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Chapter 24 - Yukon Indian Self-Government

24.1.0 General

24.1.1 Government shall enter into negotiations with each Yukon First Nation which so requests with a view to concluding self-government agreements appropriate to the circumstances of the affected Yukon First Nation.

24.1.2 Subject to negotiation of an agreement pursuant to 24.1.1 and in conformity with the Constitution of Canada, the powers of a Yukon First Nation may include the powers to: enact laws and regulations of a local nature for the good government of its Settlement Land and the inhabitants of such land, and for the general welfare and development of the Yukon First Nation; develop and administer programs in areas of Yukon First Nation responsibility; appoint representatives to boards, councils, commissions and committees as provided for in the Settlement Agreements; allocate, administer and manage Settlement Land; contract with Persons or governments; form corporations and other legal entities; borrow money; and levy and collect fees for the use or occupation of Settlement Land including property taxes.

24.1.3 Self-government agreements shall not affect: the rights of Yukon Indian People as Canadian citizens; and unless otherwise provided pursuant to a self-government agreement or legislation enacted thereunder, their entitlement to all of the services, benefits and protections of other citizens applicable from time to time.

24.2.0 Subjects for Negotiation

24.2.1 Negotiations respecting a self-government agreement for a Yukon First Nation may include the following subjects: the Yukon First Nation constitution; the Yukon First Nation's community infrastructure, public works, government services and Local Government Services; community development and social programs; education and training; communications; culture and aboriginal languages; spiritual beliefs and practices; health services; personnel administration; civil and family matters; subject to federal tax Law, the raising of revenue for local purposes including direct taxation; economic development; the administration of justice and the maintenance of law and order; relations with Canada, the Yukon and local governments; financial transfer arrangements; an implementation plan; and all matters ancillary to the foregoing, or as may be otherwise agreed.

24.3.0 Devolution

24.3.1 Government and a Yukon First Nation may negotiate the devolution of programs and services associated with the responsibilities of the Yukon First Nation as agreed in negotiations over matters enumerated in 24.2.1.

24.3.2 For greater certainty, pursuant to 24.2.1, Government and the Yukon First Nation may negotiate the devolution of programs and services dealing with the following: Yukon First Nation authority for the design, delivery and management of Indian language and cultural curriculum; Yukon First Nation authority for the design, delivery and administration of tribal justice; and the division and sharing of Yukon First Nation and Government responsibility for the design, delivery and administration of programs relating to,


  1. Indian student counselling,
  2. cross cultural teacher/administrator orientation,
  3. composition of teaching staff,
  4. early childhood, special, and adult education curriculum,
  5. kindergarten through grade 12 curriculum,
  6. the evaluation of teachers, administrators and other employees,
  7. Health and Social Services

  8. family and child welfare, including custom adoption,
  9. substance abuse programs,
  10. juvenile offender programs,
  11. child development programs,
  12. programs for the mentally, physically, emotionally or socially disabled,
  13. other health and social services that the parties may agree to from time to time,
  14. Justice

  15. policing and enforcement of law,
  16. corrections,
  17. probation services,
  18. community conflict resolution,
  19. Employment Opportunities

  20. increased employment opportunities for Yukon Indian People; and such other programs and services as the parties may agree.

24.4.0 Participation

24.4.1 The parties to the Umbrella Final Agreement may negotiate guaranteed representation for Yukon First Nations on government commissions, councils, boards and committees in the Yukon established to deal with the following matters: education; health and social services; justice and law enforcement; and other matters as may be agreed.

24.5.0 Yukon First Nation Constitutions

24.5.1 Negotiations regarding a Yukon First Nation constitution may include the following: composition, structure and powers of the Yukon First Nation government institutions; membership; election procedures; meeting procedures; financial management procedures; composition and powers of all committees; the rights of individual members of a Yukon First Nation with respect to the powers of the Yukon First Nation government institutions; amending procedures; internal management of the Yukon First Nation, including regional or district management structures; and use, occupation and disposition of the Yukon First Nation's Settlement Land and resources.

