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Kindergarten Registration

French Immersion Kindergarten
and Maternelle Registrations

Registrations will be held from Wednesday May 4, to Friday May 20, for Whitehorse area children eligible to attend kindergarten during the 2005/2006 school year. An eligible child must be 4 years and 8 months of age, as of September 1, 2005. Proof of age is required at the time of registration.

No child will be accepted into a kindergarten classroom in September until his/her registration has been completed at the school office.

All kindergarten students in Whitehorse Schools may attend kindergarten for a full or a halfday.

Registration sessions vary for each school, and parents should retain the following schedule for reference:

School Registration Time For more information
Christ the King Elementary 9am to 12 noon and
1pm to 3:30pm
Parent meeting: May 9 at 7pm
at Christ the King
École Émilie-Tremblay 9h 30 à 11h et 13h à 15h30 Call 667-8150
Elijah Smith Elementary 9am to 11:30am and
1pm to 2:30pm
Parent meeting:
May 11 at
7pm at Elijah Smith Elementary
Grey Mountain Primary 9am to 3pm Parent meeting:
May 12 at 7pm (this information
session will be held at Selkirk
Elementary for Grey Mountain
Selkirk Elementary 9am to 12 noon and
1pm to 3pm
Parent meeting: May 12 at 7pm
at Selkirk Elementary
Holy Family Elementary 9am to 11am Parent meeting: May 5 at 7pm
(this information session will be held
at Jack Hulland Elementary for
Holy Family parents)
Jack Hulland Elementary 8:30am to 3:30pm Parent meeting: May 5 at 7pm
at Jack Hulland Elementary
Takhini Elementary 9am to 12 noon and
1pm to 3pm
Parent meeting: May 17 at 7pm
at Takhini Elementary
Golden Horn Elementary 9am to 2:30pm Call 667-8130
Hidden Valley Elementary 9:30am to 1pm Call 667-8164
Whitehorse Elementary
English stream and
French Immersion
9am to 11:30am and
1pm to 2:30pm
Call 667-8083
WES K4/K5 Program – Children 3 years 8 months as of September 1 may be registered in the English K4/K5 program. K4 students must be in the WES catchment area and meet the criteria for the Whole School project. Call the school at 667-8083 for details.
French Immersion - is an option available to all parents of children entering kindergarten or grade one only. It is a K-12 program of studies that promotes bilingualism.



Public Schools Branch
Department of Education
Government of Yukon
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6

Phone: (867) 667-5141
Toll free (In Yukon):
1-800-661-0408, local 5141
Fax: (867) 393-6254

Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 11-05-2005