Executive Council
November 24, 2006

The following is being distributed at the request of His Honour, the Honourable Edward Roberts, Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador:

Order of Newfoundland and Labrador Recipients to be Invested on December 8

The Honourable Edward Roberts, Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador and Chancellor of the Order of Newfoundland and Labrador, today announced the names of nine men and women who will be inducted into the Order of Newfoundland and Labrador.

The individuals are: Michael B. Adam, Sr. Kathrine E. Bellamy, Mary G. Furey, Bradley Gushue, Jamie A. Korab, Mark Nichols, Tobias F. McDonald and Bessie Merrigan. Russ Howard of New Brunswick will become an Honourary Member of the Order. The investiture will take place at Government House on Friday, December 8, 2006.

"The spirit and intent of the Order is very evident in the outstanding accomplishments of the newest recipients of the Order," said Mr. Roberts. "Each of these individuals has contributed to the betterment of Newfoundland and Labrador and its residents, encouraging excellence in each and every one of us. I am delighted, as chancellor of the Order, to recognize formally the achievement of these women and men. They have added greatly to the cultural and social well-being of our province."

The Honourable Danny Williams said he looks forward to witnessing the investiture of these nine individuals to the highest Order the province has to offer. "Our sporting community, the literacy movement in our province, our musical heritage, as well as the family unit and community at large, have all been positively influenced by the outstanding contributions of these recipients," said the Premier. "They have enriched the lives of the people of Newfoundland and Labrador, and it will be an honour to be there as they are recognized for merit of the highest degree."

The Order of Newfoundland and Labrador is the highest honour of the province. The object of the Order is to recognize individuals who have demonstrated excellence and achievement in any field of endeavour benefiting in an outstanding manner Newfoundland and Labrador and its residents. The first investiture took place in 2004.

Nominations for the next induction into the Order of Newfoundland and Labrador may be made until January 31, 2007. For more information, please visit our Web site at www.gov.nl.ca/onl



Michael B. Adam
Mike Adam has displayed true sportsmanship throughout his curling career. His dedication to training and competition and unstinting commitment to his team and its goals proves that the realization of a sports dream is within the grasp of a focused athlete.

Sister Kathrine Bellamy
Sister Kathrine Bellamy, through her leadership and dedication to music and teaching, has motivated thousands of children and inspired a new generation of educators and leaders. Her work is an outstanding example of leadership, dedication, musicianship and service to others.

Mary G. Furey
Mary Furey, who has spent a lifetime as a volunteer helping the needy and less fortunate in our society, knows first hand what dedication to others can inspire. Her remarkable commitment to her family that motivated achievement in the face of adversity is an inspiration to all of us.

Bradley Gushue
Brad Gushue has become one of the most renowned curlers in Canada and, indeed, the world. His leadership and dedication to his team’s pursuit of excellence in the 2006 Olympics has affected us all and immeasurably raised the profile of this province on the world stage.

Jamie A. Korab
Jamie Korab demonstrated excellence in his field with the realization of a 2006 Olympic gold medal in curling. His hard work and fierce passion for the sport he loves has secured him a place in the sport history of our province.

Mark Nichols
Mark Nichols’ commitment to achieving excellence in his chosen sport of curling is demonstrated through his participation in three Canadian Junior Curling Championships, three Briers and the 2006 Olympics. This commitment was particularly evident when his accuracy rate was near perfection during the game that placed Newfoundland and Labrador at the pinnacle of achievement in the sport of curling.

Tobias F. McDonald
Toby McDonald has made unprecedented and extraordinary achievements throughout his long standing curling career as a curler and a coach. His accomplishments have made indelible marks in the curling community provincially, nationally and internationally.

Bessie Merrigan
Bessie Merrigan has been a committed volunteer to the literacy movement in Newfoundland and Labrador for more than three decades. From helping adults around her kitchen table to chairing national conferences on the subject, Ms. Merrigan is recognized as a champion of literacy and revered as one of the strengths of the Humber Literacy Council.

Russ Howard
Internationally renowned Russ Howard has won numerous national and international curling titles. He is also innovator of the Moncton Rule which evolved into the Free Guard Zone, now part of international and Olympic curling rules. He contributed this wealth of knowledge and expertise to this province in a very personal way making history at the 2006 Winter Olympics and endearing himself to the people of this province.


Media contact:

Elizabeth Matthews
Director of Communications
Office of the Premier
709-729-3960, 351-1227

Melony O’Neill
(709) 729-0557
Lori Anne Companion
Government House
(709) 729-4494


2006 11 24 4:00 p.m.

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