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Youth Buzz on NWT

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Information Booklet

NWT Region Targeted Investment Program (TIP)

An Introduction
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) is investing in the North, Northerners, their communities and businesses through an economic development program known as Strategic Investments in Northern Economic Development (SINED). This program is tailored to the needs of each territory and, in the NWT, the Targeted Investment Program (TIP), has been established under SINED.

TIP focuses primarily on investments designed to build knowledge in key economic sectors, enhance economic infrastructure, develop capacity, and promote diversification. Investments made under TIP are guided by multi-year investment plans in each territory.

In the NWT, five strategic investment areas have been identified to address economic development priorities:
  • Geoscience Data Collection – increase geological resources knowledge base
  • Growing the NWT Tourism Industry – diversify an underdeveloped industry
  • Access to Capital for Small Business – increase participation in the economy
  • Transportation and Energy Infrastructure – support economic infrastructure and industrial initiatives
  • Enhancing Local Capacity to Seize Economic Opportunities – increase northern business capacity and support economic diversification activities
  • Approximately $22.8 million is available in the NWT over the next three years to March 31, 2009. These funds will be allocated based on projects aligned with the NWT Investment Plan.

    Investment projects will occur either through targeted invitations or open calls for Expressions of Interest. These calls for projects under the Targeted Investment Plan (TIP) will be accepted in the areas of Tourism Infrastructure and Product Development; Enhancing Local Capacity to Seize Economic Opportunities; and, Transportation and Energy Infrastructure Planning.

    Northwest Territories 5 Year Targeted Investment Plan Summary
    2004/05 to 2008/09

    A diverse group of stakeholders with economic development interests assisted Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) in identifying economic development priorities and strategic investments tailored to meet NWT needs and realities. These discussions, interviews, and forums, coupled with information gathered from research and studies, resulted in the NWT Investment Plan.

    The investment plan will help to maintain the direction of investment priorities; increase dialogue on economic development among those who have economic development interests; and enhance collaboration and coordination of ideas and resources. The plan is flexible so that adjustments can be made annually during the oversight process where expected results do not materialize or new, promising opportunities emerge.

    The resulting priority targets and allocations were shared with the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) and other stakeholders to make sure that the plan was generally consistent with and complementary to the strategies and priorities which emerged from the GNWT's consultative and economic planning efforts.

    The plan also took into consideration the following NWT economic realities:

  • the non-renewable resource sector
  • the tourism sector
  • the "traditional economy"
  • the gaps in knowledge about economic sectors
  • and other economic sectors
  • Key challenges included: ensuring that residents participate in and benefit from the economic activity; ensuring the continued growth of community economies outside current non-renewable resource activity; and, ensuring the reinvestment of resource wealth to build a sustainable long-term territorial economy.

    The funds allocated to the Targeted Investment Program (TIP) for northern economic development are intended to supplement/complement, not duplicate or replace, existing funding programs in the North.

    In the NWT, TIP is focussed on strengthening economic foundations. The following key results have been identified: strengthen the sectors driving the economy - Get the most out of what is working well; diversify the economy in additional sectors - Create or enhance sectors that can show strong economic returns; and improve the ability of Northerners to participate in the NWT economy and in the national and global economies.

    Based upon TIP's four thematic areas:
    i) Building the Knowledge Base;
    ii) Enhancing the Economic Infrastructure Base;
    iii) Capacity Development; and,
    iv) Economic Diversification, five strategic investment areas were identified in the NWT Investment plan to receive funding to March 31, 2009:

    1) Geoscience Data Collection - enhance the NWT's geological resources knowledge base and leverage further private sector investment. Allocated funding: $6 million over the next three years.

    2) Growing the NWT Tourism Industry - diversify an underdeveloped industry (including 2007 Canada Winter Games National Marketing Campaign) for all three territories. Allocated funding: $6.25 million over the next three years.

