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  1. General Help

    1.1  Canadian Company Capabilities General Help

    1.2  SourceCAN General Help

  2. Register/Update Help

    2.1  Company Information
    1. 2.1.1  Company Name
    2. 2.1.2  Addresses
    3. 2.1.3  Company Contact Information
    4. 2.1.4  Primary Business Activity
    5. 2.1.5  Company Description

    2.2  Data Provider

    2.3  Contact
    1. 2.3.1  Title
    2. 2.3.2  Area of Responsibility
    3. 2.3.3  Additional Contact Information (SourceCAN)

    2.4  Products/Services/Licenses
    1. 2.4.1  Licensing

    2.5  Specialized Directories

    2.6  Company Details
    1. 2.6.1  Other Company Names
    2. 2.6.2  Miscellaneous Company Information
    3. 2.6.3  Quality Certifications
    4. 2.6.4  Procurement Business Number
    5. 2.6.5  CAGE Code
    6. 2.6.6  JCO Number
    7. 2.6.7  D&B Number/ DUNS+4
    8. 2.6.8  Technology Profile
    9. 2.6.9  Plant Information
    10. 2.6.10  Distribution of Employees
    11. 2.6.11  Keywords

    2.7  Industry / Procurement Codes
    1. 2.7.1  Industry
    2. 2.7.2  Codes for Government Procurement - FSC / NSN
    3. 2.7.3  Central Contractor Registration (CCR)

    2.8  SourceCAN

    2.9  Foreign Markets and Alliances
    1. 2.9.1  Geographical Market Interests
    2. 2.9.2  Target Markets
    3. 2.9.3  Strategic Alliances

    2.10  Logos

    2.11  Experience
    1. 2.11.1  Key / Major Clients
    2. 2.11.2  Success Stories
    3. 2.11.3  Unique Applications
    4. 2.11.4  Testimonials
    5. 2.11.5  International Capital Projects

  3. Search

    3.1  Basic Search
    1. 3.1.1  Search Scope
    2. 3.1.2  Stemming and Wildcards

    3.2  Detailed Search
    1. 3.2.1  Full Text Search
    2. 3.2.2  Company Name
    3. 3.2.3  Province or Territory
    4. 3.2.4  Postal Codes
    5. 3.2.5  Company Profile
    6. 3.2.6  NAICS Code
    7. 3.2.7  Product/Service/License
    8. 3.2.8  Primary Business Activity
    9. 3.2.9  Number of Employees
    10. 3.2.10  Total Sales and Export Sales
    11. 3.2.11  Exporters
    12. 3.2.12  Foreign Markets
    13. 3.2.13  Quality Certifications
    14. 3.2.14  Market Interests
    15. 3.2.15  Strategic Alliances
    16. 3.2.16  Sorting order
    17. 3.2.17  Summary

    3.3  Refine Search and New Search
    1. 3.3.1  Refine Search
    2. 3.3.2  New Search

  4. Search Results

    4.1  Report Types

    4.2  Consolidated Report

    4.3  Categories

  1. General Help

    1.1  Canadian Company Capabilities General Help

    1. If you wish to register your company with Canadian Company Capabilities or one of the many specialized directories it supports, simply press the "Register" button. On the Canadian Company Capabilities site you can do this from the homepage. If you have already registered your company with Canadian Company Capabilities, but wish to update some information, simply press the "Update" button.

      Registration is a two-step process. If you have not yet done so before you will be asked to register to obtain a Strategis account. This account will allow you to access a number services on the site using the same username and password. The second step is to login and enter your company information.

      The information provided by new registrants or company updates will be available for public access after it has been through a quality assurance process. This process normally takes 3 to 5 working days. However, this period could be longer if backlogs occur.

      Call us anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-800-328-6189 or 613-954-5031, or by fax at 613-954-1894. Our business hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 17:00 EST. Outside of these hours, you can leave a voice message and someone will get back to you by the end of the next business day.

