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Chapter 2 - General Provisions

2.1.0 The Umbrella Final Agreement

2.1.1 Ratification of the Umbrella Final Agreement by the Yukon First Nations, through the Council for Yukon Indians, and by Canada and the Yukon signifies their mutual intention to negotiate Yukon First Nation Final Agreements in accordance with the Umbrella Final Agreement.

2.1.2 The Umbrella Final Agreement does not create or affect any legal rights.

2.1.3 A Yukon First Nation Final Agreement shall include the provisions of the Umbrella Final Agreement and the specific provisions applicable to that Yukon First Nation.

2.2.0 Settlement Agreements

2.2.1 Settlement Agreements shall be land claims agreements within the meaning of section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.

2.2.2 Nothing in a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement shall affect any aboriginal claim, right, title or interest of a Yukon First Nation claimed in British Columbia or the Northwest Territories.

2.2.3 Settlement Agreements shall not affect the identity of aboriginal people of the Yukon as aboriginal people of Canada.

2.2.4 Subject to 2.5.0, 5.9.0, 5.10.1 and 25.2.0, Settlement Agreements shall not affect the ability of aboriginal people of the Yukon to exercise, or benefit from, any existing or future constitutional rights for aboriginal people that may be applicable to them.

2.2.5 Settlement Agreements shall not affect the rights of Yukon Indian People as Canadian citizens and their entitlement to all of the rights, benefits and protection of other citizens applicable from time to time.

2.2.6 Nothing in Settlement Agreements shall affect the ability of Yukon First Nations or Yukon Indian People to participate in and benefit from, Government programs for status Indians, non-status Indians or native people, as the case may be. Benefits under such programs shall be determined by the general criteria for such programs established from time to time. Programs which apply to Yukon Indian People residing on a Reserve or on Land Set Aside shall not cease only by reason of the fact the land becomes Settlement Land pursuant to a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement.

2.2.7 Except as provided in Chapter 4 - Reserves and Lands Set Aside and Chapter 20 - Taxation, nothing in Settlement Agreements shall affect any rights or benefits Yukon First Nations or Yukon Indian People may have or be entitled to under the Indian Act, R.S. 1985, c.I-5.

2.2.8 The parties to the Umbrella Final Agreement shall negotiate the processes for ratification of the Umbrella Final Agreement and the ratification of those processes shall be sought at the same time as ratification of the Umbrella Final Agreement.

2.2.9 Each Yukon First Nation and Government shall negotiate the processes for ratification of that Yukon First Nation's Final Agreement and the ratification of those processes shall be sought prior to or at the same time as ratification of the Yukon First Nation Final Agreement.

2.2.10 The parties to a Transboundary Agreement shall negotiate the processes for ratification of that Transboundary Agreement and the ratification of those processes shall be sought prior to or at the same time as ratification of the Transboundary Agreement.

2.2.11 The enactment of Settlement Legislation shall be a condition precedent to the validity of Settlement Agreements which are ratified at the same time the Umbrella Final Agreement is ratified.

2.2.12 The passing of an order-in-council shall be a condition precedent to the validity of Yukon First Nation Final Agreements which are ratified subsequent to those Settlement Agreements referred to in 2.2.11.

2.2.13 Except as provided in Transboundary Agreements, nothing in Settlement Agreements shall be construed to affect, recognize or provide any rights under section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982 for any aboriginal peoples other than Yukon Indian People.

2.2.14 Subject to 2.2.13, no right provided in Settlement Agreements for the benefit of any Person who is not a Yukon Indian Person or a Yukon First Nation shall be construed as a right within the meaning of section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.

2.2.15 Settlement Agreements shall be the entire agreement between the parties thereto and there shall be no representation, warranty, collateral agreement or condition affecting those Agreements except as expressed in them.

2.3.0 Amendment

2.3.1 Except where expressly provided in the Umbrella Final Agreement, the provisions of the Umbrella Final Agreement may only be amended with the consent of the parties to the Umbrella Final Agreement.

2.3.2 Consent to any amendment pursuant to 2.3.1 may only be given on the part of: Canada, by the Governor in Council; the Yukon, by the Commissioner in Executive Council; and Yukon First Nations by the following process,

    1. the Council for Yukon Indians shall Consult on all proposed amendments with all Yukon First Nations and shall provide the result of those Consultations to all Yukon First Nations,
    2. an amendment shall only be considered approved by the Yukon First Nations if it is approved by two thirds of the Yukon First Nations which have Yukon First Nation Final Agreements in effect and which represent at least 50 percent of all Yukon Indian People, and
    3. the Council for Yukon Indians shall provide Government with a certified copy of a resolution stating that (a) and (b) have been complied with, and Government shall be entitled to rely on that resolution as conclusive evidence of compliance with (a) and (b).

