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Technical Help

Below you will find information on how to obtain free software (for PDFs, videos, etc.),
how to navigate the ALIS website, and how to print website pages.

Where to get free software

PDF (Portable Document File)
ALIS has a number of electronic documents that require the user to have "reader software" for viewing. These documents are known as PDFs.
    To download a free copy of the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader, click on the icon below:

    Adobe Acrobat Reader

    To activate the bookmark navigational feature of Adobe Acrobat, click on the Bookmarks tab on the left hand side.  The bookmarks will appear as a Table of Contents.

The following are the minimum requirements to view videos on-line:

    Microsoft Media Player
  • Operating system: Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows 98, or Windows 98 Second Edition
  • Processor: Pentium or AMD Athlon 266 MHz or faster
  • 32 MB or more of RAM
  • Free hard disk space: 64 MB
  • Modem: 56 Kbps
  • Video card: True color (24 bit)

    Real Player
  • Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, or Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 4 , Mac OS 8.1 or later
  • RealPlayer 8.0 or higher
  • 32 MB or more of RAM
  • Virtual Memory turned on, set to 64MB (Mac Only)
  • Intel Pentium processor or 604 PowerPC (200 MHz or better)
  • Full Duplex Sound card and speakers (Windows Only)
  • 65,000-color or better video display card (Windows Only)
  • 56 Kpbs modem Internet connection
  • Browser support: Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 or higher orNetscape 4.0 or higher

    To download a free copy of one of the video viewers, click on one of the icons below:
    Download Windows Media Player Windows Media Player

Click on the icon below to obtain the free Flash 5 plug-in.
    Flash Plugin
PowerPoint Viewer
Click on the icon below to obtain the free PowerPoint Viewer. Browsers
The recommended browsers to view the ALIS website are:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 or higher.
  • Netscape 4.0 or higher
    To download a free copy of one of the browsers, click on one of the icons below:
    Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 or higher or
    Netscape 4.0 or higher

How to navigate the ALIS website

To obtain an overview of how to navigate the ALIS website and to learn more about the content within the website, click here to view the ALIS PowerPoint presentation.

ALIS Home Page
ALIS is a combination "webzine" and "portal" website that has been structured to help users navigate from general to specific content. It also has been designed for users to access specific information quickly. To return to the ALIS Home Page, just click on the ALIS icon at the top left.

Main Sections (Primary)
The ALIS Website is divided into three main portal sections. Each section is identified as a coloured tab located at the top of each ALIS page as part of the navigational header. The content of each main section is outlined with the corresponding colour:

  • CAREER Section (blue)
  • LEARNING Section (orange)
  • EMPLOYMENT Section (green)

Secondary Categories
Within each main section are secondary categories. Click on a main section tab and notice the expansion of the secondary categories across the header at the top. You can then click on a topic within the coloured expansion bar to view content within each of these secondary categories. Advanced users have the option to place their mouse pointers over the drop-down arrow on a main section tab and go directly to the contents of another secondary category.

Tertiary Sub-categories
The left column contains tertiary sub-categories. Links above the coloured separator are within the tertiary (such as: Alberta, Canada-wide, or Other useful links). This enables users to view detailed content and to navigate laterally. Click on a tertiary sub-category and you find more detailed content within the body of the website (such as: link lists or sub-site content).

General Section
There is also a "General Information" area, that contains specialized content. Refer to the left column, near the top of this page to view the specific content.

Site Map
The Site Map (located in the header at the top of each page), reflects the overall content hierarchy and layout of the site. This enables a user to go directly to any specific area of the website.

Featured Links
The ALIS Home Page and the three Main Section pages (Career, Learning, Employment) have "Featured Links" on the top left that enable a user to go directly to a featured website / link (ALIS sub-site or partner website).

Quick Links
"Quick Links" is a drop down menu located at the top right, that enables a user to navigate to frequently used areas.

Bread crumbs
"Bread crumbs" are a term used to indicate the location (or trail) where the user is from the Home page. The ALIS bread crumbs are positioned at the top directly above the body of the website content, and is part of the global site navigation. As a user goes deeper into the site, the user can click on a bread crumb link to navigate back to a higher level.

ALIS Home >> Main Section >> Secondary Category >> Tertiary Sub-category >> Detailed Content.

Auxiliary Sites
There are a number of sites within ALIS that are part of the main ALIS website.  These auxiliary sites contain specific content and include "" as the root domain name address. These sites include the following:

If you still need help navigating, contact the Alberta Career Information Hotline.


To print pages, click on the "Printer friendly" button located in the header at the top. This will format a new page in a new browser window. Next, click on the browser print button within this new formated page. You can then close the window after your page prints.


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Government of Alberta