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Minister of Aboriginal and Northern Affairs

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Oscar Lathlin
Oscar Lathlin
Minister of Aboriginal and Northern Affairs; minister charged with the administration of The Communities Economic Development Fund Act.

In 1990 Oscar Lathlin was elected as the New Democratic Party Member of the Legislature for the Constituency of The Pas. He was re-elected in the 1995 general election.

On October 5, 1999, Premier Gary Doer appointed him to the Conservation portfolio. Oscar was previously the NDP critic for Northern Affairs. He has served as Critic for Native Affairs, Constitutional Development, and the Community Economic Development Fund.

Mr. Lathlin has served as a Board Member of the Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak and the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs and he has served on various committees of the Assembly of First Nations. He also served as a member of the Policy Advisory Committee of the Brandon University Native Teacher Education Program.

Mr. Lathlin was born and raised at Opaskwayak Cree Nation in The Pas in Northern Manitoba. He left his community in order to attend high school at Frontier Collegiate in Cranberry Portage where he graduated in 1969. Subsequent to his graduation he returned to The Pas where he was employed by The Pas Band as a Band Manager.

Oscar later worked for the Federal Government in various senior management roles. In 1979 Oscar became the Executive Director of Swampy Cree Tribal Council and in 1985 he was elected Chief of The Pas Band.

Minister's Office
334 Legislative Building
450 Broadway
Winnipeg, MB  R3C 0V8

T: 204-945-3719
F: 204-945-8374

Deputy Minister's Office
XXX Legislative Building
450 Broadway
Winnipeg, MB R3C 0V8

Harvey Bostrum
T: 204-945-
F: 204-945-


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