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Chapter 14 - Water Management

14.1.0 Objective

14.1.1 The objective of this chapter is to maintain the Water of the Yukon in a natural condition while providing for its sustainable use.

14.2.0 Definitions

In this chapter, the following definitions shall apply.

"Board" means the Water Board established for the Yukon pursuant to Laws of General Application.

"Domestic Use" has the same meaning as in the Northern Inland Waters Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. N-25.

"Licence" means a licence issued pursuant to the Northern Inland Waters Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. N-25.

"Traditional Use" means the Use of Water, without substantially altering the quality, quantity or rate of flow, including seasonal rate of flow, by a Yukon Indian Person for trapping and non-commercial Harvesting, including transportation relating to such trapping and Harvesting or for traditional heritage, cultural and spiritual purposes.

"Use" includes the deposit of Waste into Water.

"Waste" has the same meaning as in the Northern Inland Waters Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. N-25.

"Water" has the same meaning as "waters" in the Northern Inland Waters Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. N-25.

14.3.0 General

14.3.1 The property in Water in the Yukon shall be determined by Laws of General Application.

14.3.2 Nothing in this chapter shall derogate from the ability of any Person to use Water for a Domestic Use in accordance with Laws of General Application.

14.4.0 Water Board

14.4.1 The Council for Yukon Indians shall nominate one-third of the members of the Board.

14.4.2 The Minister, in Consultation with the Board, shall appoint a chairperson and vice-chairperson from among the Board's members.

14.5.0 Water Rights of Yukon First Nations

14.5.1 Subject to Laws of General Application, a Yukon Indian Person shall have the right to use Water for a Traditional Use in the Yukon.

14.5.2 Notwithstanding Laws of General Application and 14.5.5, no Licence, fee or charge shall be required for a Traditional Use in the Yukon.

14.5.3 Nothing in 14.5.1 shall be construed to grant a priority of Use or a right to compensation.

14.5.4 Notwithstanding 14.3.1, and subject to the provisions of the Umbrella Final Agreement, a Yukon First Nation shall have the exclusive right to use Water which is on or flowing through its Settlement Land when such Water is on or flowing through its Settlement Land.

14.5.5 A Yukon First Nation's Use of Water under 14.5.4 is subject to Laws of General Application, provided that the Board shall not: refuse to issue a Licence for a Use by the Yukon First Nation; or impose terms and conditions in a Licence that are inconsistent with any terms and conditions of a Yukon First Nation assignment pursuant to 14.5.7,

    unless the Board is satisfied that such Water Use will: substantially alter the quantity, quality or rate of flow, including seasonal rate of flow, of Water; or result in a deposit of Waste prohibited by the Northern Inland Waters Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. N-25.

14.5.6 Unless otherwise authorized by Law, a Yukon First Nation's Use of Water under 14.5.1 to 14.5.4 shall be subject to: public navigation and passage on Water; the Use of Water for emergency purposes; any hunting, trapping or fishing by the public; and right of access set out in a Settlement Agreement.

14.5.7 A Yukon First Nation may assign in whole or in part a right to use Water set out in 14.5.4 and an assignee's Use of Water shall be subject to 14.5.5 and 14.5.6.

14.5.8 Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to derogate from a Yukon First Nation's or a Yukon Indian Person's Use of Water on Non-Settlement Land in accordance with Law.

14.6.0 Government's Management Powers

14.6.1 Notwithstanding a Yukon First Nation's ownership of certain Beds of waterbodies, Government has the right to protect and manage Water and Beds of waterbodies, and to use Water incidental to that right, throughout the Yukon for: management, protection and research in respect of Fish and Wildlife and their habitats; protection and management of navigation and transportation, establishment of navigation aids and devices, and dredging of the Beds of Navigable Waters; protection of Water supplies from contamination and degradation; emergency purposes, including fighting fires and flood and icing control; research and sampling of Water quality and quantity; and other such Government public purposes.

14.7.0 Water Rights of Other Parties on Settlement Land

14.7.1 Subject to 14.12.0, any Person who has a right or interest in Settlement Land, except an interest in land granted by the Yukon First Nation, has the right to use Water incidental to the exercise of that right or interest in Settlement Land, if permitted by and in accordance with Laws of General Application.

