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TP 185 4/2006 Aviation Safety Letter - Printed Publication

Visualiser ou télécharger The Aviation Safety Letter is published quarterly by Transport Canada, Civil Aviation. It is distributed to all holders of a valid Canadian pilot licence or permit, and to all holders of a valid Canadian aircraft maintenance engineer (AME) licence. The contents do not necessarily reflect official policy and, unless stated, should not be construed as regulations or directives. Articles convey to the aviation community the safety insights gained from a wide variety of sources. In this issue: Safety Hazard Alert - Call Sign Confusion; Thoughts on the New View of Human Error Part I: Do Bad Apples Exits? Transport Canada Update - ICAO Amendment 164-Language Proficiency Rating (LPR); Recently Released TSB Reports; Near Repeat of Mirabel De-Icing Mishap; Cold Weather Altimeter Error-Getting Cold Feet?; How Much is too Much? Test Your Knowledge of Operations During Icing Conditions; Aircraft Maintenance Operational and Functional Checks; Flight Crew Recency Requirements Self-Paced Study Program. Available while quantities last.

Numéro TP:  TP 185
ISBN / ISSN:  0709-8103
Date de Publication:  2006-09-27
Durée / Pages:  42 pages
Révision / Édition:  4/2006
Distribution:  Mondiale
Langue:  Anglais
Format actuel: Paper

Autres formats: CD-ROM  
Autres révisions:   TP 185 1/2006 Aviation Safety Letter - Printed Publication
  TP 185 3/2005 Aviation Safety Letter - Printed Publication
  TP 185 3/2006 Aviation Safety Letter - Printed Publication
  TP 185 2/2006 Aviation Safety Letter - Printed Publication

Méthode d'achat facile
Prix : $0,00   CHACUN
Quantité :   1

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