      If you wish to search the database for company information, simply press "Search".

    1.2  SourceCAN General Help

    1. If you wish to register your company with SourceCAN, simply press the "Join now" button from the SourceCAN homepage. If you have already registered your company with SourceCAN but wish to update some information, simply press the "Update Company Profile" link on the Account Screen.

      Company updates and information provided by new registrants will be available for public access after they have been through a quality assurance process. This process normally takes 3 to 5 working days. However, this period could be longer if backlogs occur.

      If you have any questions regarding registering your company on SourceCAN, call us anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-800-328-6189 or 613-954-5031, or by fax at 613-954-1894. Our business hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 17:00 EST. Outside of these hours, you can leave a voice message and someone will get back to you by the end of the next business day.

      If you have any question regarding all other SourceCAN services, access the SourceCAN homepage.

  2. Register/Update Help

    2.1  Company Information

    1. 2.1.1  Company Name

      You must enter both your company’s legal and operating names. You can also include your company names in other languages. Additional operating names and parent company name can be entered in the "Company Detail" section.

    2. 2.1.2  Addresses

      You must enter both your company’s mailing address and location address.

    3. 2.1.3  Company Contact Information

      You must provide a telephone number for your company. The telephone number must be all numeric and have a Canadian area code. You can also include a fax number and a toll free number. The toll free number can be alpha numeric e.g. 1-800-FLOWERS. If your company has a website please provide the address.

      In accordance with Internet protocol, an email address must contain the following:

      • only one ’@’ symbol
      • at least one period in the character string following the ’@’ symbol
      • a two or three letter extension (e.g.: ’.ca’, ’.com’, ’.net’, etc.)

      and, must not:

      • contain any spaces
      • contain accented characters
      • contain any of the following: ’ " ; : ( ) < > { } [ ] / \
      • end in a period
      • contain two consecutive periods


      • the ’@’ symbol must not be directly preceded by nor followed by a period.

    4. 2.1.4  Primary Business Activity

      Please indicate the primary activity in which your business or organisation is involved.

    5. 2.1.5  Company Description

      You may provide an overview description of your company and its activities. The first few sentences of your description will be displayed on the search results.

    2.2  Data Provider

    1. The Data Provider is the administrative contact at the company. If we must contact a registered company, it is the Data Provider who will be contacted. Only the Data Provider has authority to update information related to that given company. Storage is provided for only one Data Provider per company registered in the database. The Data Provider is also identified as a Contact for the company upon initial registration. However future changes you make to your information as a Data Provider are not automatically reflected in your Contact information and vice-versa. This allows you to provide us with different coordinates for us to communicate with you than those that are listed on the site for the general public.

      From this screen, you can modify your coordinates and access the security information associated with your account. You can also transfer the rights to modify the company information to a new Data Provider.

    2.3  Contact

    1. A contact is a person at a registered company. Storage is provided for multiple contacts for a given company.

    2. 2.3.1  Title

      Generally, a contact person represents some business component of the company. Each contact may have a business title, such as Chairman, President or Vice President. Please select from the list provided. Gender is requested to ensure proper translation when the information is displayed in other languages.

      Other title is provided for titles provided before a picklist was available. It can be used to qualify the title e.g. geographical area of responsibility.

    3. 2.3.2  Area of Responsibility

      The area of responsibility refers to functional area(s) of the company where the contact works. You may pick more than one area if the contact has responsibilities in more than one area.

    4. 2.3.3  Additional Contact Information (SourceCAN)

      In addition to basic coordinates we also include a section to register contacts to participate in the bid opportunities services provided by SourceCAN. To register for this service each participant must be registered as a contact and associated with a company in this database. Because of the personalised nature of the service all participants must have their own Strategis username and password to access the services. If other employees in your company wish to access this service, you will have to register them as contacts. They can obtain their own Strategis username and password on this site and provide you with the username or you can do it on their behalf using the create button.