14.7.2 Where the Board licenses a Water Use to a Person referred to in 14.7.1, the term of that Licence shall not extend beyond the term of the right or interest in Settlement Land.

14.7.3 A Person holding a Licence pursuant to the Northern Inland Waters Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. N-25 or a licence pursuant to the Dominion Water Power Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. W-4 for Water on or flowing through Settlement Land when such Water is on or flowing through Settlement Land, which licence was in existence on the date the land became Settlement Land, shall retain the rights thereunder as if the land had not become Settlement Land.

14.7.4 Where the term of a licence described in 14.7.3 is five years or more, the licensee shall have the right to apply to the Board for a renewal or replacement of the licence. The Board shall require that written notice of the application be given, in a form satisfactory to the Board, to the affected Yukon First Nation, and shall provide the affected Yukon First Nation an opportunity to be heard concerning terms and conditions to be attached to the renewal or replacement for the protection of the interest of the Yukon First Nation.

14.7.5 Unless a Person has a right of access without the consent of the affected Yukon First Nation, a Person requiring the use of Settlement Land other than the Parcel covered by that Person's interest under 14.7.1 in order to exercise a right to use Water under 14.7.1 and 14.7.3 has a right of access to use that Settlement Land with the consent of the affected Yukon First Nation or, failing consent, an order of the Surface Rights Board setting out terms and conditions of access.

14.7.6 The Surface Rights Board shall not make an order under 14.7.5 unless the Person seeking access satisfies the Surface Rights Board that: such access is reasonably required; and such access is not also practicable and reasonable across Crown Land.

14.7.7 Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to limit the Board's ability to refuse to issue a Licence to a Person referred to in 14.7.0.

14.7.8 After three years from the Effective Date of a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement and only in respect to the term following the expiry of that three year period, a Person holding a Licence described in 14.7.3 shall be liable to pay compensation under the provisions of this chapter to the Yukon First Nation in respect of the exercise of such Licence, and shall be subject to the provisions of 14.11.0 and 14.12.0.

14.8.0 Protection of Quantity, Quality and Rate of Flow of Water

14.8.1 Subject to the rights of Water users authorized in accordance with this chapter and Laws of General Application, a Yukon First Nation has the right to have Water which is on or flowing through or adjacent to its Settlement Land remain substantially unaltered as to quantity, quality and rate of flow, including seasonal rate of flow.

14.8.2 A Yukon First Nation shall not use Water which is on or flowing through or adjacent to its Settlement Land so as to substantially alter the quantity, quality or rate of flow, including seasonal rate of flow, except to the extent that such Water Use is authorized in accordance with 14.5.5 and is in conformity with the terms and conditions of any Water Licence granted to the Yukon First Nation.

14.8.3 The Board shall not grant a Licence that interferes with the rights provided in favour of a Yukon First Nation in 14.8.1 unless: notice, in a form prescribed by the Board, of receipt of an application has been given to the affected Yukon First Nation; and the Board is satisfied that,

    1. there is no alternative which could reasonably satisfy the requirements of the applicant, and
    2. there are no reasonable measures whereby the applicant could avoid the interference.

14.8.4 In deciding whether to grant a Licence that interferes with the rights provided in favour of a Yukon First Nation in 14.8.1, the Board shall consider: the effect of the Water Use on Fish, Wildlife and their habitats; the effect of the Water Use on the Yukon First Nation or on a Yukon Indian Person enrolled pursuant to that Yukon First Nation Final Agreement; and means of mitigating the interference.

14.8.5 If the Board grants a Licence that interferes with the rights provided in favour of a Yukon First Nation in 14.8.1, the Board shall order the licensee to pay compensation for loss or damage to the affected Yukon First Nation in accordance with 14.12.0.

14.8.6 A Yukon First Nation may apply to the Board to obtain an order for compensation from any Person not licensed by the Board and using Water in a manner not contrary to Laws of General Application, and the Board may order that compensation be paid where such Use substantially alters the quality, quantity or rate of flow, including seasonal rate of flow, of Water which is on or flowing through or is adjacent to its Settlement Land.

14.8.7 In deciding whether to issue a Licence, and in setting the terms and conditions of any Licence issued, the decision of the Board shall not conflict with a Decision Document that a Decision Body is empowered to implement.

