Alberta Learning Information Service
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About ALIS

Alberta Government Partnership

Alberta Learning Information Service (ALIS) is the provincial gateway for career, learning and employment information and services in Alberta, Canada. The site is provided through a provincial government partnership of Alberta Human Resources and Employment, Alberta Education, and Alberta Advanced Education.

The ALIS website provides information to help Albertans with career planning, post-secondary education and training, educational funding, job search, labour market trends, and workplace issues.

(Please note that ALIS is pronounced "Alice")

2004 Premier's Award of Excellence Gold Recipient

ALIS Advisory Committee

A number of stakeholders form the ALIS Advisory Committee that provides feedback and general direction to the website administration. The committee is comprised of  representatives from key career, learning and employment organizations throughout Alberta:

Alberta Association of Career Colleges
Alberta College & Technical Institute Student's Executive Council (ACTISEC)
Alberta Colleges and Technical Institutes
Alberta Committee of Citizens with Disabilities
Alberta Teachers' Association, Guidance Council
Business Industry
Career Development Association of Alberta
Council of Alberta University Students (CAUS)
Private Universities Colleges & EAS Chairperson
Universities Coordinating Council

Alberta Human Resources and Employment
  • People, Skills and Workplace Resources
  • Information Management and Application Support
  • Communications

    Alberta Education and Alberta Advanced Education
  • Information and Technology Management
  • Communications
  • Adult Learning
  • Alberta Council on Admission and Transfer (ACAT)
  • Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training    Canadian flag

    To access other provincial sites in Canada similiar to ALIS that contain career planning, learning and employment resources, visit


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    Government of Alberta