reference to the full dictionary entries. The Haida Dictionary will be valued by language teachers and learners. It is a master reference from which academic linguists may further examine the relationship of Haida to other language families, and educators may develop teaching materials for classrooms at every level. Published jointly by ANLC and the Sealaska Heritage Foundation. $279 cloth, ISBN 1-55500-087-8 2 vols., 8.5 x 11, lix + 2126 pp.

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UAF Alaska Native Language Center
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Box 757680
Fairbanks, AK 99775
(907) 474-7874 [voice]
(907) 474-6586 [fax]
Comments regarding this website:
Last modified November 28, 2006

visits since February 1, 1999
Copyright © Alaska Native Language Center