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Transport Canada > Civil Aviation > Aircraft Maintenance and Manufacturing > Policy Development > Aircraft Maintenance & Manufacturing Staff Instructions




Procedural Guidelines for the Application of the National Hiring Standard

Revision No:



Number of Pages:


File No: AARP-5009-3-7 RDIMS: 1995265

Issue Date:

August 30, 2006

1. Purpose

1.1 The purpose of this MSI is to provide guidelines for the application of the national hiring standard.


2. Background

2.1 In 2000, the Aircraft Maintenance and Manufacturing Branch introduced a national standard for hiring Civil Aviation Safety Inspectors.  The development of this package was based on the work of the Maintenance and Manufacturing Functional Learning Committee.  The Committee developed a set of core competencies applicable to all Civil Aviation Safety Inspectors.  This work was refined, through a “specialized” consulting company and Transport Canada’s Human Resource Branch, into a comprehensive hiring package. 

2.2 The national hiring standard was designed to provide a standardized method for assessing the suitability of candidates for the position of Civil Aviation Safety Inspector.  The objective was to develop a methodology for qualifying a bank of national candidates.   The application of a standardized hiring practice is intended to provide sufficient confidence in the process that qualified candidates will be acceptable in any region, regardless of where they were initially interviewed.

2.3 The national hiring standard package includes a Written Communication Proficiency Test, a multiple-choice technical knowledge examination, and a behavioral-based, interview rating guide. The technical knowledge examination is updated on a regular basis to ensure that candidates who are re-applying receive a new examination.


3. Procedures

3.1 Initial Screening - Applicants receive an initial screening based on criteria established in the Statement of Merit Criteria for that position.  Candidates that meet the initial criteria will be screened in to the competition. The “Statement of Merit Criteria for Selection of Civil Aviation Safety Inspector Aircraft Maintenance & Manufacturing Transport Canada” is provided as Appendix A to this MSI.

3.2 Written Communication Assessment As the second step in the screening process, candidates will be required to successfully complete the Written Communication Proficiency Test (WCPT 351). The Personnel Psychology Center of the Public Service Commission (PSC) makes this test available through the Human Resources branch of Transport Canada.  This test must be invigilated by a certified Human Resources officer and can be taken at any Transport Canada office or PSC Regional office. 

This test can be written electronically or in paper/pencil format.  There is a small fee that must be covered by the department. Candidates must also achieve a passing grade of 70%, to be eligible to write the technical examination or attend the oral interview.  In the event of a failure, a minimum re-write period of 180 days has been set by the PSC.

Additional information on this test can be found at the following URL:

3.3 Technical Knowledge Examinations – As a third step, and only after a candidate’s successful completion of the “WCPT”, candidates will be administered a technical knowledge examination comprised of twenty-five questions.  Twelve questions are categorized as core questions, the remaining thirteen are general questions.  Each question will be assigned a maximum of four points.  Successful candidates must achieve a score of 70% on the core questions and 60% on the remaining questions. The examination will serve to assess overall technical knowledge of aircraft maintenance and manufacturing. In the event of a failure, a minimum re-write period of 180 days has been established.

3.4 Oral Interview - Upon successful completion of the WCPT and the technical knowledge examination, applicants will be invited to attend an oral interview.  The interview utilizes a behavioral-based technique, designed to assess the candidate’s future job performance based on past experience.  It is recommended, therefore, that at least one board member be trained in behavioral-based interviewing techniques. In cases where only one board member has received the behavioral-based interview techniques training, it would be advisable for that board member to take some time before the interview and explain the interview technique, the rating guide and the general philosophy behind behavioral-based interviews.  

The Maintenance and Manufacturing Rating Guide is comprised of ten questions.  Each question is designed to test for specific competencies deemed essential to the successful performance of duties as a Civil Aviation Safety Inspector.  Each question will be assigned a maximum of four points, half marks may be assigned when grading a candidate.  Grades will be designated as follows:

(a) 0 = does not meet; 
(b) 1 = partially meets; 
(c) 2 = meets; 
(d) 3 = more than meets; 
(e) 4 = exceeds expectations

Successful candidates must achieve a pass mark of 67% on the oral interview.  Candidates will be graded according to the following guidelines: 0-66 – Does not meet requirements, 67-100 Meets requirements.

3.5 Oral Communication Skills Assessment - An assessment of the candidate’s oral abilities will be conducted during the oral interview.  This mark will be added to the interview summary score and will constitute part of the 67% required on the oral interview to achieve a successful grade.

3.6 Reference Check Guide – The reference check guide comprises a set of questions similar to those used in the interview. They are behavior-based questions and will be used to confirm (or refute) or enlarge on the information the candidate provided during the interview. The interview process is not complete until a reference check has been conducted and the interviewer is satisfied that the candidate meets the requirements.


4. Assessment Table

4.1 The following table shows the minimum qualifying score for a successful candidate and the maximum marks available for each stage of the hiring process.


Minimum Score

Maximum Score Achievable

Written Communication

35/50 (70%)


Technical Knowledge Examination

34/48  (70%) core questions
31/52  (60%) general questions

100 (Total)

Oral Interview

67/100 (67%)



5. Protocol

5.1 Following each step in a selection process, managers are requested to send the screening and/or assessment information to the Recruitment Centre at APRC or by encrypted email to This information will be added to the Candidate’s Profile. Managers will be able to see all of the assessment information (results/scores of the WCPT, Technical Knowledge Exam, Interview, etc) as well as the waiting period before the test/exam can be re-administered. This will also allow managers to conduct advanced searches in the e-inventory.

5.2 All technical knowledge examinations and the ‘master’ Rating Guide will reside in RDIMS under “Projects”, Aircraft Maintenance & Manufacturing Hiring Process”. The Director and Chiefs, Maintenance & Manufacturing, will have access and will provide this information to regional management personnel involved in the staffing process, upon request.  Revisions to the technical knowledge examination will be made when required, with the assistance of regional personnel. 

5.3 Candidates that are not successful in the oral interview will not be re-interviewed unless they can provide sufficient evidence that they have addressed all shortcomings identified in the initial interview.


6. Effective date

6.1 This instruction comes into effect immediately.


7. HQ Contact

7.1 The responsible division indicated below may be contacted for information regarding this MSI:

Technical and National Programs

Aircraft Maintenance & Manufacturing (AARPF)
Phone: 613-952-7974
Facsimile: 613-952-3298

D.B. Sherritt
Aircraft Maintenance and Manufacturing

Appendix A - Statement of Merit Criteria Civil Aviation Safety Inspector Aircraft – Maintenance & Manufacturing Transport Canada


Last updated: 2006-09-22 Top of Page Important Notices