    2.4  Products/Services/Licenses

    1. You must enter the name of the product, service or license. Please provide a description for each of your products/services. You may include such things as details, dimensions, specifications, potential usage or other text as appropriate. You should also identify whether or not the product/service/license is exported.

    2. 2.4.1  Licensing

      Technology licensing is business practice of most companies to one extent or another. For example, most firms will purchase software that is in fact creating a license agreement between a user and a software technology vendor. More sophisticated firms will consider their licensing activities in two directions, the technology they wish to "in-licence" and the technology they wish to "out-license". Copyrights, patents and trade secrets often form the basis for ownership of related intellectual assets so they need to be captured first before a licensing strategy will be effective.

      "In-licensing" is the act of renting the rights to intellectual assets of others for various purposes. Technology such as software is often "in-licensed" for the purpose of increasing internal productivity. Technology may also be "in-licensed" for the purpose of adding to a core technology portfolio. For example, a company in the lung cancer research field may want to "in-license" exclusive rights to various patents in the genetics field that are important to the treatment of lung cancer. A company would do this to help establish the firm’s competitive advantage and its corresponding ability to raise capital.

      "Out-licensing" is the opposite of "in-licensing". Owners of intellectual assets such as copyright, patents or trade secrets may use licensing as a primary business strategy. Software developers license their technology to end users in different ways, for example. Owners may also leverage their core business activities through "out-licensing" their technologies into fields of use in which they may not be working. For example, IBM’s "out-licensing" program supports very high margin revenues in excess of 1 billion US per year.

    2.5  Specialized Directories

    1. Some Industry Canada sectors have established a limited number of specialized directories to help promote companies in their field of endeavour. A number of these directories are available for you to join from this screen. To register on one of these directories you must first select a directory and click on "Show Sub-Directories. You may now select one of the sub-directories by selecting it and clicking "Add". Many of these directories have several level of sub-directories, you should make your selection at the lowest level.

    2.6  Company Details

    1. 2.6.1  Other Company Names

      You may enter your parent company’s name. Other names your company may be known by should be entered here. Up to 4 alternate names may be entered.

    2. 2.6.2  Miscellaneous Company Information

      You may enter information about your company’s majority ownership, its year of establishment, the number of employees and its total and export sales.

    3. 2.6.3  Quality Certifications

      You may select from a number of different quality standards for which your company is accredited. For more information on the standard consult with the relevant standards bodies. e.g.

      • American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
      • Electronics Industries Alliance (EIA)
      • Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits (IPC)
      • International Organization for Standarization (ISO)
      • Allied Quality Assurance Publications (AQAP)- NATO
      • Defense Logistics Agency

    4. 2.6.4  Procurement Business Number

      Register in the Supplier Registration Information (SRI) service as a potential supplier to the Government of Canada. SRI is used by federal government buyers to identify potential suppliers for purchases not subject to any of the trade agreements (for which they use MERX).

      An important feature of SRI is the Procurement Business Number (PBN) created using your Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Business Number to uniquely identify a branch, division, or office of your company. Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) is using the PBN for its purchasing and payment systems as a supplier identifier code. Other federal government departments are gradually adopting the PBN as part of their purchasing activities. Access the Supplier Registration Information (SRI) service to register.

    5. 2.6.5  CAGE Code

      The Commercial And Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the U.S. Department of Defense and the NATO community. Why do I need a CAGE code? The CAGE code is used to support a variety of mechanized systems throughout the U.S. government. The code provides a standardized method for identifying a given facility at a given location. The code may be used for a Facility Clearance, a Pre-Award survey, automated Bidders Lists, pay processes, sources of supply, etc. In some cases, prime contractors may require their subcontractors to have a CAGE code. A cage code is required to register in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) system. Canadian companies that wish to obtain contracts with the U.S. government or NATO must first obtain a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) CAGE (NCAGE) code from the Canadian Commercial Corporation. For information on this process contact the Canadian Commercial Corporation at or 1-800-748-8191. Download an application form.

