Canadian Information Centre for International Medical Graduates
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This web site is a central resource for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) (also referred to as Internationally Trained Physicians). It will be useful for IMGs who are currently overseas and for IMGs that are already in Canada.

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This web site has been developed in collaboration with the Canadian Task Force on International Medical Graduate Licensure, the IMG Implementation Steering Committee and the Association of International Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (AIPSO). Funding for the web site is provided by the Government of Canada - Health Canada. The site is managed by AIPSO.


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The material and information provided on this web site is for information purposes only and may contain inaccuracies and/or be out of date.  You should independently verify the accuracy and timeliness of any information you obtain from this web site before relying upon it.  The Medical Council of Canada (“MCC”) has compiled this information for your convenience, but cannot make any promises, representations or warranties with respect to its accuracy or timeliness and MCC and its agents, information providers and licensors shall have no responsibility or liability to you for the information on this web site or any information provided by or made available by other sources or for material on the linked sites, or your reliance on any of the foregoing.  With respect to any third-party material available through links on this web site, you should refer to all original reference links for the most current information.