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Programs and Services

The Department of Education provides a wide variety of services to the public and schools. Please follow the links, where available, or contact the department for more information.

Apprenticeship and Tradesperson Qualifications

Apprenticeship combines supervised, on-the-job training with classroom instruction at a technical institute. In the Yukon, there are 43 different trades in which you can train as an apprentice - everything from welding and heavy duty mechanics to steamfitting, hairstyling and sprinkler installation.

Community Training Funds

Training for skills development is available from 7 community training funds and 8 industry specific funds.

Computer Camp

This is a popular, yearly summer day camp for kids between the ages of 8 and 15. Participants learn basic computer skills and also take part in fun activities away from the computer. Students in Grades 11 or 12 or university students can apply to be camp instructors.

Curriculum Unit

Curriculum staff are composed of coordinators and specialist teachers who provide curricular support to Yukon Schools. Yukon Education utilizes the British Columbia curriculum as the basis and this is modified and enhanced to meet Yukon needs. More than a dozen consultants develop curricula and work with classroom teachers.

Tel: (867) 667-5607
Fax: (867) 393-6339

Education Appeal Tribunal

This adjudicative Tribunal hears appeals from parents and students who wish to go beyond the Department of Education to resolve a dispute. In determining the outcome of an appeal, the tribunal considers the educational interests of the child, the impact on all other students and any other relevant factors.

French Language Programs

This unit develops French language curriculum materials and support services for schools.

Tel: (867) 667-8610
Fax: (867) 393-6339

Gadzoosda Student Residence

Parents from communities where there is no senior grade secondary school have the choice of making private room and board arrangements for their children to attend secondary school in Whitehorse, or they can apply to have their students stay at the 38-bed Gadzoosda Student Residence and attend either F.H. Collins Secondary School or Vanier Catholic Secondary School.

Tel: (867) 667-8067
Fax: (867) 393-6339

Home Education

Home education is an option available to all Yukon students. It is a way for students to learn in their home and community, outside the public classroom setting. Parents and guardians assume responsibility for their children's education. The Department of Education, upon request, will provide resources for those who choose this option.

Reading RecoveryTM

Reading RecoveryTM is an early intervention program for six year old, Grade One students who need additional support learning to read and write. In the Yukon, Reading RecoveryTM is part of an early intervention initiative of the Department of Education. The program supplements regular classroom instruction and is based on intensive classroom research into the process of how children learn to read and write.

Resource Services

Resource Services provides logistical and professional support to Yukon Public Schools by acquiring and distributing curricular print resources and curriculum software. Resource Services manages a large curriculum-related media library and the Teachers' Professional Library for loan to teachers throughout the Yukon. School Library acquisition and cataloguing services are provided and a Web site with all curriculum and audiovisual resources can be used by teachers and parents to locate materials. All 28 Yukon School Library catalogues are accessible through the Web site.

School Busing

Information about school busing including Whitehorse School Bus Routes, School Bus Rules and Student Transportation Regulations.

School Councils

School Councils are elected bodies made up of parents or community members. Almost every school in the Yukon has a school council. They review and approve school plans, participate in the hiring of the school's principal, and advise on a large variety of issues affecting the school. To contact a school council or to learn more, contact your local school. Or, contact the Department of Education.

Special Programs

The Special Programs unit provides special needs services to all Yukon public schools. These services include assessing students and working out strategies to meet their needs. The Special Programs unit provides the expertise of psychologists, physical and occupational therapists, speech and language pathologists, and specialists in visual and hearing impairments, among others.

Student Financial Assistance

The Student Financial Assistance Unit has five programs to provide financial help to Yukon people who are pursuing their studies beyond high school. Those programs include the Yukon Grant, the Student Training Allowance, Canada Student Loan programs and a variety of scholarships.

Student Information and Assessment

The Student information and Assessment Unit runs all of the academic assessment programs required by the Department of Education. These include, for example, achievement tests and provincial exams. The unit also tracks the demographic and achievement data of Yukon students. As well, the unit is responsible for student record and transcript information.

Student Training and Employment Program

Through the Student Training and Employment Program (STEP), both Government and Non-Government employers can apply for a wage subsidy to assist in providing summer employment for Yukon Post-Secondary Students.

Summer Career Placement

This program provides employers with a wage subsidy to employ Yukon youth, including secondary and post-secondary students, during the summer. It provides students with opportunities to explore today's workforce.

Technology Assisted Learning

In Yukon schools, technology is used to expand and enhance the learning environment for both students and teachers.  Many of our schools are located in remote communities, so having access to internet and the latest computer technology ensures that Yukon students can receive the same excellent education as their peers in Whitehorse and across Canada.

A Statistics Canada report in 2004 named Yukon as the most connected educational jurisdiction in Canada with a student/computer ratio of 2.9:1. Students enjoy high speed internet access at all Yukon schools.

Video conferencing facilities are available in six Yukon communities. This has proven extremely useful in connecting students with teachers. Through video conferencing specialized courses can be offered to small classes in remote locations. Alternatively, teachers with sought after teaching specialties in the smaller communities can use video conferencing to teach classes in the other communities.

Distributed learning courses are also a good way to increase students’ access to learning opportunities. Students in all schools have access to distributed learning courses. Regardless of their location or school population, Yukon students can study a variety of subjects through distributed learning. For more information on Distributed learning opportunities, click here

Yukon students and staff have been involved in many other Technology Assisted Learning projects:

• Elementary students participate in national science and technology programs like Marsville. For more information on Marsville, click here 

• The annual IT Fair is open to all Yukon elementary students.

• All professional staff and senior secondary students are connected through YESNet's First Class communications system. First Class provides both staff and senior secondary students with a space to communicate, collaborate and share resources.

• Many school based curriculum projects involve Technology Assisted Learning such as the recent Student Yukon Quest page, the Space Shuttle Simulation by Jack Hulland students and other student projects.

For more information on student projects, click here.  

Teen Parent Program

This program provides a supportive environment to assist young parents to finish high school. It also teaches parenting skills, as well as healthy meal preparation, money management and effective job-search techniques.

Tel: (867) 667-3421
Mailing Address: 1001 Lewes Blvd, Whitehorse Yukon, Y1A 3J1
Located behind FH Collins Secondary School.

Trade School Registration

Registration of a Trade School with the Government of Yukon is a necessary step to attract students funded by Human Resources Development Canada. It also enables Yukon residents to access Yukon student financial assistance programs.

Youth Exploring Trades

Young people aged 12 to 15 attend week-long camps in the summer months to explore the trades industry. Participants learn about the trades through construction of a go-cart which they build and later race. Other activities include tie-dyeing, mini-golf, and other recreational pursuits. Students in Grades 11 or 12, or university students, can apply to be camp leaders.

Yukon Native Language Centre

The Yukon Native Language Centre is a training and research facility that provides a range of linguistic and educational services to Yukon First Nations and to the general public. It trains aboriginal language teachers and develops curriculum materials for language instruction. The Centre is funded by the Department of Education and administered by the Council of Yukon First Nations.


Department of Education
Government of Yukon
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6

Phone: (867) 667-5141

Toll free (In Yukon):
local 5141

Fax: (867) 393-6254

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