2.3.3 A Yukon First Nation shall approve an amendment to the provisions of the Umbrella Final Agreement in the same way that it approves amendments to the specific provisions of its Yukon First Nation Final Agreement.

2.3.4 Except where expressly provided in a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement, a specific provision applicable to that Yukon First Nation may only be amended by the parties to that Yukon First Nation Final Agreement.

2.3.5 Consent to any amendment pursuant to 2.3.4 may only be given on the part of: Canada, by the Governor in Council, except where expressly provided in a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement; the Yukon, by the Commissioner in Executive Council, except where expressly provided in a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement; and a Yukon First Nation by a process set out in that Yukon First Nation Final Agreement.

2.3.6 Amendments to a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement shall be published in the Canada Gazette, the Yukon Gazette and the Yukon First Nation registry of laws established pursuant to that Yukon First Nation's self-government agreement.

2.4.0 Settlement Legislation

2.4.1 Upon ratification of the Umbrella Final Agreement, and upon ratification of a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement, Canada shall recommend to Parliament, and the Yukon shall recommend to the Legislative Assembly, Settlement Legislation.

2.4.2 Prior to ratification of the Umbrella Final Agreement, the parties to the Umbrella Final Agreement shall negotiate guidelines for drafting the Act that Canada will recommend to Parliament and the Act that the Yukon will recommend to the Yukon Legislative Assembly, which shall, among other things: approve, give effect to and declare valid those Settlement Agreements which have been ratified at the same time as the Umbrella Final Agreement and enable subsequently ratified Settlement Agreements to be approved, given effect and declared valid by order-in-council; acknowledge that a Settlement Agreement is a land claims agreement within the meaning of section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982 provide that a Settlement Agreement is binding on third parties; and provide that where there is any doubt in the meaning of Settlement Legislation, any Settlement Agreement may be examined as an aid to interpretation.

2.4.3 Government shall Consult the Council for Yukon Indians during the drafting of Settlement Legislation.

2.5.0 Certainty

2.5.1 In consideration of the promises, terms, conditions and provisos in a Yukon First Nation's Final Agreement: subject to 5.14.0, that Yukon First Nation and all persons who are eligible to be Yukon Indian People it represents, as of the Effective Date of that Yukon First Nation's Final Agreement, cede, release and surrender to Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, all their aboriginal claims, rights, titles, and interests, in and to,

    1. Non-Settlement Land and all other land and water including the Mines and Minerals within the sovereignty or jurisdiction of Canada, except the Northwest Territories, British Columbia and Settlement Land,
    2. the Mines and Minerals within all Settlement Land, and
    3. Fee Simple Settlement Land; that Yukon First Nation and all persons eligible to be Yukon Indian People it represents, as of the Effective Date of that Yukon First Nation's Final Agreement, cede, release and surrender to Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada all their aboriginal claims, rights, titles and interests in and to Category A and Category B Settlement Land and waters therein, to the extent that those claims, rights, titles and interests are inconsistent or in conflict with any provision of a Settlement Agreement; that Yukon First Nation and all persons eligible to be Yukon Indian People it represents, as of the Effective Date of that Yukon First Nation's Final Agreement, cede, release and surrender to Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada any claims, rights or causes of action which they may ever have had, may now have or may have hereafter, under, or arising out of Treaty 11; and neither that Yukon First Nation nor any person eligible to be a Yukon Indian Person it represents, their heirs, descendants and successors, shall, after the Effective Date of that Yukon First Nation's Final Agreement, assert any cause of action, action for declaration, claimor demand of whatever kind or nature, which they ever had, now have, or may hereafter have against Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, the Government of any Territory or Province, or any person based on,

    1. any aboriginal claim, right, title or interest ceded, released or surrendered pursuant to and,
    2. any aboriginal claim, right, title or interest in and to Settlement Land, lost or surrendered in the past, present or future, or
    3. any claim, right or cause of action described in

2.5.2 Nothing in a Settlement Agreement shall be construed as an admission or assertion by that Yukon First Nation or Yukon Indian People that Treaty 11 has any application to or effect on Yukon First Nations or Yukon Indian People.

2.5.3 Government undertakes not to assert that Treaty ll had or has any effect with respect to the rights, titles or interests of a Yukon First Nation or a Yukon Indian Person on Settlement Land.