14.8.8 A Yukon First Nation has a cause of action against any Person in respect of any Use of Water in violation of the terms and conditions of a Licence to use Water or contrary to Laws of General Application, which violation or contrary Use substantially alters the quality, quantity or rate of flow, including seasonal rate of flow, of Water which is on or flowing through or is adjacent to its Settlement Land, with such remedies as if the Yukon First Nation had riparian rights.

14.8.9 A Yukon First Nation shall have standing at all times in a court of competent jurisdiction in the Yukon to seek a declaration as to whether any Person substantially altering the quantity, quality or rate of flow, including seasonal rate of flow, of Water in that Yukon First Nation's Traditional Territory has lawful authority to do so.

14.8.10 In any civil court proceeding pursuant to 14.8.8 or 14.8.9, if the Yukon First Nation proves that the defendant who is in violation of a Water Licence is substantially altering the quality, quantity or rate of flow, including seasonal rate of flow, at the place in the body of Water where the defendant's Use of Water is taking place, then the onus shall rest on the defendant to prove that such Use of Water is not substantially altering the quality, quantity or rate of flow, including seasonal rate of flow, at any place downstream where the Yukon First Nation has the exclusive right to Use Water pursuant to 14.5.4 and the Yukon First Nation alleges there is a substantial alteration to the quality, quantity or rate of flow, including seasonal rate of flow of the Water.

14.8.11 In any civil court proceeding brought by a Person using Water in accordance with Laws of General Application against a Yukon First Nation on grounds that the Yukon First Nation is using Water contrary to this chapter or Laws of General Application, if the Person proves that the Yukon First Nation in violation of a Water Licence is substantially altering the quality, quantity or rate of flow, including seasonal rate of flow, at the place in the body of Water where the Yukon First Nation's Use of Water is taking place, then the onus shall rest on the Yukon First Nation to prove that such Use of Water is not substantially altering the quality, quantity or the rate of flow, including seasonal rate of flow, at any place downstream where the Person is using Water and that Person alleges there is a substantial alteration of the quality, quantity or rate of flow, including seasonal rate of flow of the Water.

14.9.0 Protection of Yukon First Nation Traditional Uses on Non-Settlement Land

14.9.1 Before granting a Licence in any drainage basin in the Yukon that causes substantial alteration in the quality, quantity or rate of flow, including seasonal rate of flow, of Water so as to adversely affect a Traditional Use by a Yukon Indian Person in that Yukon Indian Person's Traditional Territory, the Board shall: give notice, in a form prescribed by the Board, of receipt of an application to the affected Yukon First Nation; and upon request of the affected Yukon First Nation, consider whether,

    1. there is an alternative which could reasonably satisfy the requirements of the applicant while avoiding any adverse effect on the Traditional Use, and
    2. there are reasonable measures whereby the applicant could avoid the adverse effect.

14.9.2 A licensee who substantially alters the quality, quantity or rate of flow, including seasonal rate of flow, of Water in violation of a Licence or contrary to Law in a manner which causes loss or damage arising from an interference with a Traditional Use by a Yukon Indian Person within that Yukon Indian Person's Traditional Territory shall be liable to pay compensation pursuant to 14.12.0 for such loss or damage thereby caused to that Yukon Indian Person.

14.10.0 Interjurisdictional Agreements

14.10.1 Government shall make best efforts to negotiate Water management agreements with other jurisdictions which share drainage basins with the Yukon.

14.10.2 Government shall Consult with affected Yukon First Nations with respect to the formulation of Government positions on the management of Water in a shared drainage basin within those Yukon First Nations' Traditional Territories in negotiating an agreement pursuant to 14.10.1.

14.11.0 Water Use Disputes

14.11.1 A Yukon First Nation may apply to the Board to determine whether: there is an alternative that will reasonably satisfy the requirements of a licensee without interfering with the right of the Yukon First Nation to have Water which is on or flowing through or adjacent to its Settlement Land remain substantially unaltered as to quantity, quality or rate of flow, including seasonal rate of flow; measures can be taken to avoid interference with Water rights referred to in and Uses of Water of the Yukon First Nation; the Water licensee is in compliance with the terms and conditions of a Licence; the terms and conditions of a Licence need to be reviewed due to unforeseen impacts on the Yukon First Nation; or the Yukon First Nation is entitled to compensation under the provisions of this chapter.