24.6.0 Financial Transfer Arrangements

24.6.1 The intent of any financial transfer arrangement negotiated in accordance with shall be to: specify a method for determining levels of Government financial transfers to the Yukon First Nation in question; specify obligations of all parties, including minimum program delivery standards for programs to be delivered by the Yukon First Nation; and specify accountability requirements with respect to transferred funds.

24.6.2 Such financial transfer arrangements shall address requirements for contributions from the Government towards the funding of Yukon First Nation institutions and programs.

24.6.3 Financial transfer arrangements may provide for the transfer of funds through a block-funding mechanism.

24.6.4 Financial transfer arrangements may be re-negotiable every five years.

24.7.0 Regional or District Structures

24.7.1 A Yukon First Nation, Canada, the Yukon and Yukon municipalities, may develop common administrative or planning structures within a community, region or district of the Yukon and these structures shall: remain under the control of all Yukon residents within that district; and include direct representation by the affected Yukon First Nations within that district.

24.8.0 Status of Yukon First Nations under the Income Tax Act

24.8.1 Agreements negotiated pursuant to 24.1.1 shall include provisions respecting the status of a Yukon First Nation as a municipality or public body performing the functions of government or a municipal corporation under the Income Tax Act, S.C. 1970-71-72,c.63.

24.8.2 Unless the parties otherwise agree, an entity described in 24.8.1 shall be restricted by its enabling authority to the provision of government or other public services and, in particular, it shall not engage in commercial activities nor control any entity that carries on a commercial activity or is engaged in making investments.

24.9.0 Legislation

24.9.1 The parties to the Umbrella Final Agreement shall negotiate guidelines for drafting Legislation to bring into effect agreements negotiated pursuant to 24.1.1.

24.9.2 Subject to 24.9.1, the Yukon shall recommend to its Legislative Assembly, Legislation separate from the Settlement Legislation to bring into effect those agreements negotiated pursuant to 24.1.1 for which the Yukon has legislative authority.

24.9.3 Subject to 24.9.1, Canada shall recommend to Parliament Legislation separate from the Settlement Legislation to bring into effect those agreements negotiated pursuant to 24.1.1 for which Canada has legislative authority.

24.10.0 Amendment

24.10.1 Government shall consult with affected Yukon First Nations before recommending to Parliament or the Yukon Legislative Assembly, as the case may be, Legislation to amend or repeal Legislation enacted to give effect to those agreements negotiated pursuant to 24.1.1.

24.10.2 The manner of consultation in 24.10.1 shall be set out in each self-government agreement.

24.10.3 Yukon First Nations constitutions may be amended only by internal amending formulae or by amendment to the self-government Legislation.

24.11.0 Process

24.11.1 Prior to commencing substantive negotiations on self-government agreements, the parties to such negotiations shall agree on: the order in which the matters to be negotiated are to be addressed; the time frame within which negotiations will take place, which shall be concurrent with time frames established for the negotiation of Yukon First Nation Final Agreements; and such other matters as may be necessary or desirable to ensure that negotiations proceed in a logical and efficient manner.

24.11.2 Funding for negotiations shall be according to federal policy for self-government negotiations.

24.12.0 Protection

24.12.1 Agreements entered into pursuant to this chapter and any Legislation enacted to implement such agreements shall not be construed to be treaty rights within the meaning of section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.

24.12.2 Nothing in this chapter or in the Settlement Agreements shall preclude Yukon First Nations, if agreed to by the Yukon First Nations and Canada, from acquiring constitutional protection for self-government as provided in future constitutional amendments.

24.12.3 Any amendments to this chapter related to the constitutional protection for self-government in whole or in part shall be by agreement of Canada and the Yukon First Nations.

24.12.4 Nothing in 24.12.1, 24.12.2 or 24.12.3 shall be construed to affect the interpretation of aboriginal rights within the meaning of sections 25 or 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.

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Last Updated: 2004-04-23 top of page Important Notices