    6. 2.6.6  JCO Number

      A JCO number is used to identify contractors that may have completed the Contractor Certification Process for Access to Export-Controlled Technical Data. To get certification, US and Canadian contractors submit a completed DD Form 2345, Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement, to the US and Canadian Joint Certification Office (JCO). The JCO confirms the contractor’s information, signs the form, and returns it to the contractor. For information on this process contact the Canadian Commercial Corporation at 1-800-748-8191. Download an application form.

    7. 2.6.7  D&B Number/ DUNS+4

      Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number is a unique nine-character identification number provided by the commercial company Dun & Bradstreet. Call Dun and Bradstreet at 1-800-463-6362 if you do not have a DUNS number. The process to request a DUNS number takes about 10 minutes and is free of charge. If you already have a DUNS number, the D&B representative will advise you over the phone. If a new number must be created, it will be issued within three working days. If you have Internet access, you can also submit your request for a DUNS number through D&B’s web site at When entering your DUNS number please include dashes.

      The DUNS+4 is used by the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) system in the US and Canadian Commercial Corporation in U.S. government and NATO procurement. The +4 identifiers are established and maintained by the parent organization, not Dun & Bradstreet. They are used to identify different Central Contractor Registry and Canadian Commercial Corporation records for the same vendor at the same physical location. For example a vendor could have two records for themselves at the same physical location to identify two separate bank accounts. Vendors wishing to register their subsidiaries and other entities should ensure that each additional location obtains a separate DUNS Number from Dun and Bradstreet.

    8. 2.6.8  Technology Profile

      You may describe any specific technologies, processes or equipment that your company uses in the manufacture of a product or the delivery of services. The intent is to provide details of unique, specialized or advanced technologies that you can provide and feel buyers should know about.

    9. 2.6.9  Plant Information

      You may describe information about the plant and the area allocated to different business units.

    10. 2.6.10  Distribution of Employees

      You may describe the distribution of your employees by business units, plant or function.

    11. 2.6.11  Keywords

      You may provide a short list of keywords that would help a buyer find your company when doing a search, particularly words that do not appear elsewhere in your profile.

    2.7  Industry / Procurement Codes

    1. 2.7.1  Industry

      Your primary business activity is what your company does. You may do other things, and, if you do, you may record them as additional activities. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is used to represent business activities. NAICS is a system for identifying and grouping together businesses that perform similar economic activities. The coverage of activities by NAICS ranges from industries such as agriculture and forestry to manufacturing sectors like boat building and footwear manufacturers to service-producing sectors like beauty shops and contracting.

      A lookup facility is provided to assist you in identifying your business activity(ies).

      Enter a keyword or phrase and press "Search". If the search results in a list of NAICS codes/activities, you are asked to identify the Primary by clicking its radio button. You may select 0, 1 or more Additional activities by selecting the checkbox(es).

      If the search does not find any NAICS codes/activities, or, if you can not find an NAICS in the list that represents your business, please repeat the Search using other keywords.

      If the Search results do not reflect your primary business, you may enter a keyword or phrase, then select the radio button and let us try to find a suitable code on your behalf.

      You may select more than one business activity if you wish. You must identify your primary business activity. To select additional business activities click the appropriate checkbox(es). You can deselect by clicking the checkbox again.

    2. 2.7.2  Codes for Government Procurement - FSC / NSN

      Government, large corporate and international buyers often prefer to use product codes to find suppliers. We provide you with the ability to select Federal Supply Group (also referred to as GSIN) codes and to upload National Stock Numbers.

      Government and business identify items by assignment of a National Stock Number or NATO Supply Number (NSN). Numbers are assigned based on the end use of the item. The configuration of the NSN is a 13-digit number e.g. 6645-00-123-4567.

