Welcome to the only official Website of the


United States Patent and Trademark Office

An Agency Of The United States Department Of Commerce


New USPTO Video Now Available for Viewing
“Promoting Innovation:  Today’s USPTO”

Come visit the United States Patent and Trademark Office without leaving your home.  With its foundation in the Constitution of the United States, our patent system is as old as the country itself. As its guardian, the USPTO has undergone many changes in its storied history. 

“Promoting Innovation:  Today’s USPTO” is a video program about the agency’s history, what it does, how it works and why it is a vital part of our economy and culture.  You can view the 27-minute video now at the following links:

>>View Video [requires RealPlayer version 10 or later]
>>Video with Caption. [requires RealPlayer version 10 or later]
>>Download ZIP file of Video [ ZIP/70.4MB]
>>Viewing instructions

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2006 Performance and Accountability Report

DRAFT Strategic Plan 2007-2012

STOP Fakes

Accelerated Examination (Patent Applications)

Proposed Rule Changes to Focus the Patent Process in the 21st Century

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Department Of Commerce