2.6.0 Interpretation of Settlement Agreements and Application of Law

2.6.1 The provisions of the Umbrella Final Agreement, the specific provisions of the Yukon First Nation Final Agreement and Transboundary Agreement applicable to each Yukon First Nation shall be read together.

2.6.2 Settlement Legislation shall provide that: subject to to, all federal, territorial and municipal Law shall apply to Yukon Indian People, Yukon First Nations and Settlement Land; where there is any inconsistency or conflict between any federal, territorial or municipal Law and a Settlement Agreement, the Settlement Agreement shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency or conflict; where there is any inconsistency or conflict between the provisions of the Umbrella Final Agreement and the specific provisions applicable to a Yukon First Nation, the provisions of the Umbrella Final Agreement shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency or conflict; where there is any inconsistency or conflict between Settlement Legislation and any other Legislation, the Settlement Legislation shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency or conflict; and where there is any inconsistency or conflict between the Inuvialuit Final Agreement in effect on the date of ratification of the Umbrella Final Agreement by Yukon First Nations and a Settlement Agreement, the Inuvialuit Final Agreement shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency or conflict.

2.6.3 There shall not be any presumption that doubtful expressions in a Settlement Agreement be resolved in favour of any party to a Settlement Agreement or any beneficiary of a Settlement Agreement.

2.6.4 Nothing in any Settlement Agreement shall be construed as an admission by Government that Yukon First Nations or Yukon Indian People have any aboriginal rights, title or interests anywhere within the sovereignty or jurisdiction of Canada.

2.6.5 Nothing in a Settlement Agreement shall be construed to preclude any party from advocating before the courts any position on the existence, nature or scope of any fiduciary or other relationship between the Crown and the Yukon First Nations.

2.6.6 Settlement Agreements shall be interpreted according to the Interpretation Act, R.S. 1985,c.I-21, with such modifications as the circumstances require.

2.6.7 Objectives in Settlement Agreements are statements of the intentions of the parties to a Settlement Agreement and shall be used to assist in the interpretation of doubtful or ambiguous expressions.

2.6.8 Capitalized words or phrases shall have the meaning assigned in the Umbrella Final Agreement.

2.7.0 Access to Information and Privacy

2.7.1 Notwithstanding any other provision of the Settlement Agreements, Government shall not be required to disclose any information that it is required or entitled to withhold under any Legislation relating to access to information or privacy. Where Government has a discretion to disclose any information, it shall take into account the objectives of the Settlement Agreements in exercising that discretion.

2.8.0 Remedies

2.8.1 Neither Government, the Council for Yukon Indians, a Yukon First Nation, nor any Yukon Indian Person shall have a claim or cause of action in the event any provision of a Settlement Agreement or Settlement Legislation is found to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction.

2.8.2 Neither Government, the Council for Yukon Indians, a Yukon First Nation, nor any Yukon Indian Person shall challenge the validity of any provision of a Settlement Agreement or Settlement Legislation.

2.8.3 If any provision of a Settlement Agreement or Settlement Legislation is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the parties thereto shall make best efforts to amend that Agreement or the Settlement Legislation to remedy the invalidity or replace the invalid provision.

2.9.0 Internal Overlap and Transboundary Agreements

2.9.1 Subject to 2.9.2, each Yukon First Nation has provided to Government a map at a scale no smaller than 1:500,000 delineating its Traditional Territory within the Yukon as shown in Schedule A -"each Yukon First Nation Final Agreement".

2.9.2 Prior to the ratification of the Umbrella Final Agreement by the Yukon First Nations, the Kluane First Nation and the White River First Nation shall provide maps, at a scale no smaller than 1:500,000, of their Traditional Territories, which Traditional Territories shall be delineated within the Traditional Territory map provided by the Kluane First Nation pursuant to 2.9.1.

2.9.3 Prior to the ratification of a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement by the Yukon First Nation, any overlapping claim, right, title and interest, of other Yukon First Nations within its Traditional Territory as delineated pursuant to 2.9.1 or 2.9.2 shall be resolved to the satisfaction of the parties to that Yukon First Nation Final Agreement.

2.10.0 Representation and Warranty

2.10.1 Each Yukon First Nation hereby represents and warrants to Government that it represents all Yukon Indian People who may have any aboriginal claims, rights, titles or interests in or to its Traditional Territory.

2.10.2 Each Yukon First Nation hereby indemnifies and forever saves harmless Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada from and against all suits and actions, causes of action, claims, demands, and damages, whether known or unknown, by any person eligible to be a Yukon Indian Person represented by the Yukon First Nation referred to in 2.10.1, which that person ever had, now has or may hereafter have against Canada or the Yukon relating to or in any way arising from the claims, rights, titles and interests described in 2.5.0, 5.9.0 and 5.10.1.