      The first two positions (66) identify the Federal Supply Group (FSG). The FSG is followed by two additional positions, which together with the FSG form a four position Federal Supply Class (FSC). In the example cited, the Federal Supply Group 66 identifies the broad category of "measuring instruments" and 6645 narrows it down to a specific type of measuring instrument, "time measuring instruments". The last 9 positions (00-123-4567) are the National Item Identification Number (NIIN) and identify the specific item. The first two positions of the NIIN identify the NATO country code; e.g., 00 and 01 are assigned to the United States.

      The NIIN does not follow as logical a sequence as the FSG and FSC do. The same NIIN is never used for more than one FSC at the same time. There are times when an item is transferred from one Center to another by changing its FSC. So it is possible you will run across an item you supplied years ago carrying the same NIIN but with a different FSC.

      Because the FSC is assigned based on end use, it is possible for the same item to be in more than one FSC. For example, a cleaning compound could be assigned FSC 6850 when used for general purpose cleaning, but the same chemical composition would be assigned FSC 6750 when used as a photographic cleaner. In each case, the NIIN would be the same, but the FSC would be different.

      The NSNs are assigned by Defense Logistics Support Command at Battle Creek, Mich. & DND Ottawa and are based on requests from the branch using the item. Normally, items are assigned an NSN if requisitioned three times by more than one activity using a manufacturers code and part number (non-NSN) for identification.

    3. 2.7.3  Central Contractor Registration (CCR)

      If you are planning on doing business with the DoD, it’s a good idea to start thinking about registering your company with Central Contractor Registration (CCR). Different DoD services and agencies require you to be signed up with CCR at different times during the contracting and acquisition process, but they ALL require that you are registered before you receive payment.

      CCR is the primary database for information about trading partners who would like to do business with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). The database contains trading partner information relevant to procurement and financial business transactions. Contractors are only required to register in the database one time, with subsequent annual updates/renewals.

      Canadian companies must register only if they are receiving EFT payments and wish to continue. Otherwise registering is their choice. In order to register, Canadian Companies must obtain a Contractor and Government Entity (CAGE) code and a Dun and Bradstreet Number.

      The most effective way to register is on the Web. Complete and accurate registrations are processed within 48 hours. Both EDI and non-EDI capable contractors may register this way. To register on-line, access the CCR website.

      Since part of CCR’s mission is to reduce paperwork, paper registrations are not encouraged. However, if you are unable to register electronically, you may fax or mail in your registration to the Canadian Commercial Corporation Registration Assistance Center (RAC). Call telephone: (613) 996-0034; toll free in Canada (800) 748-8191; fax: (613) 995-2121 to obtain a form and instructions. Registrations received by fax or mail may take up to 30 days to process.

      For further information visit the CCR website.

    2.8  SourceCAN

    1. An Opportunities Matching service is offered through SourceCAN. SourceCAN is a no-cost Internet based partnering and business opportunities network assisting companies in their business development efforts. This initiative is led by Industry Canada and Canadian Commercial Corporation.

      SourceCan offers a number of customized services including one that tailors notices of requests for proposals (RFPs), invitations to quote, or requests for tender that fit your company profile and emails these to the Opportunities Contact. Among current tender opportunities being offered are the Canadian government and the U.S. Government (FedBizOpps).

      Conditions of participation:

      • Be a Canadian company and be registered in this database
      • Register at least one company contact as a SourceCAN participant
      • Provide an email address and Strategis Username for this company contact

    2.9  Foreign Markets and Alliances

    1. Markets in this database refer to geographic regions and industry sectors in which you do business or are seeking business.

