Independent Inuit Video-making

A remote community of 1200 people off the northwest coast of Baffin Island, Igloolik has a rich, experimental 20-year history of using contemporary media art to serve community cultural needs.

The Inukshuk Project of the late 1970's led to Paul Apak's one-man IBC studio in Igloolik in 1983, joined by Zacharias Kunuk in 1984. In the late 1980's, dissatisfied with IBC's government-contolled Ottawa-based non-Inuit management, Apak, Kunuk, Pauloosie Qulitalik and Norman Cohn created Igloolik Isuma Productions, Canada's first Inuit independent production company.

Isuma led to Tarriaksuk Video Centre and the Women's Video Workshop (Arnait Video Productions) in 1991; the 13 half-hour fictional TV series, Nunavut (Our Land), was featured at INPUT '95 in Spain; the website created in 1997, and Inuusiq (Life) youth video productions in 1998. In 2001, Arnait produced the innovative Live from the Tundra site, which, with the help of a high-speed satellite phone, streamed audio and video to the web from a remote outpost camp on Baffin Island

The Cannes International Film Festival in May 2001 saw the international premiere of Atanarjuat - The Fast Runner, Canada's first Aboriginal-language movie written, produced, directed and acted by Inuit. Director Zacharias Kunuk won the Camera d'or prize for first feature film. Since then the film has garnered numerous other awards at other film festivals around the world. Visit the film's companion website for the movie trailer and the incredible story behind the making of this landmark film
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Atanarjuat producers Norman Cohn, Zacharias Kunuk, Germaine Yin Gee Wong
accept the Genie Award for Best Film

News and Events
May 20, 2005: Principal photography completed May 13 on "The Journals of Knud Rasmussen". | more |
Visit the archived production journal at

Nunavut DVD Installation
Designed for museum-quality exhibition, a reproduction of the popular Documenta 11 video installation of Zacharias Kunuk's award-winning Nunavut (Our Land) Series in Kassel, Germany in 2002 is now available for acquisition | more |

Isuma Inuit Culture Kit
Experience an authentic and distinct Inuit point of view with the Isuma Inuit Culture Kit based on our award winning films including Atanarjuat The Fast Runner.This rich multimedia collection includes 22 films, selected readings, Inuit music, a film screenplay and a Teacher's Resource Guide with active learning suggestions for curricula in Diversity Education, Social Studies, Art, Music, Canadian History, Language Arts, Peace Studies and Native Studies | more |

Isuma On-line Store
Now open! Purchase the Inuit Cultural Studies Kit and the Isuma Classics Video Collection directly on-line, as well as Atanarjuat merchandise - companion book, soundtrack, posters | more |

On-line Catalogue
Consult the on-line catalogue for complete information on all independent Igloolik media art productions. Searchable by keyword, artist, title, year of production, etc. Participate in an on-line forum about the video works! | more |