Toward a New Era of Health and Social Prosperity

Beginning on January 1, 2000, researchers at the University of Western Ontario joined with partners at the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development [DIAND] to begin a five year project addressing the issues of Social Cohesion in First Nation communities. This SSHRC [Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada] funded research is intended to examine the ways in which variations in social, human and natural/ physical capital relate to differential population outcomes in First Nations communities.

The First Nations Cohesion Project Has Many Aims Including the Following:

  • Researching social capital, social cohesion and population outcomes in First Nation communities.
  • Describing the actual conditions facing First Nations communities.
  • Seeking answers to pressing social problems.
  • Creating a high quality information base that is relevant to First Nation communities.
  • Training a new generation of First Nations and non-Aboriginal researchers.
  • Putting the First Nations agenda first while pursuing quality scientific investigation.



IMPORTANT NOTICE! In November 2002, was held Canada's largest ever,  Research Policy Conference on Aboriginal Conditions. To learn more about the conference follow the link.

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Created and maintained by:  Ania Barszczuk

Last updated: 02/05/04