Business New Brunswick

Province assists with creation of new jobs in Saint John (06/12/08)

NB 1535

Dec. 8, 2006

SAINT JOHN (CNB) - The provincial government is providing Mariner Partners Inc. with a $270,000 forgivable loan to help it diversify its Saint John operation. Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Ed Doherty made the announcement in Saint John today.


Doherty made the announcement on behalf of Business New Brunswick Minister Greg Byrne, and was joined by Bob Justason, chief operating officer of Mariner Partners Inc.; Michelle Hooton, Saint John deputy mayor; and Neil Jacobsen of Enterprise Saint John.

Mariner Partners Inc. provides management consulting and professional services to the information and communication technology (ICT) sector. The forgivable loan will enable the company to open a remote development software office that will provide outsourcing services to the Internet protocol television market, creating up to 27 new jobs in Saint John.

"Our government is proud to partner with this dynamic company to create sustainable, high-end technology jobs here in New Brunswick," Doherty said. "Mariner Partners is a proven leader in the ICT sector, and we want to help it continue to diversify the industry in the province. Our government believes that strategic investments like this will help to set New Brunswick on a path to self-sufficiency by 2025."

"Mariner Partners is pleased to be participating with the province in renewing the ICT sector in New Brunswick," Justason said. "Mariner Partners believes it can effectively utilize Saint John as its base of operations in participating in a global marketplace. The quality and skill level of the resources available in New Brunswick enables it to effectively compete with much larger international firms."

Mariner Partners Inc. was founded in 2003 by five senior ICT professionals. It provides expertise to companies in New Brunswick and beyond, in business and process development, automation, and government and regulatory affairs. With this new operation, Mariner Partners Inc. will work with major telecommunication companies in Canada and the United States, and is now exploring new opportunities in Europe.


MEDIA CONTACTS: Ryan Donaghy, communications, Business New Brunswick, 506-453-2694; Paul O'Hara, Mariner Partners Inc., 506-642-9049.
