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Public Notice 1998-2

Representation Vote for Directors
("Metteurs en scène")
Tribunal File Nos. 95-0016-A & 95-0021-A

The Association des professionnels des arts de la scène du Québec (APASQ) and the Union des Artistes (Union des Artistes) have each filed an application for certification with the Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal. APASQ and Union des Artistes are both seeking the right to represent a sector composed of stage directors ("metteurs en scène") for the purpose of collective bargaining with producers subject to the Status of the Artist Act.

In a decision rendered on December 30, 1997, the Tribunal determined that the following sector of stage directors would be suitable for collective bargaining:

A sector composed of all independent contractors engaged by a producer subject to the Status of the Artist Act to perform the duties of director in a French-language stage production of a literary, musical or dramatic work or a mime, variety, circus or puppet show.

The Tribunal ordered that a representation vote be conducted in order to determine which association should be certified to represent directors of French language stage productions.

The list of potential voters that appears below was prepared using lists provided by APASQ and Union des Artistes. If your name appears on the list below, you will receive the documentation required to participate in the representation vote.

If you are a director of professional French language stage productions* ("metteur en scène") and your nae does NOT appear on the list below, you may register to vote if you:

  1. have directed three professional productions during the period from September 13, 1994 to September 12, 1997; or

  2. have directed 10 professional productions during your career, one of which was during the period of September 13, 1994 to September 12, 1997; or

  3. are recognized as a stage director in the field and you continue to practice this profession on a regular basis.

* The term "professional production" means those which were publicly presented and for which the artist received remuneration, including productions done for a fee as part of a year end presentation by graduating students at a recognized theatre school.

To register for the voters' list, please contact the Registrar of the Tribunal, Josée Dubois, at 1-800-263-2787. Registration closes at 5:00 PM on May 15, 1998. In order to register, you will be required to provide your name, mailing address and telephone number. Please note that after the expiry of the deadline for registration, the complete list of voters, including names and addresses, will be provided to APASQ and the UDA.

Marthe Adam
Vladimir Agreev
France Arbour
Gabriel Arcand
Jean Asselin
Diane Aubin
Robert Philippe Babin
Paule Baillargeon
Petr Baran
Josée Beaulieu
Sylvi Belleau
Eudore Belzille
Jean-Pierre Bergeron
Michel Bergeron
Pierre Bernard
Jean Besré
François Bienvenue
Roger Blay
Jean Boilard
Michèle Boisvert
Johanne (Marie) Bolduc
André Bonsang
Mario Bouchard
Alpha Boucher
Sylvie Bourque
Guy (Borza) Boutet
Lorne Brass
Denis Brassard
Benoît Brière
Dean Brisson
Mark Bromilow
Ariane Buhbinder
Paul Buissonneau
Alexandre Buysse
Normand Canac-Marquis
Denys Caron
Guy Caron
Serge Carrier
François Cartier
Reynald Cauchon
Martine Chagnon
Dominic Champagne
Jean Charest
Henri Chassé
Normand Chouinard
Richard Comar
Carole Corbeil
François Cormier
Gilles Cormier
Sonia Chatouille Côté
Michelle Courchesne
Joël Da Silva
Yves Dagenais
Serge Denoncourt
Nathalie Derome
Nathalie Deschamps
Yves Desgagnés
Pascal Desgranges
Muriel Desgroseilliers
Jocelyn Desjarlais
Yves Désy
Robert Dion
Isabel Dos Santos
André Doucet
Denis Drolet
Gilbert Dumas
Michel Dumont
Robert Duparc
Karl-Patrice Dupuis
Nicole Filion
Richard Fortin
Pierre-André Fournier
Cyrille-Gauvin Francoeur
André Gagnon
Denise Gagnon
Gérald Gagnon
Jacques-Henri Gagnon
Manon Gagnon
René Gagnon
Robert Gagnon
Émile Gaudreault
Matieu Gaumond
Gratien Gélinas
Normand Gélinas
Rémy Girard
Roger-Ernest Gosselin
Madeleine Greffard
Alain Grégoire
Ginette Guay
Odette Guimond
Andrès Hausmann
Alexandre Hausvater
Marc Hébert
Grégory Hlady
Germain Houde
Stéphane F. Jacques
Maka Kotto
Sylvie Labrie-Bérubé
Charles Lafortune
André Laliberté
Louise Lalonde
Robert Lalonde
Micheline Lanctôt
Martine Landreville
Sylvain Landry
Guy Lapierre
Sophie Lapointe
Michel Laporte
Louise Laprade
Marie-Louise Leblanc
Yves Leblanc
Jean-Denis Leduc
Paul Lefebvre
Réjean Lefrançois
Yannick Legault
Michelle Léger
Richard Léger
Renée-Madeleine Le Guerrier
Jean-Marie Lelièvre
Sylvie Lemay
Roland Lepage
Danielle Lépine
Nicole Leriche
Jacques Létourneau
Eugène Lion
Hubert Loiselle
Dominique Malacort
Pauline Martin
Deepak Massand
Louise Matteau
Robert Maurac
Onil Mélançon
Victor Jacques Ménard
Bernard Meney
Marthe Mercure
Jean-Frédéric Messier
Jean-Louis Millette
Michel Mondy
Pierre Moreau
Michel Nadeau
Guy Nadon
Martin Neufeld
Patricia Nolin
Geneviève Notebaert
Marc Pache
Serge Paquette
Nadia Paradis
Pol Pelletier
Bertrand Petit
Gérard Poirier
Normand Poirier
Yvan Ponton
Pierre-Louis Quenneville
Patrick Quintal
Michel P. Ranger
Christiane Raymond
Benoît Ricard
Monique Rioux
Jean-Pierre Ronfard
Pierre Rousseau
Maurice Roy
Jean-Guy Sabourin
Chantal Saint-Cyr
Jacqueline Salvas
Patric Saucier
Septimiu Sever
Philip Spensley
Jacques St-Cyr
Janine Sutto
Michoue Sylvain
Rychard Thériault
Jacinthe C. Tremblay
Danielle Trépanier
Gisèle Trépanier
Benoît Vermeulen
Denise Verville
André Viens
Louis Wiriot
Danielle Zana

Elizabeth MacPherson
Executive Director & General Counsel
Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal
240 Sparks Street, 8th Floor West
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1A1
Telephone 613 996-4052; 1-800-263-2787
Fax 613 947-4125

Created: 2005-08-24
Updated: 2005-12-01
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