    3) Access to Capital for Small Business - increase local participation in the expanding NWT economy. Allocated funding: $2 million over the next three years.

    4) Transportation and Energy Infrastructure Planning - enable and support economic infrastructure and industrial initiatives that will benefit the NWT's economy. Allocated funding: $4 million over the next three years.

    5) Enhancing Local Capacity to Seize Economic Opportunities - increase northern business capacity, enable responsiveness to windows of opportunities and support activities enhancing economic diversification. Allocated funding: $4.58 million over the next three years.

    The investment plan requires INAC to look to key economic players in the NWT, including the GNWT, Aboriginal governments, other federal departments, and a diverse group of stakeholders with economic development interests for advice on strategic investment priorities throughout the life of the program. This committee will:

  • annually assess progress and the continued relevance of priorities;
  • revisit planned projects in light of feasibility results;
  • discuss the reallocation of funds; and,
  • advise on possible adjustments where results do not materialize or where new, promising opportunities emerge.
  • The oversight process has two distinct elements:
    1) Investment Plan Target Policy and Priority Setting will help guide the implementation of the Investment Plan for the NWT over the life of the program. It will allow for the incorporation of, or adaptation to changing structures and relationships which may emerge and guide government investment, priorities and planning related to economic development.

    2) Program Management and Implementation will manage the solicitation, invitation, prioritization, approval and monitoring of projects. INAC officials will be responsible for supporting both processes, including the flow of information and advice.

    Funding under TIP is available until March 31, 2009. All projects funded through this program must be completed by this date.

    Projects may be approved for funding for up to three years. However, this funding is subject to yearly budget considerations and reviews as well as annual review of the project's progress, outcome and benefits.

    Applicant Eligibility
    See TIP Overview chart

    Project Eligibility
    Projects must align with the priorities outlined in the NWT Investment Plan and support the objectives. Preference will be given to projects that can demonstrate sustainability beyond the period of program funding and to projects providing benefits to multiple participants in the economy.

    Ineligible Activities
    Activities will not be funded by the Targeted Investment Program (TIP) if they are not linked to economic growth. TIP funding cannot be used for the following:

    • core funding and ongoing organizational operations and maintenance;
    • research or knowledge-based activities that are primarily a resource management function not directly related to economic development;
    • direct skills training for individuals normally offered through learning institutions or apprenticeship programs;
    • major capital investments in infrastructure (e.g. new laboratories for the purpose of expanding the knowledge base);
    • construction activity (as opposed to planning activity) related to large engineering works such as road, highways, bridges, airports, rail roads, ports, wharves, dams, commercial buildings and other similar infrastructure; and,
    • investments in new or existing infrastructure which is owned or operated for the benefit of a single for-profit enterprise rather than benefiting multiple participants in the economy.

    Next Steps/Notification
    Investment projects under TIP will occur either through targeted invitations or open calls for Expressions of Interest. Targeted invitations for proposals will be solicited for projects in the strategic investment areas of Geoscience Data Collection and Access to Capital for Small Business.

    Open calls for Expressions of Interest will be accepted for: Tourism Infrastructure and Product Development; Enhancing Local Capacity to Seize Economic Opportunities; and Transportation and Energy Infrastructure Planning.

    All proponents that submit Expressions of Interest will be contacted and advised of the outcome. Selected projects will be considered for funding, but will be subject to further review and evaluation. Prospective proponents may be asked to provide additional information or develop a detailed project proposal for further consideration.

    The selection of a project outlined in an Expression of Interest does not constitute funding approval for the project but that it may be recommended as a candidate for funding.

    Final funding decisions will be approved by the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada or his delegate.

    For further information, please contact:
    Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
    Northwest Territories Region
    4920 – 52nd Street
    P.O. Box 2760
    Yellowknife NT X1A 2R1

    Toll Free: 1 866 669 2620 or 867 669 2627
    Fax: 867 669 2711

      Last Updated: 2006/06/08 top of page Important Notices