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Chapter 1 - Definitions

In the Umbrella Final Agreement, the following definitions shall apply unless otherwise provided in a particular chapter.

"Act" includes ordinance.

"Bed" of a body of water means the land covered so long by water as to mark it from vegetation, or as to mark a distinct character upon the vegetation where it extends into the water or upon the soil itself.

"Category A Settlement Land" means land which has been identified pursuant to 5.3.1, declared pursuant to, or designated pursuant to (a) to be Category A Settlement Land and which has not ceased to be Settlement Land in accordance with 5.11.0.

"Category B Settlement Land" means land which has been identified pursuant to 5.3.1, declared pursuant to, or designated pursuant to (b) to be Category B Settlement Land and which has not ceased to be Settlement Land in accordance with 5.11.0.

"Community Boundary" means:

  1. for a municipality or hamlet designated under the Municipal Act, R.S.Y. 1986,c.119, the boundary as set out in that Act; and

  2. for a community not so designated, until such time as the community is designated a municipality or hamlet pursuant to the Municipal Act, R.S.Y. 1986,c.119, the boundary as set out in the Yukon First Nation Final Agreement of that Yukon First Nation in whose Traditional Territory the community is located.

"Conservation" means the management of Fish and Wildlife populations and habitats and the regulation of users to ensure the quality, diversity and Long Term Optimum Productivity of Fish and Wildlife populations, with the primary goal of ensuring a sustainable harvest and its proper utilization.

"Construction Materials" includes rock, gravel, sand, marl, clay, earth, silt, pumice, volcanic ash, and materials derived therefrom or occurring as a constituent part thereof used in the construction and maintenance of public roads and other public works.

"Consult" or "Consultation" means to provide:

  1. to the party to be consulted, notice of a matter to be decided in sufficient form and detail to allow that party to prepare its view on the matter;

  2. a reasonable period of time in which the party to be consulted may prepare its view on the matter, and an opportunity to present such views to the party obliged to consult; and

  3. full and fair consideration by the party obliged to consult of any views presented.

"Council for Yukon Indians" includes any successor to the Council for Yukon Indians and, in the absence of any successor, the Yukon First Nations.

"Crown Land" means land vested from time to time in Her Majesty in Right of Canada, whether the administration and control thereof is appropriated to the Commissioner of the Yukon or not, but does not include Settlement Land.

"Decision Body" means the Government, a Yukon First Nation or both as determined by applying the same test set out in 12.13.0 for determination of the requirement to issue a Decision Document.

"Decision Document" means the document issued by the Decision Body pursuant to 12.6.3 or 12.12.1.

"Designated Heritage Site" means a Heritage Site designated as such pursuant to Laws of General Application.

"Developed Settlement Land" means any Parcel of Settlement Land designated as Developed Settlement Land in a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement or pursuant to 6.1.8 or

"Documentary Heritage Resources" means Public Records or Non-Public Records, regardless of physical form or characteristics, that are of heritage significance, including correspondence, memoranda, books, plans, maps, drawings, diagrams, pictorial or graphic works, photographs, films, microforms, sound recordings, videotapes, machine-readable records, and any copy thereof.

"Effective Date" means the date on which a Yukon First Nation's Final Agreement takes effect.

"Encumbering Right" means every licence, permit or other right, and every right, title or interest described in 5.4.2.

"Existing Mineral Right" means a Mineral Right, other than a right to locate a claim or an unrecorded right to explore for Minerals other than Petroleum, existing at the date the affected land became Settlement Land and includes any renewal or replacement of such a Mineral Right or a new right described in

"Exotic Species" means a vertebrate animal of any species or sub-species that is not indigenous to the Yukon.

"Fee Simple Settlement Land" means land which has been identified pursuant to 5.3.1, declared pursuant to, or designated pursuant to (b) to be Fee Simple Settlement Land and which has not ceased to be Settlement Land in accordance with 5.11.0.

"Fish" includes:

  1. portions of fish;

  2. shellfish, crustaceans, marine animals, marine plants and portions thereof;

  3. the eggs, spawn, larvae, spat and juvenile stages of fish, shellfish, crustaceans and marine animals; and

  4. such fish products and by-products as are prescribed pursuant to section 34 of the Fisheries Act, R.S. 1985, c.F-14.

"Flooding Right" means the right to expropriate, provided by Laws of General Application and the Umbrella Final Agreement, for constructing, maintaining and operating a hydro-electric or water storage facility.

