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American Indian and Alaska Native Programs

Our Mission

The mission of the American Indian and Alaska Native Programs (AIANP) is to promote the health and well-being of American Indians and Alaska Natives, of all ages, by pursuing research, training, continuing education, technical assistance, and information dissemination within a biopsychosocial framework that recognizes the unique cultural contexts of this special population. 

Ongoing Programs

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The Center for Native American Telehealth and Tele-education (CNATT) houses a national program that employs state-of-the-art telecommunication technologies to address high priority health-related service, education, and research needs of American Indian and Alaska Native communities.  Click here for more information.

CNEHD logo The Center on Native Elder Health Disparities (CNEHD) is a 5-year, program project grant funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research on Quality. The work of the center is organized in terms of 4 core components and 3 research projects related to the health and well-being of American Indian and Alaska Native elders. The core components include an Administrative Core, a Community Liaison Core, an Investigator Development Core, and a Methods/Data Analysis Core. The research projects include Diabetes Care, Immunization, and Smoking Cessation. Click here for more information.
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The Circles of Care initiative provides funding to plan, design, and assess the feasibility of implementing a culturally appropriate mental health service model for American Indian/Alaska Native children with Serious Emotional/Behavioral Disturbances and their families.  This program is funded by the Federal Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS, part of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration).  To date, 16 diverse American Indian communities, including tribes, tribal consortiums, and urban Indian programs, have been awarded grants by CMHS to participate in the initiative.  The Circles of Care Evaluation Technical Assistance Center is charged with providing technical assistance in regard to the program evaluation activities of the grantees funded under the Circles of Care initiative.   Evaluation activities are designed to ensure that the final service delivery models developed through the Circles of Care initiative are consistent with community needs, developed through community consensus building, and are practical and feasible given the resources available.  Click here for more information.


Project EXPORT, funded by the National Center for Minority Health and Health Disparities, plans, promotes and carries out high quality, interdisciplinary, culturally grounded, problem-oriented research of major scientific and programmatic importance to the health status and functioning of American Indians and Alaska Natives. It emphasizes understanding and improving the following health issues: quality of diabetic care for youth; telepsychiatry; obesity among infants and children; cancer and chlamydia screening; increasing fitness among urban youth; encouraging smoking cessation; and assessing/ improving the quality of mental health care for children. A unique, interdisciplinary cadre of health scientists, the majority themselves Native, has been assembled from across an existing collaborative network to address these aims. Click here for more information.

The American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start Research Center (AIANHSRC) is a 3-year program grant funded by the Administration for Children and Families’ Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation. The center will develop national research on AI/AN Head Start, seed local research partnerships, and provide training to new and emerging AI/AN researchers. The overall goal is to advance the developmental sciences among AI/AN children and delineate the impact of Head Start programs in AI/AN communities.


The National Center for American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research (NCAIANMHR) is sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health and is the only program of this type in the country focusing specifically on American Indian and Alaska Native populations. It conducts research in the assessment, epidemiology, treatment, and prevention of mental illness. Click here for more information.

NCAIANMHR publishes an online journal, American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research: The Journal of the National Center. The journal publishes a variety of articles related to the mental health status of American Indians and Alaska Natives. Click here to view online issues. We welcome manuscript submissions! Click here to view submission guidelines.



Native Elder Research Center (NERC)/Resource Center for Minority Aging Research (RCMAR), a 10-year effort funded by the National Institute on Aging, focuses on Native elder health. Native elders are at greater risk for numerous acute as well as chronic illnesses. In addition, they have less access to needed services. To better address these disparities, NERC trains American Indian/Alaska Native PhDs and MDs to conduct research on these and related topics. Click here for more information.


The Special Diabetes Program for Indians Competitive Grant Program Coordinating Center is part of a 5-year program grant funded by the Indian Health Service Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention. The grant funds 2 demonstration projects conducted at 66 sites across the United States. The Diabetes Prevention arm targets individuals at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes and focuses on lifestyle changes through education and community activities. The Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction arm targets individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and utilizes a case management approach. Both projects are being evaluated to demonstrate efficacy in American Indian and Alaska Native populations. The Coordinating Center, housed at the AIANP and the University of Arizona, functions as a resource for the project sites, providing expertise and guidance through a collaborative process. Click here for more information.

Past Programs

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The Healthy Nations Initiative was funded by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to help Native Americans reduce the harm caused by substance abuse in their communities. The goal of the initiative was to demonstrate that tribes and communities can, over time, achieve substantial reductions in the demand for -- and consequently the use of -- alcohol and other harmful substances, including tobacco and illegal drugs. The RWJ Foundation provided funding to 14 tribes and organizations to support the development of community-wide efforts to combat substance abuse. Particular emphasis is on prevention and early intervention with respect to the use of alcohol, illegal drugs and tobacco among youth. Incorporation of traditional cultural values was a key component of the Healthy Nations Initiative. Click here for more information.


The Native Elder Health Care Resource Center (NEHCRC), was a national resource center for older American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians, with special emphasis on culturally competent health care. NEHCRC had at the center of its efforts four cross-cutting themes related to the health and well-being of American Indian and Alaska Native elders: ascertaining health status and conditions; improving practice standards; increasing access to care; and mobilizing community resources. Click here for more information.

*some still photographic images on this site are courtesy of Tarek Chacra of Media Dynamics.