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Listing of Planned Regulatory Initiatives
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Fiscal Year 2005-2006

For specific information regarding the legislation initiatives, please contact our General Inquiries via email or phone.

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Indian and Inuit Affairs Program

Initiative Description Contact
Regulations on First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management (New) New regulations will be required to implement aspects of the proposed First Nation Fiscal and Statistical Management Act. These regulations will govern the development of local revenue laws, the operation of borrowing and investment pools as well as the administration of the Tax Commission, the Financial Management Board and the Financial Authority. In addition, regulations will be needed to support the operation of the First Nations Statistical Institute. Sheila Dubyk,
Special Initiatives
Tel.: (819) 994-1330
Fax: (819) 934-0568
First Nation Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Regulations (New) Following passage of the proposed First Nations Oil and Gas and Money Management Act, regulations will be needed to provide First Nations with the option of managing and controlling on-reserve oil and gas resources and associated revenues and moneys currently being held in trust. Paul Landry,
Legislative Projects
Tel.: (819) 994- 7311
Fax: (819) 994-5697
First Nations Commercial and Industrial Development Regulations (New) Following the passage of new legislation, these regulations would govern commercial and industrial projects on reserve. Paul Landry,
Legislative Projects
Tel.: (819) 994- 7311
Fax: (819) 994-5697
First Nations Land Register Regulations (New) These new regulations will establish and define registration requirements in the administration of lands pursuant to subsection 25(2) of the First Nations Land Management Act. Terry Faubert,
Senior Policy Analyst,
First Nations Land Management Initiative
Tel.: (819) 994-1281
Fax: (819) 997-6882
Mi’kmaq Education Act (Amendment) A regulatory Order-in-Council is needed to amend the Schedule to the Mi’kmaq Education Act, S.C., 1998, c.24 by adding the Bear River Band of Nova Scotia to the Schedule. This will allow the Bear River Band to exercise jurisdiction of education in accordance with the Agreement with Respect to Mi’kmaq Education in Nova Scotia, 1997. Tom Keagan,
Program Atlantic Region
Tel.: (902) 661-6340
Fax: (902) 661-6237
Cree-Naskapi Band Expropriations Regulations (New) These new regulations would establish the substantive and procedural requirements for expropriations by the Cree Bands and the Naskapi Band of Northern Quebec. They would address, among other provisions: notice of expropriation, unregistered right or interest, posting of notice, appeal, recourse by owner, filing of declaration of offer or claim, discontinuance, transfer of title, provisional compensation, fixing of final compensation, removal of buildings, restitution and partial expropriation. Yves Cazelais,
Legal Advisor,
Legal Services
Tel.: (418) 648-3909
Fax: (418) 648-7669

Northern Affairs Program

Initiative Description Contact
Mackenzie Valley Joint Review Panel Negotiations Period Regulations (New) and Mackenzie Valley Land Use Regulations (Amendments) This regulatory initiative support the implementation of Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act, which received Royal Assent on February 15, 2005 and Tlicho Agreement. The proposed Mackenzie Valley Joint Review Panel Negotiations Period Regulations will be required to establish the time period within which negotiations to enter into an agreement respecting a joint review panel must take place. Proposed amendment to the Mackenzie Valley Land Use Regulations will be required to establish a new Land and Water Board, and provide new terminology and provisions related to land and resource management powers of the Tlicho Government. Robert Ashton
Assistant Negotiator,
Claims and Indian Government
Tel.: (819) 997-9522
Tel: (819) 953-3812
Canada Mining Regulations (Amendments) These regulations govern the administration and disposition of mineral rights in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. This proposal is largely a “housekeeping” initiative which will: address the recommendations from a Department of Justice review that various provisions in the Canada Mining Regulations are not adequately linked with the regulation-making authority in the Territorial Lands Act; update various administrative procedures to reflect current approaches; and amend various royalty-related provisions. Rick Meyers,
Natural Resources and Environment Branch
Tel.: (819) 997-9828
Fax: (819) 953-9066
Frontier Lands Petroleum Royalty Regulations (Amendments) These regulations govern the administration of the oil and gas royalties in the Northwest Territories, Nunavut and areas offshore Canada outside the Accord areas under the Canada Petroleum Resources Act (CPRA). The proposal is largely a modernizing of the regulations to address the current operating environment, to update various administrative procedures to reflect current approaches, and to amend various royalty-related provisions. John Touliopoulos,
Audit and Assessment Coordinator,
Northern Oil and Gas Directorate
Tel.: (819) 953-8790
Fax: (819) 953-5828
Yukon Environmental and Socio-Economic Regulations (New) (1) Assessable Activities, Exceptions and Executive Committee Projects Regulations: These regulations will describe activities subject to an environmental assessment in the Yukon Territory. Depending on the magnitude of the project, the activity will be assessed by the Yukon Development Assessment Board or by a Designated Office, a subset of the Board.

