Industry Canada

Amateur Industry Canada Examiner

Amended July/2003

Software to generate amateur examinations

Software interface to generate amateur examinations

Industry Canada is pleased to introduce an exam generator software package to facilitate the amateur examination process that our accredited examiners have taken on our behalf.

This software package can produce a unique examination for either a basic or advanced amateur certificate according to the random selection criteria outlined in RIC-3. It will also generate a worksheet, and it has an additional feature that allows self-testing on a home computer.

To download a copy of this software, simply click on this link (ICP.exe). The software is approximately 1.8 megabytes in size in compressed format, which is a self-unarchiving executable.Running "ICP.exe" automatically starts the application.

Documentation and Operating Instructions

The software operates under Windows 95/98/ME/2000.

A resolution of no greater than 1024x768 is recommended because the higher the resolution, the smaller the characters will be displayed on the screen and the more difficult it will be to read. The program can be used to generate thousands of different examination sheets for basic and advanced qualification. Running "ICP.exe" automatically starts the application.

The examiner appears as a graphic user interface. Simply click on "Test" to access the examination sheet. You can also select the language you prefer. It is possible to search the entire question bank or produce a sample examination. This feature can be displayed on the screen by clicking on the answer of your choice, or a hard copy can be printed along with the answers as if you were in a real exam. You may print the questions, the answers or the form only, or you may print everything at once. The font size for the exam sheet can be modified. To obtain help, click on "Options", and a blinking prompt will appear in front of the correct answer if the mouse pointer is placed over one of the four answer buttons.

A counter in a window at the top of the interface indicates the number of correct answers and keeps a running total of the number of questions asked. As more and more training sessions are completed, statistics on the sessions can be graphed and displayed with the percentages obtained. To do this, click on the "Add" button in the "Log" module to enter the current test in the statistics data bank.

The sound can be turned on or off by checking the appropriate box in the "Options" menu.

The Windows calculator can be accessed at any time by clicking on "Calc".

Keyboard commands: 

To select answer A
push the A key, B for B, C for C, and D for D

Home key
takes you to the first question.

End key
takes you to the last question.

Down arrow key:
takes you to the next question.

Up arrow key
takes you to the previous question.

Copyright (c) 2000 Industry Canada. All rights reserved.

Government of Canada Updated: 2005-11-02