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Information Sheet

Call for Expressions of Interest for funding from the Targeted Investment Program (TIP) for projects in the area of Transportation and Energy Infrastructure Planning

The Targeted Investment Program (TIP) is a part of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada's (INAC’s) northern economic development program funding suite. Investments made under TIP are guided by a territory-specific multi-year investment plan. One thrust of the Northwest Territories’ TIP Investment Plan is to stimulate economic growth by supporting planning activities that may accelerate the construction of major multi-user transportation and energy infrastructure projects that are directly tied to increased economic output. Up to $4 million has been targeted for this area of investment between April 1, 2006 and March 31, 2009.

This Call for Expressions of Interest is aimed at organizations that are active in the NWT, have economic development responsibilities as part of their mandate and who wish to be considered for funding under the Targeted Investment Program in the area of Transportation and Energy Infrastructure Planning.

The objective of funding projects in the area of Transportation and Energy Infrastructure Planning is to accelerate construction of major economic infrastructure in the NWT. The new multi-user infrastructure, once developed, will enhance the territory’s foundation for sustainable economic growth. Each funded project will support either lower cost or improved access to transportation or energy services. Each project will be directly tied to significantly increasing the territory's productive output.

Applicant Eligibility
This Call for Expressions of Interest is open to all NWT-based public or Aboriginal governments; organizations and associations with economic development responsibilities in their mandate who serve the NWT; and corporations operating in the NWT. Preference will be given to projects presented by existing entities with demonstrated organizational capacity to execute economic development projects.

Project Eligibility
Each Expression of Interest must concern planning and preparation activities related to the construction of a major, multi-user transportation or energy infrastructure project. It should demonstrate how the concerned project, if constructed, promises to contribute to the territory's sustained economic growth. It must demonstrate that the project is directly tied to significantly increasing the territory's productive economic output. Preference will be given to projects providing benefits to multiple participants in the economy, sustainable beyond the project funding period.

Duration of Funding
Current funding under the Targeted Investment Program is available until March 31, 2009. All projects funded through this program must be completed by that date.

Projects may be approved for funding for up to three years. However this funding is subject to yearly budget considerations and approvals. In addition, funding is subject to an annual review of the project's progress and its outcomes and benefits.

Ineligible Activities
Activities will not be funded by the Targeted Investment Program if they are not linked to economic growth. Furthermore, TIP funding cannot be used for the following:

  • core funding and ongoing operations and maintenance of organizations;
  • research or knowledge-based activities that are primarily a resource management function not directly related to economic development;
  • direct skills training for individuals normally offered through learning institutions or apprenticeship programs;
  • major capital investments in infrastructure (e.g. new laboratories for the purpose of expanding the knowledge base);
  • construction activity (as opposed to planning activity) related to large engineering works such as roads, highways, bridges, airports, rail roads, ports, wharves, dams, commercial buildings and other similar infrastructure; and,
  • investments in new or existing infrastructure which is owned or operated for the benefit of a single for-profit enterprise, rather than benefiting multiple participants in the economy.

Eligible Expenditures
TIP funding under Transportation and Energy Infrastructure Planning can be used for scoping studies, feasibility studies, preparatory engineering work and other planning and preparation activities related to major transportation or energy infrastructure projects. Funding cannot be used for core funding, ongoing operation and maintenance, and wage subsidies for persons receiving training through course work or on the job.

Project Funding Limits
Commencing April 1, 2006 and ending on March 31, 2009, amounts available for project funding in each year will be approximately $1.5 million, $1.5 million and $1.0 million respectively in the area of Transportation and Energy Infrastructure Planning. The level of TIP funding for a given project will be determined through the selection process. As a general rule, the amount provided will be the least amount required to allow a project to proceed. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada can provide assistance up to 100% of total eligible costs for non-commercial projects, and up to 75% of total eligible costs for commercial private sector projects. However, the project selection criteria strongly favour projects that have budgeted for significant funding contribution from sources outside INAC.

If another federal department is a funding partner, stacking rules of that department's program will need to be respected by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.

Repayable Contributions
If a funding contribution made to a for-profit entity exceeds $100,000 and is intended to allow that entity to generate profits or increase the value of the business, the contribution will be subject to repayment.

