There are various levels of courts in the province of Nova Scotia.

The Small Claims Court provides a quick, informal and cost-effective method for deciding claims.

The Bankruptcy Court and the Probate Court deal with financial and inheritance matters respectively.

The Provincial Court is where most criminal matters are heard.

The Supreme Court has two branches; the General Division and the Family Division in Metro Halifax and Cape Breton. In other areas, family matters are heard in the Family Court.

And finally, there is the Court of Appeal, the highest court in the province.

For more detailed information on Nova Scotia's Courts, click on the drop-down menus at the top of this page.

For information on the organization of the courts across Canada, click here: Canada's Court System.

For information on the Canadian justice system, legislation, law enforcement, national crime statistics, and other public justice institutions click here:  Justice and the Law in Canada.

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Chief Justice Kennedy Reacts to Daily News Opinion Column
"There are though, rare circumstances when media behaviour is so outrageous as to necessitate a reply."

Parole - The Line of Responsibility
"... judges who impose incarceratory sentences have no control over the timing of the actual release of the offender from the institution."

"Irreverence vs. Disrespect" in media coverage of the Courts
"Disrespect for the keepers of the rule of law, will inevitably lead to disrespect for concept of the rule of law."

Law Courts Offering CDs of Courtroom Proceedings
"The CD's will have free software embedded on them to assist in producing transcripts."

Interactive Forms for Small Claims Court Now Available

New Policy Re: The Use of Electronic Devices in Nova Scotia Courtrooms

Nova Scotia Courts' Website Rated Among World's Top Ten Court-Related Sites

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Courtroom and Classrooms Project Click on arrow for an interactive learning experience .....

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Virtual Courtroom

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The Nova Scotia Courts website provides general information on the role of the courts in our legal system including information such as the rules of court and details of the procedures to be followed. Information on the programs and services necessary to support access to justice through the courts can be found at the Nova Scotia Department of Justice website.


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The Courts of Nova Scotia.
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