2.11.0 General

2.11.1 Except as expressly provided otherwise, any reference in a Settlement Agreement to Legislation, an Act or a provision of an Act includes: that Legislation, Act or provision of an Act, and any Regulations made thereunder, as amended from time to time; and any successor Legislation, Act or provision of an Act.

2.11.2 Successor Legislation includes territorial Legislation which replaces federal Legislation as a consequence of devolution of authority or responsibility from Canada to the Yukon.

2.11.3 For purposes of the application of provisions of the Umbrella Final Agreement to a Yukon First Nation, the then existing name of each Yukon First Nation is substituted for the term "Yukon First Nation" wherever it appears in 2.5.0, 2.10.1, 4.4.0, 5.9.0 and 5.10.1 of the Umbrella Final Agreement.

2.11.4 Except as provided in 2.11.3, for purposes of the application of the provisions of the Umbrella Final Agreement to a Yukon First Nation, each Yukon First Nation Final Agreement and each Transboundary Agreement shall name which of that Yukon First Nation's then existing legal entities is to be substituted for the term "Yukon First Nation" wherever the context requires.

2.11.5 Any legal entity described in 2.11.4 must have all the capacities, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person, subject to such special provisions as may be set out in that Transboundary Agreement or Yukon First Nation Final Agreement.

2.11.6 The act of acquiring or the holding of any rights, liabilities or obligations by any entity described in 2.11.4, shall not be construed to affect any aboriginal right, title or interest of that Yukon First Nation or any person eligible to be a Yukon Indian Person it represents.

2.11.7 Yukon First Nation Final Agreements may provide for that Yukon First Nation to alter from time to time which of its legal entities shall hold rights, liabilities or obligations pursuant to 2.11.4.

2.11.8 Government may determine, from time to time, how and by whom any power or authority of Government or a Minister set out in a Settlement Agreement, other than the power to consent to an amendment pursuant to 2.3.0, shall be exercised.

2.11.9 The Supreme Court of the Yukon shall have jurisdiction in respect of any action or proceeding arising out of Settlement Legislation or a Settlement Agreement.

2.11.10 Nothing in a Settlement Agreement shall be construed to limit any jurisdiction the Federal Court of Canada may have from time to time.

2.12.0 Boards

2.12.1 The provisions of 2.12.2 apply to the:

    Enrollment Commission;

    Yukon Land Use Planning Council;

    Regional Land Use Planning Commissions;

    Yukon Development Assessment Board;

    Yukon Heritage Resources Board;

    Yukon Geographical Place Names Board;

    Yukon Water Board;

    Fish and Wildlife Management Board, including the Salmon Sub-Committee;

    Renewable Resources Councils;

    Dispute Resolution Board;

    Surface Rights Board;

    Kluane National Park Management Board; and

    any other entity agreed to in a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement.

2.12.2 Unless otherwise provided in a Settlement Agreement, the following provisions shall apply to a Board: a majority of the members nominated by Yukon First Nations or the Council for Yukon Indians, as the case may be, and a majority of the members nominated by Government shall be residents of the Yukon; the Council for Yukon Indians or Yukon First Nations, as the case may be, and Government, shall put forward their nominees within 60 days of a request by the Minister; appointments of Government nominees shall be made by the Minister as soon as practicable; the Minister shall appoint as soon as practicable those persons nominated by Yukon First Nations or the Council for Yukon Indians, as the case may be; in the event of a vacancy, the Board may discharge its duties with such members as have been nominated and appointed; a member shall not be deemed to be in a position of conflict of interest solely by virtue of being a Yukon Indian Person; members may only be removed for cause, provided however that, in addition to the grounds for removal for cause recognized generally in Law, a Board, may specify additional grounds in its procedures; each Board shall prepare an annual budget for review and approval by Government and the approved expenses of the Board shall be a charge on Government; each Board shall consider including in its annual budget funding to allow the Board to provide its members with cross cultural orientation and education, and other training directed to improving its members' ability to carry out their responsibilities, as well as funding for facilities to allow board members to carry out their responsibilities in their traditional languages; each Board may adopt bylaws for its internal management and may make rules governing its procedures consistent with the Umbrella Final Agreement and with any Legislation establishing the Board; appointments to a Board shall be for a three year term except that the term of initial appointments to a Board may, in the discretion of the nominating party, be less than but not exceed three years and any appointment replacing a member whose term has not expired shall only be for the unexpired portion of that term; and members of Boards shall not be delegates of the parties who nominate or appoint them.

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