    2. 2.9.1  Geographical Market Interests

      In the Geographical Market Interests section you can provide information on your current market interests and experience. The Market Interests data collection form is divided into 2 main areas. The top area is for markets in which you have experience/are active. The bottom area is for markets in which you are not experienced, but you are actively pursuing. In each area there are 2 areas representing different geographic areas, namely US states and other countries. You can select any number of choices, as they apply to your business. Then, click the ADD button. Your current selections are presented in the Current List. You may choose selections from one column at a time, or make selections from all columns in both the top and bottom areas -- that choice is yours. If you would like to change your selection(s), highlight the appropriate selection(s) in the Current List and then, click the DELETE button. If you select the same value from the top area and the bottom area, the Experienced/Active description will take precedence over the Pursuing/Interested description.

      Do not include confidential information.

    3. 2.9.2  Target Markets

      In this section you can indicate the industry sectors to which you market your products. e.g. Your company is an electronics products manufacturer selling primarily to the medical sector; or you’re a footwear manufacturer making boots primarily marketed to the defence sector.

    4. 2.9.3  Strategic Alliances

      In the Strategic Alliances section you can indicate if you are interested in Financial, Technology or Marketing/Sales alliances. You can also indicate if your interest in such alliances is domestic, foreign or both. A free form text area is available if you would like to describe your strategic interests in greater detail.

    2.10  Logos

    1. You may upload a company logo to be displayed on your profile. The file should be in gif or jpg format, be no more than 50 kilobytes and be no larger that 125 pixels wide and 75 pixels high.

    2.11  Experience

    1. 2.11.1  Key / Major Clients

      You may include the names or lists of names of some clients that use your products and/or services.

    2. 2.11.2  Success Stories

      If appropriate you can provide a brief description identifying how other companies have successfully implemented or used your products and/or services.

    3. 2.11.3  Unique Applications

      You can list examples of unique implementation(s) of your product and/or service from other similar technologies in the field.

    4. 2.11.4  Testimonials

      You may wish to provide written affirmations or recommendations from others that praise or attest to the performance of your products and/or services.

    5. 2.11.5  International Capital Projects

      You may wish to provide details of international capital projects in which your company has been involved. Include any special capabilities your company may have with regard to international capital projects.

  3. Search

    3.1  Basic Search

    1. 3.1.1  Search Scope

      Quick Search provides you with the ability to search the database for certain text. You can narrow the scope of your search by selecting to search only certain fields in the database. You have three choices:

      • All Text - Searches all text fields
      • Company Name - Searches only company name fields e.g. legal name and operating name
      • Product description - Searches only product-related fields e.g. product name and product description

      In addition to controlling the search scope of your searches, you can also broaden or narrow your searches using the built in logical operators on the search form. These powerful controls determine how to use your search terms in order to broaden your search to retrieve a greater number of documents or narrow your search to recall fewer but more relevant documents.

      Logical operators can be used for any kind of search: all text, company name or product description. You have three choices:

      • All of these words - Returns only listings that have occurrences of every word in your search query
      • Any of these words - Returns listings that have occurrences of at least one of the words
      • Look for this phrase - Returns only documents that have occurrences of your search term in the exact order as entered

    2. 3.1.2  Stemming and Wildcards

      The search will automatically perform stemming e.g. when appropriate, the search will not only for your search terms, but also for words that are similar to some or all of those terms. If you enter "motor vehicle" the search will also look "motor vehicles". If you enter "labour" it will also look for "labor".

      You may also search using a string with a wildcard character. To use this facility you must explicitly include the wildcard character "*" in the search string. For example, you may wish to find product/service with "electronic" or "electrical" or "electricity" or "electronically" in their name or description. You can put the string "electr*" in the product/service field as a search criterion. The "*" represents a wildcard which means "zero or more characters in this position in the search string" is acceptable. So companies with product/service containing any of the following: "electric", "electrical", "electricity", "electronic", "electronically", "electronics" ... would be found in the search based on Product/Service.

    3.2  Detailed Search

    1. The detailed search permits you to search all coordinates of the company eg. location, company characteristics (sales, employees), products and markets. You are asked to select or enter data values for various fields on the Detailed Search Form to create search criteria relevant to your needs. By default, the search places an "and" between these fields. In those cases where you may select multiple values within a field, the search places an "or" between these values.

