Crossing Boundaries National Council - Transforming government and governance

what's new

We are pleased to present From Digital Divide to Digital Opportunity, the Aboriginal Voice Final Report. This report is the culmination of our two-year engagement process designed to gain a deeper understanding of the role of ICT in Aboriginal governments and organizations.

New Research Project on Increasing Aboriginal Social Capital

University of Manitoba professor, Dr. Javier Mignone, isteaming up with Aboriginal Voice for a new research project looking at increasing Aboriginal social capital. For more information about the project, click here.

Digital Opportunities: Final Report now available online!

These national recommendations reveal a critical opportunity for Canada's First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples to leapfrog into the Information Age. The report tells the story of how technology can be used as a tool to meet the social, economic and cultural needs of Canada's Aboriginal peoples. It provides inspiring examples of Aboriginal communities, organizations and youths using technology to make a positive difference to their futures and to the national fabric of our country.

The report has been distributed to the Aboriginal Voice network and select subscribers of Crossing Boundaries' publications. We invite you to have a look at the Aboriginal Voice Final Report online now.

The Aboriginal Voice Final Report is now available in French

De la fracture numérique aux opportunités du numérique: Voix autochtone Recommandations nationales

Au moment où l'ère de l'information transforme la société canadienne, les Canadiens autochtones ne doivent pas être mis en marge. Selon ce rapport les technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) «offrent des opportunités exceptionnelles de renforcer les identités culturelles autochtones, de promouvoir le développement communautaire durable et d'atteindre une autonomie plus forte.» Ces recommandations nationales soulignent les opportunités uniques pour les premières nations, les peuples Inuits et Métis du Canada de faire un bond vers l'ère de l'information.

Aboiginal Voice participates in another issue of the Policy, Politics & Governance series

The KTA Centre for Collaborative Government has published an Aboriginal Voice paper for the Policy, Politics & Governance Series. Jay Kaufman, Principal of KTA, and Marcia Nickerson, Head of KTA's Aboriginal Practice Group, have co-authored a publication on Aboriginal Culture in a Digital Age. The paper has been distributed to the Aboriginal Voice network and selected members of Crossing Boundaries. For a look at it online right now, click here.

We welcome your participation and comments. Join the Network to receive regular information and announcements about the Aboriginal Voice and the Crossing Boundaries National Council.

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The Crossing Boundaries National Council is a new kind of elected offical / public servant / pan-jurisdictional forum that will act as a champion for the transformation and improvement of governance and government for the 21st century.