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Table of Contents
Document Information
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10
Schedule 1
Schedule 1-B
Schedule 2
Schedule 3

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Schedule 1

Guidelines For Ballast Water Management and Development of Ballast Water
Management Plans (G4)


Adopted on 22 July 2005


RECALLING Article 38(a) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Marine Environment Protection Committee conferred upon it by the international conventions for the prevention and control of marine pollution,

RECALLING ALSO that the International Conference on Ballast Water Management for Ships held in February 2004 adopted the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 (the Ballast Water Management Convention) together with four Conference resolutions,

NOTING that Regulation A-2 of the Ballast Water Management Convention requires that discharge of ballast water shall only be conducted through Ballast Water Management in accordance with the provisions of the Annex to the Convention,

NOTING FURTHER that Regulation B-1 of the Annex to the Ballast Water Management Convention provides that each ship shall have on board and implement a ballast water management plan approved by the Administration, taking into account Guidelines developed by the Organization,

NOTING ALSO that resolution 1 adopted by the International Conference on Ballast Water Management for Ships invites the Organization to develop these Guidelines as a matter of urgency,

HAVING CONSIDERED the draft Guidelines for ballast water management and development of ballast water management plans developed by the Ballast Water Working Group and the recommendation made by the Sub-Committee on Bulk Liquids and Gases at its ninth session, 1.

  1. ADOPTS the Guidelines for ballast water management and development of ballast water management plans, as set out in the Annex to this resolution;
  2. INVITES Governments to apply the Guidelines as soon as possible, or when the Convention becomes applicable to them; and
  3. AGREES to keep the Guidelines under review.




1.1 Ballast water is essential to control trim, list, draught, stability, or stresses of the ship. However, ballast water may contain aquatic organisms or pathogens which, if introduced into the sea including estuaries, or into fresh water courses, may create hazards to the environment, human health, property or resources, impair biological diversity or interfere with other legitimate uses of such areas.

1.2 The selection of appropriate methods of ballast water management should take into account the need ensure that Ballast Water Management practices used to comply with this Convention do not cause greater harm than they prevent to the environment, human health, property or resources of any States and the safety of ships.

1.3 The objectives of these Guidelines are to assist Governments, appropriate authorities, ships masters, operators and owners, and port authorities, as well as other interested parties, in preventing, minimizing and ultimately eliminating the risk of introducing harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens from ships' ballast water and associated sediments while protecting ships’ safety in applying the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (hereinafter referred to as the “Convention”).

1.4 These guidelines consist of two parts:

Part A – “Guidelines for Ballast Water Management”, which contains guidance on the general principles of Ballast Water Management; and

Part B – “Guidelines for the development of Ballast Water Management Plans”, which contains guidance on the structure and content of Ballast Water Management Plans required by Regulation B-1 of the Convention.


2.1 For the purposes of these Guidelines, the definitions in the Convention apply.

2.2 Ballast Water Tank means any tank, hold, or space used for the carriage of ballast water.


3.1 The Guidelines apply to all ships and to Flag Administrations, port States, coastal States, ship owners, ship operators, ships’ personnel involved in Ballast Water Management, ship designers, ship builders, classification societies as well as other interested parties.


1.1. Precautionary practices

Avoiding unnecessary discharge of ballast water

1.1.1 If it is necessary to take on and discharge ballast water in the same port to facilitate safe cargo operations, care should be taken to avoid unnecessary discharge of ballast water that has been taken up in another port.

1.1.2 Managed ballast water which is mixed with unmanaged ballast water is no longer in compliance with Regulations D-1 and D-2 of the Annex to the Convention.

Minimizing the uptake of harmful aquatic organisms, pathogens and sediments

1.1.3 When loading ballast, every effort should be made to avoid the uptake of potentially harmful aquatic organisms, pathogens, and sediment that may contain such organisms. The uptake of ballast water should be minimized or, where practicable, avoided in areas and situations such as:

  1. in areas identified by the port State in connection with advice provided by ports under paragraph 2.2.2;
  2. in darkness when organisms may rise up in the water column;
  3. in very shallow water;
  4. where propellers may stir up sediment; or
  5. where dredging is or recently has been carried out.
1.2 Ballast water management options

1.2.1 Ballast Water Exchange Ballast water exchange is to be conducted in accordance with Regulation B-4 of the Convention and in accordance with the Guidelines for Ballast Water Exchange. The voyage should be planned taking into account when ballast water exchange in accordance with Regulation B–4 of the Convention can be carried out. Because of the possibility that partially exchange may encourage re-growth of organisms, ballast water exchange should only be commenced in any tank if there is sufficient time to complete the exchange to comply with the standard in Regulation D-1 and the ship can comply with the distance from land and minimum water depth criteria in Regulation B-4. As many complete tanks should be exchanged to the standard in Regulation D-1 as the time allows, if for any tank the standard in Regulation D-1 can not be fully met the exchange should not be commenced for that tank. If ballast water exchange is not undertaken for the reasons in Regulation B-4.4, i.e. if the master reasonably decides that such exchange would threaten the safety or stability of the ship, its crew, or its passengers because of adverse weather, ship design or stress, equipment failure, or any other extraordinary condition, then details of the reasons ballast water exchange was not undertaken are to be recorded in the Ballast Water Record Book. A port State may designate areas in which exchange may be conducted taking into account the Guidelines on designation of areas for ballast water exchange. Designated areas should only be used for those ballast water tanks that are intended to be discharged in the port of that State and that could not be exchanged in accordance with Regulation B-4.1 of the Convention.

