Timiskaming First Nation

(c) All information Copyright Algonquin Nation Secretariat

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Welcome to the home page of the Timiskaming First Nation. We are located at the head of Lake Timiskaming, near the community of Notre Dame du Nord, Quebec.
In our language we are called the Saugeen Anishabeg which means "People of the River mouth." This refers to the broad estuary formed by the Blanche and the Quinze Rivers on the northeast side of Lake Timiskaming. Our traditional territory includes land on both the Ontario and Quebec side of the lakehead. Past to Present

Our ancestors have lived along the waterways of the Lake Timiskaming watershed for at least 6,000 years. We have existed as a reserve since 1851. This web page has laid out a number of the historical issues that have molded our community.

As well, we have set up a visual and historical tour through our territory. Take the time to visit our traditional territory. It will help orient you to the many of the issues facing the Algonquin people of Timiskaming First Nation at the beginning of a new millennium.



Tour the Territory | History | Obadjiwan | Colonization | Adam's Mine
Businesses | Reserve Surrenders | Nedelec Surrender | Indian Agent | New Liskeard