      For example, if in your search you choose

      Province = Ontario, NAICS = 3311, the effective search is: "Records with Province=Ontario and NAICS=3311".

      Province = All, NAICS = 3311, Employee size = 1 to 10, 11 to 20, the effective search is: "Records with NAICS =3311 and (Employee size = 1 to 10 or Employee size = 11 to 20)".

    2. 3.2.1  Full Text Search

      The full text search provides you with the ability to search the database for certain text. You can narrow the scope of your search by selecting to search only certain fields in the database. You have three choices:

      • All Text - Searches all text fields
      • Company Name - Searches only company name fields e.g. legal name and operating name
      • Product description - Searches only product related fields e.g. product name and product description

      In addition to controlling the search scope of your searches, you can also broaden or narrow your searches using the built in logical operators on the search form. These powerful controls determine how to use your search terms in order to broaden your search to retrieve a greater number of documents or narrow your search to recall fewer but more relevant documents.

      Logical operators can be used for any kind of search: all text, company name or product description. You have three choices:

      • All of these words - Returns only listings that have occurrences of every word in your search query
      • Any of these words - Returns listings that have occurrences of at least one of the words
      • Look for this phrase - Returns only documents that have occurrences of your search term in the exact order as entered

    3. 3.2.2  Company Name

      You may search using the full company name or one or more words in the company name field e.g. a search on the word "Hudson" will find all company names containing the word "Hudson" e.g. "Delta Hudson Engineering & Constructors".

      If you enter a more precise term such as, "Delta Hudson", the search would be limited to only those companies containing this exact phrase.

      When you search for a company, the search examines all company name fields. This includes company operating names, legal names and alternate names.

      You may also search for a company by using a string with a wildcard character.

    4. 3.2.3  Province or Territory

      You can limit your search to companies that have listed their mailing or location address in a particular provinces or territories.

    5. 3.2.4  Postal Codes

      You can search on a full postal code or a partial code, beginning from the left. For example, if you are interested in all companies within postal code area "K1", you can enter just these two digits and produce a list confined to this area.

    6. 3.2.5  Company Profile

      This field allows you to search the free text area where companies may provide an overview description of the company and its activities. You should note that not all companies have provided a company description in their profile.

    7. 3.2.6  NAICS Code

      The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is a system for identifying and grouping together businesses that produce similar products or services. The NAICS codes cover all industries in the Canadian economy from primary sectors such as agriculture, forestry and petroleum industries, through manufacturing (metal, wood, textiles, food, motor vehicles, household electronics etc.) to services (wholesale and retail distribution, finance, consulting, transportation, legal services etc.)

      To find companies by NAICS, if you know the NAICS code or a partial NAICS code you may enter this number in the box.

      If you do not know the NAICS code of an industry in which you are interested, you can click on the word NAICS to access the Statistics Canada site where you can search for the NAICS code. We hope to offer an integrated search function for the NAICS codes on the site in the near future.

    8. 3.2.7  Product/Service/License

      Search using single words or combinations of words. If you want your search to be as broad as possible (find the greatest number of companies), use generic terms such as meat, parts, plastic, wood, legal services etc. If you want your search to be more specific, use more restrictive terms; even brand names or trade marks e.g. motor vehicle parts, not parts. If you do not find what you want, try alternative words that have a similar meaning e.g. motor vehicle instead of automobile.

      You may also search for a product/service/license by using a string with a wildcard character. To use this facility you must explicitly include the wildcard character in the search string. For example, you may wish to find product/service with "electronic" or "electrical" or "electricity" or "electronically" in their name. You can put the string "electr*" in the product/service field as a search criterion. The "*" represents a wildcard which means "zero or more characters in this position in the search string" is acceptable. So companies with product/service containing any of the following : "electric", "electrical", "electricity", "electronic", "electronically", "electronics" ... would be found in the search based on Product/Service Name.

