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Government of Canada Helps Boost Tourism in Kangirsuk

KANGIRSUK, NUNAVIK, Quebec, March 17, 2005 — On the occasion of the official opening of the Kangirsuk Co-op Hotel, the Honourable David L. Emerson, Minister of Industry, and the Honourable Andy Scott, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, today announced the Government of Canada's $250 000 contribution to a tourism initiative in the Nunavik region.

The centrepiece of the initiative — a new 12-room hotel — was officially opened today by the Payne Bay Fisherman's Cooperative Association. As the newest addition to Nunavik's cooperative hotel network, the facility replaces the town's guesthouse and provides three times the lodging capacity as was previously available. The hotel is expected to increase the exposure of the community and will cater to the many North American business travellers and tourists who frequently visit the area.

The $1.59-million hotel project was completed with assistance of $150 000 from Industry Canada's Aboriginal Business Canada program, and $100 000 from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Additional financial support was received from the Makivik Corporation, the economic and regional development ministry of the Government of Quebec, the Nunavik Tourism Association, Investment Quebec, the Nunavik Investment Corporation, the Kativik Regional Government through the Makigiarutiit Fund, and the Kangirsuk Landholding Corporation.

"Establishing this hotel business is the result of the hard work and persistence of the citizens of Kangirsuk to further improve and enhance the tourism industry in their area," said Minister Emerson. "I am pleased that Industry Canada was able to play a role in supporting this venture through the Aboriginal Business Canada program."

"It is great to see the people of Nunavik work together to make their area a tourism destination of choice. Projects such as this one will allow Nunavik to improve its tourism activity offerings, and ensure the world discovers the cultural richness of its residents," added Minister Scott.

Kangirsuk is an Inuit community of 501 people. Located on Payne River in northern Quebec, 13 kilometres from Ungava Bay, the area is known for various outdoor activities, including trout fishing and game hunting, and bird, whale, seal and caribou watching.

Aboriginal Business Canada provides financial assistance and business information to majority-owned Aboriginal enterprises on- and off-reserve, in urban, rural and remote areas. The program supports clients of all Aboriginal heritage groups in all parts of Canada, as well as Aboriginal financial institutions and development corporations. For more information, visit or call 1 800 O Canada (1 800 622-6232).

Funding for this initiative was provided for in the Government of Canada's ongoing fiscal framework.

For more information, please contact:

Hélène Philippe
Regional Communications Manager
Quebec Regional Office
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
(418) 648-7675

Media Relations
Industry Canada
(613) 943-2502

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Date Modified: 2005-10-03 Top of Page Important Notices