(2) Decision Body Time Periods and Consultation Regulations:
These regulations will provide direction on how the federal government, the Yukon government and First Nation governments will coordinate their decisions in a timely manner.
Jacques Deneault,
Policy Specialist,
Resource Strategies Division,
Natural Resources and Environment Branch
Tel.: (819) 994-7462
Fax: (819) 953-0335
Northwest Territories Reindeer Regulations (Amendments) These regulations provide for the management, administration and protection of reindeer in the Northwest Territories. The proposed amendments will make specific, minor revisions that have been requested by the Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations as a result of its concern with the scope of the discretionary powers vested in the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development by certain sections of the regulations; they will also make minor revisions to modernize the regulations. Jill Jensen,
Environmental Policy Analyst,
Resource Planning and Conservation Division,
Natural Resources and Environment Branch
Tel.: (819) 994-6773
Fax: (819) 953-2590
Nunavut Territory (Consequential Amendments to Regulations under Northern Affairs) These are consequential amendments that are required to regulations under Northern Affairs to recognize the existence of Nunavut. For example, regulations such as the Oil and Gas Spills and Debris Liability Regulations need to amended to include Nunavut. Bob Wittingham,
Senior Policy Analyst,
Resources and Environment Branch
Tel.: (819) 994-6416
Fax: (819) 953-0335
Nunavut Surface Rights (Entry Fee) Regulations (New) The purpose of these new regulations is to fix the amount of the entry fee payable under an entry order issued by the Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal relating only to Inuit-owned land in Nunavut Territory. Gilles Binda,
Sr. Policy Advisor,
Resource Strategies Division,
Natural Resources and Environment Branch
Tel.: (819) 953-8069
Fax: (819) 953-0335
Nunavut Land Use Security Regulations (New) These new regulations would prohibit the issuance of permits to a person engaged in a development activity in Nunavut unless that person provides proof of fiscal responsibility. Gilles Binda,
Sr. Policy Advisor,
Resource Strategies Division,
Natural Resources and Environment Branch
Tel.: (819) 953-8069
Fax: (819) 953-0335
Nunavut Wildlife Limit of Liability Regulations (New) These new regulations will establish a limit of liability for developers in Nunavut in the event of damage to wildlife resulting from their operations. Gilles Binda,
Sr. Policy Advisor,
Resource Strategies Division,
Natural Resources and Environment Branch
Tel.: (819) 953-8069
Fax: (819) 953-0335
Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Regulations These are two amendments resulting from comments received from the Joint Standing Committee on the Scrutiny of Regulations pertaining to preliminary screening requirements and the Exemption List. Jacques Deneault,
Policy Specialist,
Resource Strategies Division,
Natural Resources and Environment Branch
Tel.: (819) 994-7462
Fax: (819) 953-0335
Mackenzie Valley Cumulative Impact Monitoring Regulations (New) These new regulations are required by Part VI of the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act and will designate who will collect, and what kind of environmental data will be collected to determine cumulative effects of human activity. Jacques Deneault,
Policy Specialist,
Resource Strategies Division,
Natural Resources and Environment Branch
Tel.: (819) 994-7462
Fax: (819) 953-0335
Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Regulations (AWPPR) (Amendments) The AWPPA regulations set out the maximum amount that an operator is liable for under the provisions of this Act. The Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act, can do the same and authority for this Act was transferred from DIAND to the National Energy Board (NEB) in 1991. To avoid cumulative liability the NEB regulations effectively set the limit of liability at zero for operators in the Arctic and the AWPPA regulations administered by DIAND set the limit at $40 million. DIAND and the NEB are now exploring the possibility of reversing that position. This would mean the limit of liability would be set under NEB regulations and the AWPPA regulations limit would be set at zero given the transfer of authority from DIAND to the NEB regarding the regulation of offshore oil and gas drilling in Arctic waters. Chris Cuddy,
Chief Land and Water
Tel.: (819) 994-7483
Fax: (819) 997-9623
Nunavut Waters and Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal Act (NW&NSRTA) New regulations are required to implement the water management regime established by the Act. The regulations will include criteria for distinguishing levels of approval of water use and waste deposits, information requirements for applications, water use fees, classifications of water use, security deposit conditions, water management areas and reporting requirements. At present, the NW&NSRTA states that the regulations under the Northwest Territories Water Act apply until these new regulations come into force. Chris Cuddy,
Land and Water
Tel.: (819) 994-7483
Fax: (819) 997-9623
Dominion Water Power Regulations (Amendments) These regulations require minor technical amendments to bring them into line with the Interest and Administrative Charges Regulations passed pursuant to provisions of the Financial Administration Act. Suzanne Davidson,
Senior Advisor Regulatory,
Cabinet Affairs and Coordination Directorate
Tel.: (819) 994-7216
Fax: (819) 994-3971


  Last Updated: 2005-08-12 top of page Important Notices