      You can also search for products using the National Stock Number (NSN), the Federal Supply Class (FSC) or the National Item Identification Number (NIIN). If you know the NSN, FSC, or NIIN code number for a product or service you can enter it in this field. Many companies have provided us with product information based on these procurement codification schemes.

    9. 3.2.8  Primary Business Activity

      You can limit your search by a company’s "primary" business activity.

    10. 3.2.9  Number of Employees

      You can limit you search by company size using the number of employees in the company as guide. You should note however that not all companies have provided information on the number of employees they have on staff.

    11. 3.2.10  Total Sales and Export Sales

      You can limit you search by company size using sales or export sales as guide. You should note however that not all companies have provided sales figures.

    12. 3.2.11  Exporters

      You can limit your search to exporting companies. An exporter is defined in this search option as a company that has export sales or exports at least 1 product or service, or identifies exporting experience in at least 1 foreign market. Selecting "No" will return non-exporting companies i.e. companies that do not meet the above criteria. Selecting "Both" will return all companies regardless of their exporting status.

    13. 3.2.12  Foreign Markets

      You can limit your search to companies currently exporting to or interested in exporting to a particular country or region. Selecting "actively to" will only return companies that have indicated they have export experience in the selected countries. Selecting "Interested In" will limit the search to companies that are ready to do business in these markets, but have not yet done business there. Selecting "Both" will include companies in both of the previous categories.

    14. 3.2.13  Quality Certifications

      You can limit your search to companies that indicated they are certified to certain quality standards. For more information on the standard consult with the relevant standards body. e.g.

    15. 3.2.14  Market Interests

      You can search for companies based on the sector to which they target their products.

    16. 3.2.15  Strategic Alliances

      You may search for companies who have identified an interest in establishing alliances. These alliances may be financial, marketing or technology based and may be directed at foreign and/or domestic partners.

      • Financial alliances include joint ventures, sharing expertise and investment.
      • Marketing/Sales alliances include product licensing, distributor and joint marketing.
      • Technology alliances include technology transfer, R&D and co-development.

    17. 3.2.16  Sorting order

      You can have the results sorted in 3 ways.

      • Relevance: Calculated by the Search software to be the most relevant to the search request based on an algorithm that seeks to present the best matches first.
      • Date: Based on the latest company update date
      • Company Name: Alphabetical based on the company Operating Name
      • Province: Grouped by province

    18. 3.2.17  Summary

      You may select to show or hide the first lines of the company’s description in the search result if the company supplied it.

    3.3  Refine Search and New Search

    1. 3.3.1  Refine Search

      Refine Search will return you to the basic search or detailed search so that you can further expand or limit your search by adding new or additional search terms. If you retrieved too few companies, you may want to expand your search by using more general words in the product or service category such as, milk rather than milking or teach rather than teaching. If you retrieved too many companies, restrict your search by providing more detailed words such as wooden table rather than table.

    2. 3.3.2  New Search

      Will return you to a search screen with previous search criteria removed so that you may start again.

  4. Search Results

    4.1  Report Types

    1. There are two methods to produce a report: a report on a single company from a list of one or more companies or a report on all the companies retrieved through a search. In each case there are three types of reports available:

      • "Short Profile" gives the Company Name, Mailing Address, Telephone, Fax and Website for each company;
      • "Complete Profile" gives all the information for each company;
      • "Custom Profile" you must select the information you want to include in the report from and this information will appear for each company retrieved through a search.

    4.2  Consolidated Report

    1. The "Consolidated Report" option will produce a report on all the companies retrieved through a search. In selecting "Consolidated Report" you will be asked to select one of the three types of reports described in the previous section.

    4.3  Categories

    1. At the top of the search results for most searches you will generally find three category listings: NAICS, Provinces, and Specialized Directories. You may use these categories to further refine you search.

Created: 2006-02-07
Updated: 2006-04-06
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