1.2.2 Ballast Water Management Systems Ballast Water Management Systems installed for compliance with Regulation B-3 are to be approved in accordance with Regulation D-3. Such systems are to be operated in accordance with the system design criteria and the manufacture’s operational and maintenance instructions. The use of such systems should be detailed in the ship’s Ballast Water Management Plan. All failures and malfunctions of the system are to be recorded in the Ballast Water Record Book.

1.2.3 Discharge to ballast water reception facilities If ballast water reception facilities provided by a port State are utilized, Regulation B-3.6 applies.

1.2.4 Prototype ballast water treatment technologies Prototype ballast water treatment technologies should be used within a programme approved by the Administration in accordance with Regulation D-4.

1.3 Sediment management

1.3.1 Regulation B-5 requires that all ships shall remove and dispose of sediments from spaces designated to carry ballast water in accordance with the ballast water management plan.

1.3.2 All practical steps should be taken during ballast uptake to avoid sediment accumulation, however, it is recognized that sediment will be taken on board and will settle on tank surfaces. When sediment has accumulated, consideration should be given to flushing tank bottoms and other surfaces when in suitable areas, i.e. areas complying with the minimum depth and distance described by Regulations B-4.1.1 and B-4.1.2.

1.3.3 The volume of sediment in a ballast tank should be monitored on a regular basis.

1.3.4 Sediment in ballast tanks should be removed in a timely basis in accordance with the Ballast Water Management Plan and as found necessary. The frequency and timing of removal will depend on factors such as sediment build up, ship’s trading pattern, availability of reception facilities, work load of the ship’s personnel and safety considerations.

1.3.5 Removal of sediment from ballast tanks should preferably be undertaken under controlled conditions in port, at a repair facility or in dry dock. The removed sediment should preferably be disposed of in a sediment reception facility if available, reasonable and practicable.

1.3.6 When sediment is removed from the ship’s ballast tanks and is to be disposed of by that ship at sea, such disposal should only take place in areas outside 200 nm from land and in water depths of over 200 m.

1.3.7 Regulation B-5 requires that ships constructed in or after 2009 should, without compromising safety or operational efficiency, be designed and constructed with a view to minimize the uptake and undesirable entrapment of sediments, facilitate removal of sediments, and provide safe access to allow for sediment removal and sampling, taking into account the Guidelines for sediment control on ships (G12). This also applies to ships constructed prior to 2009, to the extent practicable.

1.4 Additional Measures

1.4.1 Ships to which additional measures apply, under Regulation C-1, should take them into account in the ships voyage planning. Actions taken to comply with any additional measures should be recorded in the Ballast Water Record Book.

1.5 Exemptions

1.5.1 Regulation A-4 provides that an exemption may be granted from the requirements of Regulations B-3 or C-1 by a Party or Parties to a ship in specific circumstances. Applications for and the granting of such exemptions should be completed in accordance with the Guidelines for risk assessment under Regulation A-4 (G7).

1.5.2 Ships granted an exemption referred to in paragraph 1.5.1 above should record the exemption in the Ballast Water Record Book and what actions have been taken with regards to the ships ballast water.


2.1 Procedures for ships

2.1.1 To facilitate the administration of ballast water management and treatment procedures on board each ship, a responsible officer is to be designated in accordance with Regulation B-1 to ensure the maintenance of appropriate records and to ensure that ballast water management and/or treatment procedures are followed and recorded.

2.1.2 When carrying out any ballast water operation the details are to be recorded in the Ballast Water Record Book together with any exemptions granted in accordance with Regulation B-3 or C-1.

2.1.3 Where a port State requires information on ships ballast operations, relevant documentation, which takes account of the information requirements of the Convention, should be made available to the port State.

2.2 Procedures for port States

2.2.1 Port States should provide ships with details of their requirements concerning ballast water management including:

  1. the location and terms of use of areas designated for ballast water exchange under Regulation B-4.2 of the Convention;
  2. any additional measures determined under Regulation C-1 of the Convention;
  3. warnings concerning ballast uptake and any other port contingency arrangements in the event of emergency situations; and
  4. the availability, location, capacities of reception facilities that are provided for the environmentally safe disposal of ballast water and/or sediments, under Article 5 and Regulation B-3.6.

2.2.2 To assist ships in applying the precautionary practices described in section 1.1 of Part A, port States are required by Regulation C-2 of the Convention to endeavour to notify mariners of area(s), where ships should not uptake Ballast Water due to known conditions. Similar notification should be given for areas where the uptake of ballast water should be minimized, such as:

  1. areas with outbreaks, infestations or known populations of harmful organisms and pathogens;
  2. areas with current phytoplankton blooms (algal blooms, such as red tides);
  3. nearby sewage outfalls;
  4. areas where a tidal stream is known to be the more turbid;
  5. areas where tidal flushing is known to be poor;
  6. nearby dredging operations; and
  7. nearby or in sensitive or estuarine sea areas.

3.1 Regulation B-6 requires that officers and crew shall be familiar with their duties in the implementation of Ballast Water Management particular to the ship on which they serve. Owners, managers, operators, and others involved in officer and crew training for ballast water management should consider the following:

3.2 Training for ships’ masters and crews as appropriate should include instructions on the requirements of the Convention, the ballast water and sediment management procedures and the Ballast Water Record Book particularly having regard to matters of ship safety and maintenance of records in accordance with the information contained in these Guidelines.

3.3 The Ballast Water Management Plan should include training and education on ballast water management practices and the systems and procedures used on board the ship.


Last updated: 2006 12 07 Top of Page Important Notices