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Canadian Intellectual Property Office Symbol of the Government of Canada

Application for Registration of a Copyright

1. Title of the work
Enter the specific title of the work. Subtitles, alternative titles and descriptive matter are not permitted as part of the title. Titles are usually not protected by Copyright, but if a title is original and distinctive, it may be protected as part of the work it relates to. Please note that the application must refer to one work only.

2. Category of the work
Check the category or categories that best describe your work. Please note that the description should apply to the work as it exists at the present time. It should not reflect what may be developed in the future. The following information may be helpful to you in selecting the appropriate description:

Describes works consisting of text. This includes books, poems, song lyrics (without music), tables, compilations of literary works, catalogues, reports and translations of such works. Computer programs are also included in this category.

Note: Textual works in which a scenic arrangement or acting form is fixed in writing fall within the dramatic category
(e.g. a screenplay).

Describes any work of music or musical composition with or without words and includes any compilations thereof. This definition does not include song lyrics without music (literary).

Includes paintings, drawings, maps, charts, plans, photographs, engravings, sculptures, works of artistic craftsmanship, architectural works and compilations of artistic works.

Includes any piece for recitation, choreographic work, or mime (action without speech) where the scenic arrangement or acting form is fixed in writing or otherwise. It also includes cinematographic productions such as films and videos. Examples of other dramatic works are: screenplays, scripts and plays.

Note: In some cases, a combination of these definitions may be required to accurately describe the nature of the work. For example, a book containing text and illustrations would be described as "literary and artistic," and a work which combines dramatic and musical elements, such as an opera, would be described as "dramatic and musical."

3. Publication
Check box A or B. If the work is published, enter the date and place of publication in the appropriate space. For the purposes of the Copyright Act, "publication" means making copies of a work available to the public. This does not include the exhibition in public of an artistic work or the performance in public of a dramatic work.

4. Author(s)
Insert the name and address of the author. In most cases, the term of copyright protection is based on the lifetime of the author.

The name of the person or persons who actually created the work is required. If the author is dead, the exact date of the author's death should be added, if known. If more than one author, please attach a list of names and addresses of all the authors.

5. Owner(s)
Complete parts A or B depending on whether ownership is to be in the name of an individual or a corporation. The copyright owner can be the author of the work, the employer of the author, or any person that has obtained ownership through a transfer of ownership, such as an assignment.

Please note that a "licensee" should not register as the owner of the copyright. A copyright can be registered in the name of one or more individual(s) or corporation(s). If there is more than one author or owner, copies of page 1 containing the additional owners names should be attached.

6. Declaration
Select the type of applicant who is submitting the application.

7. Agent for applicant (if any)
This section is to be completed only if the application is being submitted by an agent. The certificate will be sent to the name and address given in this section. If this section is not completed, the certificate will be mailed to the owner named in section 5.

A $65 fee must accompany each Application for Registration.

Please note that payment may be made by credit card (VISA, MasterCard or American Express), direct payment, deposit account, postal money order, or cheque payable in Canadian dollars to the Receiver General for Canada. Do not add federal or provincial taxes.

Please do not send copies of your work.

Note: You may also file your application electronically via our Web site. The information is available at