"Freshwater Fish" means all Fish found in the Yukon other than Salmon, but does not include Exotic Species or Transplanted Population, unless otherwise agreed by the parties to a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement.

"Gas" means natural gas and includes all substances other than Oil that are produced in association with natural gas.

"Government" means Canada or the Yukon, or both, depending upon which government or governments have responsibility, from time to time, for the matter in question.

"Harvesting" means gathering, hunting, trapping or fishing in accordance with a Settlement Agreement.

"Heritage Resources" includes Moveable Heritage Resources, Heritage Sites and Documentary Heritage Resources.

"Heritage Site" means an area of land which contains Moveable Heritage Resources, or which is of value for aesthetic or cultural reasons.

"Land Set Aside" means land in the Yukon reserved or set aside by notation in the property records of the Northern Affairs Program, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, for the use of the Indian and Inuit Program for Yukon Indian People.

"Law" includes common law.

"Laws of General Application" means laws of general application as defined by common law.

"Legislation" includes Acts, Regulations, orders-in-council and bylaws.

"Legislative Assembly" means the Council of the Yukon Territory as defined in the Yukon Act, R.S. 1985,c.Y-2.

"Local Government Services" means those services generally supplied by local government, including but not limited to recreational facilities, water, sewage, waste disposal, and road maintenance.

"Long Term Optimum Productivity" means the productivity required to ensure the long term continuation of a species or population while providing for the needs of Yukon Indian People and other harvesters and non-consumptive users of Fish and Wildlife in the short term.

"Major Highway" means a highway listed in Schedule A of Chapter 15 - Definitions of Boundaries and Measurement of Areas of Settlement Land.

"Migratory Game Birds" has the same meaning as in the Migratory Birds Convention Act, R.S. 1985,c.M-7.

"Mineral Right" means any licence, permit or other right to explore for, locate, develop, produce or transport any Minerals other than Specified Substances and to enter on land for those purposes.

"Minerals" means precious and base metals and other non-living, naturally occurring substances, whether solid, liquid or gaseous, and includes coal, Petroleum and Specified Substances.

"Mines" means mines, opened and unopened.

"Minister" means the Minister or Ministers of Government charged by Legislation with the responsibility, from time to time, for the exercise of powers in relation to the matter in question.

"Moveable Heritage Resources" means moveable non-documentary works or assemblies of works of people or of nature that are of scientific or cultural value for their archaeological, palaeontological, ethnological, prehistoric, historic or aesthetic features, including moveable structures and objects.

"National Park" means land described in the schedules to the National Parks Act, R.S. 1985,c.N-14 within the Yukon.

"Natural Boundary" means a boundary, at any instant, corresponding to the position of a designated natural feature as it exists at that instant and the boundary position changes with the natural movements of the feature, so long as those movements are gradual and imperceptible from moment to moment.

"Navigable Water" means a stream, river, lake, sea or other body of water, used or capable of being used by the public for navigation by boats, kayaks, canoes, rafts or other small craft, or log booms on a continuous or seasonal basis, and includes any parts thereof interrupted by occasional natural obstructions or bypassed by portages.

"New Mineral Right" means any Mineral Right other than an Existing Mineral Right.

"Non-Settlement Land" means all land and water in the Yukon other than Settlement Land and includes Mines and Minerals in Category B Settlement Land and Fee Simple Settlement Land, other than Specified Substances.

"Oil" means crude oil, regardless of gravity, produced at a well head in liquid form, and any other hydrocarbons except coal and Gas and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes hydrocarbons that may be extracted or recovered from deposits of oil sand, bituminous sand, oil shale or from any other type of deposits on the surface or subsurface.

"Parcel" means any particular portion of Settlement Land.

"Person" means any natural person or artificial entity capable of having rights or obligations and includes Government.

"Petroleum" means Oil or Gas.

"Property Taxes" means all municipal tax and tax on real property but, for greater certainty, does not include income tax, tax on goods and services, sales tax, or tax on transfer of real property.

"Proposed Site Specific Settlement Land" means a parcel of land identified by the notation "S" and a number on maps appended to each Yukon First Nation Final Agreement.

"Public Access for Wildlife Harvesting" means a public right of access set out in 16.12.3.

"Quarry" means a pit, excavation, or other place made by any means for the purpose of removing Construction Materials or a site identified for such purposes, and includes works, machinery, plants, and buildings below or above ground belonging to or used in connection with a Quarry.

"Regulation" includes a regulation or any instrument made in the execution of a power or authority conferred by an Act.

"Reserve" means a Reserve as defined in the Indian Act, R.S. 1985,c.I-5.

