Alberta Learning Information Service
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Find career planning resources and services Find education, training, student funding resources and services Find employment listings, economic trends, and resources for business and workplace issues
Special Features:

Career Information Hotline
Career Services Near You
Students Finance
Scholarships and Bursaries
OCCinfo (Occupational Profiles)
EDinfo (Education Programs)
CERTinfo (Certification and Registration for Employment)
WAGEinfo (Wage Information)
Tip Sheets
CAREERinsite (Career Planning)
e-CareerShop Catalogue
Welcome to Alberta
Alberta Work Search On-line
Self-Employment - Rocket Fuel for Your Biz
Useful Links:

Alberta Job Banks
Alberta Labour Market News
Alberta Advanced Education
Alberta Education
Alberta Human Resources and Employment
Alberta Apprenticeship
Alberta Transfer Guide

ALIS User Guides

e-Newsletter Subscriptions

Learning Clicks is an interactive tool to assist Grade 9 -12 students with planning for post-secondary studies.

Service Alberta


  Picture of people viewing computer


Opportunity starts here!  
Welcome to Alberta's leading on-line source for career, learning and employment information and services. Here you'll find the resources you need to start making the most of your future.

Tip of the Week 
Career Planning Step 4: Action Planning
Featured Occupation 
Fashion Designer
Video Career Clip  
Specialized Toy Distributor
Specialized Toy Distributor


 Alberta in action

Recent News
Click on a news title below to read more.

November 15, 2006
New and Updated Resources
New and updated Resources include: EDinfo, The Investigator, Time to Choose…a post-secondary education program, Canada Prospects and Canada Prospects Facilitator’s Guide (French and English versions).

November 2, 2006
NEW - ALIS User Guides
Feeling lost? Can't find what you need? Then you need a guide—an ALIS guide!

October 2, 2006
Canada Career Week (Oct 29 - Nov 4)
Check out what is happening in your local area!

September 19, 2006
NEW e-Resumé Review Service
The Career Information Hotline, the voice of ALIS, is now offering a free e-resumé review service.

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Government of Alberta