Contents of the Expression of Interest
The Expression of Interest should be a type written document. It should contain sections providing the following information:

Basic Information:

  • the project title;
  • name of applicant, including legal name if different; and,
  • contact information (name, title, address, telephone, fax, e-mail).
  • Applicant Information:

  • the background of the delivery organization;
  • its mandate, goals, objectives, activities, accomplishments;
  • its governance structure;
  • information on previous agreements with other organizations and the results of such agreements, and;
  • its expertise to carry-out the proposed activities.
  • Project Background
    Provide a summary of background research and activities that were done in preparation for the project, such as environmental scans, literature review, etc. Include a description of how the project fits the objectives of this proposal call.

    Project Description
    Describe the scope, objectives, action plan, and delivery system for the project. Include comments about the organizational capacity and the roll of each project partner. It should include the anticipated outputs, outcomes and impacts. The planned strategies for project sunset, evaluation, and information sharing can be included here as well.

    Project Work Plan
    Describe the specific activities that will be undertaken and include a description of the expected outputs, outcomes and impacts of each activity. The activities will share the following characteristics: action-based; of definite duration; have identifiable logical relationships to other activities in the project; have identifiable use of resources such as people, materials or facilities; and have a directly associated cost. The main project activities should be linked to timelines and costs over the project duration. The activities should be linked to the expected outputs, outcomes and impacts.

    Project Budget
    The budget should include an expense section that links costs to the work plan activities. The budget should also include a revenue section detailing all expected sources of funding. The budget should note which funding sources are confirmed and which are actively being sought.

    Governance / Management Structure
    Describe how the project will be managed. Describe the key stakeholders as well as their roles and responsibilities. Describe how the management structure will contribute to achieving the project's objectives.

    Organizational Capacity and Partners
    Present a description of human resource requirements and practices (hiring, evaluation, etc.) and administrative procedures as related to executing the project. Project partnerships should be identified, including information about each partner's rationale for involvement and each partner's contribution, whether financial or in-kind.

    Evaluation Strategy
    State what baseline information will be collected to measure project outputs, outcomes, and benefits, who will be responsible for evaluation, the timetable for reporting findings, and how success and risk factors will be identified, including ongoing benchmarks throughout and beyond the funding period.

    Project Benefits
    Highlight the benefits expected to be derived from the project. Describe how the project contributes to economic development. Identify the economic stakeholders that will benefit and how they will benefit. Provide a rationale supporting the sustainability of project benefits beyond the funding period.

    Project Selection Criteria
    Expressions of Interest submitted will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

    1. The strength with which the Expression of Interest demonstrates that providing funding will contribute to the objective of accelerating construction of major economic infrastructure in the NWT.

    2. The strength with which the Expression of Interest demonstrates that the concerned infrastructure project is directly tied to significantly increasing the productive economic output of the NWT.

    3. The strength with which the Expression of Interest demonstrates that the project will provide benefits to multiple participants of the NWT economy, including benefits sustainable beyond the project funding period.

    4. The strength with which the Expression of Interest demonstrates that the project proponent has the management, administrative and institutional capacity to successfully execute the project.

    5. The level of support, including funding support, from stakeholders other than Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.

    6. The reasonableness of the funding requested in relation the project activities and the expected benefits that will be derived from the project.

    7. That the project will not cause detrimental market disruption to existing business enterprises in the NWT economy.

    8. That the project will not overlap or duplicate existing programs, and the extent to which the project complements existing programs that provide incremental benefits.

    9. The extent to which the project addresses regional challenges and opportunities while maintaining consistency with federal government priorities.

    Funding may not be available for all Expressions of Interest submitted that meet the eligibility criteria. Proposals that demonstrate that they can best meet the stated selection criteria will be given priority.

    All proponents that submit Expressions of Interest will be advised of the outcome of the selection process regarding their project.

    The proponents of projects deemed successful in the Expression of Interest process will be contacted to complete the application and approval process. They may be requested to provide further information or to develop a complete detailed project proposal.

    The selection of a project outlined in an Expression of Interest does not constitute funding approval for the project. The initiative may receive further evaluation, including consideration of the project's alignment with federal government terms and conditions for contribution funding. Final project funding decisions will be made by the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada or his delegate.

    For further information, please contact:
    Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
    Northwest Territories Region
    4920 – 52nd Street
    P.O. Box 2760
    Yellowknife NT X1A 2R1

    Toll Free: 1 866 669 2620 or 867 669 2627
    Fax: 867 669 2711

    Deadline for submission is July 14, 2006

      Last Updated: 2006/06/08 top of page Important Notices