Eastmain is located on the eastern shore of James Bay at the mouth of the Eastmain River. In the early days of the fur trade, the term "East Main" was applied by the Hudson's Bay Company to the entire eastern shore of James and Hudson bays, and when the trading post was first established here in 1719, it was given the same name. During much of the 18th century, the Eastmain post was the only trading establishment on on the east coast, and many old Cree stories about going to the "house" at Eastmain to trade, reflect the importance of the post during this periiod.

The community presently has a population of about 550. "Eastmain has 8 km of road in town and an access road connecting the community fo the Matagami-Chisasibi highway. Air Access is also available on a daily basis via Air Creebec.

"The community has evolved with several businesses and services implemented. The community houses the head office of the Cree Trappers Association, a community clinic operated under the authority of the Cree Board of Health and Social Services, the Wabuannutao Eeyou School, the Mandow Inn, the Telecommunications Society, grocery store, gas station, to name but a few of the buisinesses. Recognising the need to ensure the future of our youth, we are addressing various areas of economic development, with emphasis on tourism and arts and crafts. There does does however remain much work to be done to ensure the future of our people and that the community is a healthy environment. Our traditional skills remain very active and the centre of our lifestyles. We acknowledge our Elders for the values they have given us and for the knowledge they have taught us. Megwetch."1

Eastmain has a "cultural village" for use in carrying out traditional gatherings and meetings and for teaching purposes. We are actively documenting the past of the community and collecting photographs and other materials illustrating our history.

For information on cultural programs and activities, contact:

Sally E. Gilpin
Cultural coordinator
Cree Nation of Eastman, QC
J0M 1W0

Visit our web site: Cree Nation of Eastmain

1Chief Edward Gilpin, GCC / CRA Annual Report, 1999-2000, p. 19.

Aanischaaukamikw —Cree Cultural Institute
Opemiska Meskino, Oujé-Bougoumou, QC, G0W 3C0
Tel.: (418) 745-3911 Fax: (418) 745-3181 eMail: info@creeculture.ca