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Crystal Meth Driskell Inquiry

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Manitoba Department


image of young child Safer Communities
Manitoba Justice is committed to help Manitobans feel safe in their homes, at work and in their neighbourhoods.
picture of rolodex Department Overview - Programs and Services
Learn more about the programs, services and department structure of Manitoba Justice.
image of distraught person Victims of Crime
Manitoba Justice is working to make the entire justice system more responsive to the wishes and needs of victims.
seperator.gif (282 bytes) image of scales of justice Manitoba Courts
There are three levels of court in Manitoba which hear criminal, civil and family matters.  Learn more about the courts and court processes.
image of police making a traffic stop Impaired Driving
Manitoba has among the toughest penalties in Canada for impaired drivers to enhance your family's, your friend's and your safety.
seperator.gif (282 bytes) image of a family Family Justice
This site contains a wealth of information on family issues, as well as on services and programs that support or affect family members.
image of upset woman Domestic Violence and Stalking
Learn how to protect yourself or your loved ones from such abuse, using the powers of both the criminal and civil law.
seperator.gif (282 bytes) image of gavel Criminal Legal Process
When an individual comes in conflict with the law, there are a number of steps in the process and decisions which must be made that will impact how the offence will be dealt with by the justice system.
image of aboriginal justice inquiry logo, wings with the scales of justice Aboriginal Justice Initiatives
Learn more about  specialized programs supporting Aboriginal Manitobans and the Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission(AJIC) report.
seperator.gif (282 bytes) image of traffic light red, green and yellow Fines and Traffic Tickets 
Did you receive a traffic or speeding ticket? What are your options? Learn more about fines and traffic tickets.


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