"Right to Work" includes the right to enter on, use and occupy the land or as much thereof and to such extent as may be necessary for the purpose of the working and extraction of Minerals.

"Road" means a territorial highway designated in section 8(2) of the Highways Regulations O.I.C 1979/79 as amended by O.I.C. 1987/100 and having a prescribed right-of-way width not exceeding 60 metres.

"Salmon" means Pacific Salmon of the species Oncorhynchus nerka including sockeye; Oncorhynchus kisutch including coho; Oncorhynchus gorbuscha including pink; Oncorhynchus keta including chum; and Oncorhynchus tshawytcha including chinook; anadromous whitefish and cisco (Coregonidae spp.); and anadromous Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus).

"Settlement Agreement" means a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement or a Transboundary Agreement.

"Settlement Corporation" means a corporation as referred to in 20.4.2.

"Settlement Land" means Category A Settlement Land, Category B Settlement Land or Fee Simple Settlement Land.

"Settlement Legislation" means the Act of Parliament and the Act of the Yukon Legislative Assembly described in 2.4.2.

"Site Specific Settlement Land" means a Parcel of Proposed Site Specific Settlement Land which is described as Site Specific Settlement Land in a plan of survey confirmed in accordance with Chapter 15 - Definition of Boundaries and Measurement of Areas of Settlement Land.

"Specified Substances" means any of carving stone, flint, limestone, marble, gypsum, shale, slate, clay, sand, gravel, construction stone, sodium chloride, volcanic ash, earth, soil, diatomaceous earth, ochre, marl and peat.

"Specified Substances Right" means the right of a Yukon First Nation to take and use, without payment of any royalty, a Specified Substance.

"Surface Rights Board" means the Board established pursuant to 8.1.1.

"Sustainable Development" means beneficial socio-economic change that does not undermine the ecological and social systems upon which communities and societies are dependent.

"Traditional Territory" means, subject to a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement, with respect to each Yukon First Nation and each Yukon Indian Person enrolled in that Yukon First Nation's Final Agreement, the geographic area within the Yukon identified as that Yukon First Nation's Traditional Territory on the map referred to in 2.9.0.

"Transboundary Agreement" means a land claims agreement with respect to:

  1. any aboriginal claims in a Yukon First Nation's Traditional Territory by the Kaska Dena Council, Tahltan Tribal Council or Taku River Tlingits of British Columbia and the Dene/Metis of the Northwest Territories; and

  2. any aboriginal claims in the Northwest Territories or British Columbia by Yukon Indian People.

"Transplanted Population" means, except as otherwise agreed by the parties to a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement, a population of Freshwater Fish or Wildlife that is intentionally introduced by Government or by an entity other than a Yukon First Nation, anywhere in the Yukon as part of a Freshwater Fish or Wildlife management program.

"Undeveloped Settlement Land" means all Settlement Land not designated Developed Settlement Land and any Settlement Land designated as Undeveloped Settlement Land pursuant to 6.1.8 or

"Waterfront Right-of-Way" means the public right-of-way along Navigable Water described in 5.15.0.

"Wildlife" means a vertebrate animal of any species or sub-species that is wild in the Yukon, but does not include Fish, and does not include Exotic Species or Transplanted Population, unless otherwise agreed by the parties to a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement.

"Yukon First Nation" means one of the following:

    Carcross/Tagish First Nation;
    Champagne and Aishihik First Nations;
    Dawson First Nation;
    Kluane First Nation;
    Kwanlin Dun First Nation;
    Liard First Nation;
    Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation;
    First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun;
    Ross River Dena Council;
    Selkirk First Nation;
    Ta'an Kwach'an Council;
    Teslin Tlingit Council;
    Vuntut Gwich'in First Nation; or
    White River First Nation.

"Yukon First Nations" means all of the Yukon First Nations defined as a Yukon First Nation.

"Yukon First Nation Burial Site" means a place outside a recognized cemetery where the remains of a cultural ancestor of a Yukon Indian Person have been interred, cremated or otherwiseplaced.

"Yukon First Nation Final Agreement" means a land claims agreement for a Yukon First Nation that includes provisions specific to that Yukon First Nation and incorporates the provisions of the Umbrella Final Agreement.

"Yukon Indian People" means more than one Yukon Indian Person.

"Yukon Indian Person" means a person enrolled under one of the Yukon First Nation Final Agreements in accordance with criteria established in Chapter 3 - Eligibility and Enrollment.

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  Last Updated: 2004-04-23 top of page Important Notices