14.11.2 In addition to any other powers available to the Board, on application being made to the Board under 14.11.1, the Board may make an order amending, suspending or cancelling the Licence, or deciding that the Yukon First Nation is entitled to compensation by the licensee, or a combination of the foregoing.

14.11.3 Where an application under 14.11.1 is being considered by the Board and prior to the Board's decision thereon, the Board may make an interim order restraining the Water licensee from exercising such rights with respect to Water as are specified in the interim order and containing such terms and conditions as the Board may determine including the payment of interim compensation.

14.11.4 The Board may require a Water licensee to provide evidence of financial responsibility in a form satisfactory to the Board, including cash deposit, letter of credit, performance bond or other form of financial instrument conditioned on due performance by the Water licensee of the provisions of the Licence, including provisions, terms and conditions and orders of the Board relating to abandonment, reclamation and restoration of the environment.

14.11.5 A Yukon Indian Person may apply to the Board to determine whether he is entitled to compensation pursuant to 14.9.2.

14.11.6 Where the Board pursuant to 14.11.5 determines that a Yukon Indian Person is entitled to compensation, the Board may exercise the powers set out in 14.11.2, 14.11.3 and 14.11.4.

14.12.0 Compensation

14.12.1 Compensation to be paid to a Yukon First Nation or a Yukon Indian Person pursuant to this chapter shall only be for provable loss or damage to the Yukon First Nation or Yukon Indian Person.

14.12.2 The amount and terms of compensation set out in 14.12.1 shall be determined by the Board.

14.12.3 When determining the amount and terms of compensation to be paid to a Yukon First Nation pursuant to this chapter, the Board shall consider: the effect of the Water Use on the Yukon First Nation's Use of Water on or adjacent to its Settlement Land; the effect of the Water Use on the Yukon First Nation's Settlement Land, taking into account any cultural or special value of the land to the Yukon First Nation; the nuisance, inconvenience and noise caused by the Water Use to the Yukon First Nation on Settlement Land; the increment of the Water alteration caused by the Water Use; the cost of mitigation and restoration of the Settlement Land; the duration of any of the above; and any other factors set out in the Northern Inland Waters Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. N-25.

14.12.4 In a determination, pursuant to 14.12.3, of compensation payable to a Yukon First Nation, the loss or damage suffered by the Yukon First Nation for activity contrary to 14.8.1 shall include the loss or damage suffered by a Yukon Indian Person enrolled under that Yukon First Nation Final Agreement, but shall not include loss or damage compensable pursuant to 14.9.2.

14.12.5 In determining loss or damage suffered by a Yukon Indian Person under 14.12.4, the Board shall consider: the effect of the Water Use on the Yukon Indian Person's Use of Water on or adjacent to the affected Yukon First Nation's Settlement Land; the effect of the Water Use on Fish and Wildlife Harvesting by the Yukon Indian Person enrolled under that Yukon First Nation Final Agreement; the increment of the Water alteration caused by the Water Use; the duration of any of the above; and any other factors set out in the Northern Inland Waters Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. N-25.

14.12.6 When determining the amount and terms of compensation to be paid to a Yukon Indian Person pursuant to 14.9.2, the Board shall consider: subject to, the effect of the unlawful Use of Water on the Yukon Indian Person's Traditional Use of Water in that Yukon Indian Person's Traditional Territory; the effect of the unlawful Use of Water on a Yukon Indian Person's Traditional Use in relation to traditional heritage, culture and spiritual purposes, but only on or adjacent to the Settlement Land of the Yukon First Nation under whose Yukon First Nation Final Agreement that Yukon Indian Person is enrolled; the incremental effect of the unlawful Use of Water on the Yukon Indian Person's Traditional Use; the cost to the Yukon Indian Person of mitigation of damage caused to Settlement Land and restoration of Settlement Land for the Traditional Use; the duration of any of the above; and any other factors set out in the Northern Inland Waters Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. N-25.

14.12.7 The Board may order periodic or lump sum compensation or both.

14.12.8 The Board may, on application, review and amend a compensation order from time to time to take into account changing circumstances.

14.12.9 The Board may award costs including interim costs and such costs may exceed costs which a court could award in a legal proceeding.

14.12.10 An order of the Board for compensation or for costs pursuant to 14.12.0 shall be enforceable as if it were an order of the Supreme Court of the Yukon.

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